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Everything posted by allane

  1. Your post is confusing. You mention a Work Permit.Are you planning to work here ? You mention bank statements. These are not required to obtain a Work Permit and corresponding Non-Immigrant "B" visa. Are you instead planning to retire, or marry a Thai ? As I see it, your time in the monkhood is irrelevant, and you are going to have to leave the country.
  2. I was in the airport a few days ago. Near Door 8 at street level, there is still a sign advertising buses to Khon Kaen and Udon Thani. To the best of my recollection there is only one daily departure to each of those. I know nothing about exact departure times, or if advance booking is possible.
  3. In my experience, most of what you have said is untrue. That said, getting support or agreement from 100 (?) people here is not going to help you. You need to have the personnel officer from your new school talk to your Immigration and Labour offices.
  4. I wouldn't even call it pain. I would call it sensitivity. I want to close the eye when I encounter bright light, or cool wind in my face.
  5. No. It seems to have started with the advent of the cool weather.
  6. I have a minor problem in one eye. My vision is fine, and I have no pain. Tear ducts are functioning normally. But I'm sensitive to light, and also to cold air from air conditions. It seems as if this is something I could probably cure with some over the counter eye drops. Any recommendations.
  7. From the date that Immigration first opened in that building (March 2010, if memory serves me correctly), there have been shuttle buses. Since sometime before I returned to Bangkok 18 months ago, they have been using an open "golf cart" type of vehicle that seats approximately 20 people.
  8. Routine cleaning, and possibly a small repair. Western Bangkok (west of the river). Any recommendations ?
  9. That might be possibility, if my pension income was that high. It isn't !
  10. Yes, I've considered that option. Now that I am here on a Tourist Exempt entry, I don't know if my bank will allow me to transfer, say B 400,000 out. (I have about B 400,000 on deposit in my Canadian acct., so should not have to transfer B 800,000 back to Canada.)
  11. One more try: I already have a bank account, in my name only. I have B 800,000, proveable on deposit from Sept. 2022,of which B 400,000 is proveable from June 2022. I am with Bangkok Bank. Does anyone know if their branches are capable of producing 12 month statements on the spot, or is this something that needs to come from elsewhere ?
  12. I'm the OP. Sifting through all of this verbiage is not easy, especially when there are contradictions. I think I can meet all the requirement, with the possibile exception of proving that my B 800,000 came from abroad. Background: I had been on Exxtensions of Stay - Retirement for 11 yrs., but recently was unable to renew due to a lost bankbook on a closed bank account. Previously, I had no need to prove that my annual "top-up" of my bank account was done by funds transferred from abroad. I did these electronically, and have no printed statements from my Canadian bank. Because of the lost bankbook, I have no written proof from my Thai bank either. What option(s) do I have, other than going to Immigration, pleading my case, and hoping for the best ?
  13. 1. Bangkok, as stated in my OP 2. Retirement 3. 66 4. Canadian
  14. I am on a Visa Exempt entry, and want to apply for the Non-O visa. Can someone give me a list of what I need to present to Immigration when I apply in Bangkok ?
  15. thank yo u。If doing on line,whatarethe exact steps?
  16. Thank you. I am intending to proceed to a Non-O. Am I required to make a separate, earlier, trip to the Immigration Office to file the TM-30, or it can it be done at the same time I will do the application for the Non-O ?
  17. I recently returned to Thailand on a 45 day visa exempt entry. I am living in Bangkok, at the same address where I previously resided, and for which I submitted a TM 30 in May of last year. Do I need to do a new TM 30 ?
  18. Thank you. Is there a required minimum of days remaining on the 90 day Non-O Visa, at the time he application for Extension is made ?
  19. I am not a newcomer; it might be said that my problem is the opposite. For 11 years I have been living here on annual Extensions of Stay - Retirement, all using the B 800,000 money in the bank method. And despite having moved to three different provinces since obtaining the first one, I never had trouble extending. Yesterday, I returned to see the same Immigration supervisor who had refused my application last week. I asked him specifically about the possibility of getting a Non-O visa. My Thai is better than his English; the conversation was 90% in Thai. He said "OK, you go to Lao or Cambodia". I asked if Malaysia was a possibility, and he said yes. He looked again at my bankbook, and said in English "Your money good, you go Section C for Non-O", gesturing to the corner of the office where Section C is. After leaving him, I went to Section C hoping to speak to a supervisor. There was no one at the desk. Having received assurance from one supervisor, and Upon Joe here. I left. As I said in my other thread, I haven't had to make a border run since 2004. If I am using incorrect terminology here, please correct me.
  20. I worked here for 15 years. For the last 11 years, I have been retired, using the B 800,000 money in the bank method. I want to continue to do the same, but find myself unable to prove that I met the "3 months after" while I was still living in another province Feb. - May of 2022. I don't care exactly what they call it. I know I won't get a visa to do that, unless I return to my country (Canada), or "recycle" some of my B 800,000 through Canada. Either of those seem expensive. So, I'm proposing to step out of Thailand into an adjacent country, and then returning ASAP.
  21. I am currently on an Extension of a Non-Immigrant "B" visa for Retirement, expiring March 19, 2023. Due to some negligence by myself and my bank, I won't be able to get a new Extension inside Thailand. (To those who have read my concurrently running thread, I returned to Bangkok Immigration this morning and confirmed that.) I was advised by an Immigration supervisor that I can exit to a neighboring country (without a Re-entry Permit, of course), return to Thailand visa exempt, then go to Immigration in Bangkok and obtain a Non-O visa, and later, switch that to a new Non-Immigrant "B", using the B 800,000, which will have been in a Thai bank account for about ten months at that time. This will be my first border run since 2004, and my first ever one of this type. Can I simply step out of Thailand, walk around the Immigration building, and walk back in ? Or is there a requirement that I spend at least one night outside of Thailand ? Depending on travel schedules and logistics, I think I might prefer to spend as little time outside of Thailand as possible, and keep the trip as short as possible. Any other pitfalls that I need to be aware of ?
  22. - I don't have a smartphone, so don't see how getting one now would help. -As stated in my OP, I was in Bangkok Bank (last Thu.) They say they can't print a statement for a closed account.
  23. Thank you for the constructive, on-topic reply. Can you, or anyone else, give me contact details for a reputable agent who may have dealt with a similar problem. To anyone contemplating a reply. Please read or re-read my Original Post before doing so.
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