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Posts posted by DJH77

  1. Do you have a website? A menu online somewhere? Sounds all very yummy and plan to be up that way soon.

    Sorry Mate, No website yet & not even a sign, but in time we will get there,i hope, as i'm flat out even getting the hang of computers now. Hope you find us when you come to Muk.

  2. Are Thais allowed to eat in this new restaurant? :)


    Simon, of course Thai's are welcome. In fact 90% of the clientel over the past month have been Thai's rangeing from the new Governor and his Family, twice,through to many local business owners, Bank managers & staff, Immigration & customs officers and general working class people. About 70% of the Thai customers actually order from the Western menu, mainly Steaks, Lamb or seafood. Some even telephone to book their table and pre-order dishes like Italian Spaghetti which is not on the menu but takes 3 hours to cook correctly. We have 2 chefs, one French trained & the other for both Thai & Western food who work in a purpose built Western style All Stainless Steel Hygenic kitchen which is open for your inspection at any time. I hope this answers any questions that you may have had. But i must mention that there is also a 5 star Cocktail Bar where you can sit and relax to enjoy a pre-dinner drink or wash it all down after dining in comfort. The beverage list is very extensive to say the least.
  3. No problem as long as you have a International Transport Permit book for the car plus the usual photo for your visa application. Costs- Visa 1,500 Baht, Car around 300 Baht, depends on the number of passengers, plus 50 baht on leaving the Thai side and 20 baht for bug spray on the Lao side. The roads are average with the usual motor bikes and hundreds of push bikes when the school kids hit the road. I recommend that you buy Insurance at the bridge for driving in Laos to cover the just in case and Police check points sometimes ask for it, their fine is about the same as the cost of getting it. Savannakhet has some good Hotels and of course the Vegas Casino if you feel lucky. ok.

  4. There is finally a restaurant for Foreigners in Mukdahan. It is situated on the bank of the Mekong river 4 Klm south of the Indo-China Markets, just drive south down the river road past the new Anna Wanna hotel and on about 1.5 klm to soi anurak bumroong 1 on the left, turn down here to the river and your there. Its a big house-Western style, just drive in the gate and park. The restaurant is situated around the swimming pool with views for miles up the Mekong river and of Suvannakhet and the Bridge in the distance. They have everything from Meat pies with mash & peas to the Best Steak, Lamb, Duck and Fish from the Sea, No Mekong Catfish here. So if your around Mukdahan and want the best food this is it. There are no signs along the way or outside the restaurant yet so here the info if you can't find it. Mukdahan Manor's Song Fung Khong Restaurant, Tel.042632577. :)

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