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Posts posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. On 01/06/2017 at 0:37 PM, Mangostin said:

    An official website from a branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (italian consulate in Bangkok), it's now warning that the thai Mistery of Faranging Affairs (MFA or somethings like that), will NOT let anyone marry their new found missus, unless they can prove enough funds

    That's not what it says as far as I can tell. I can see no mention of having to have sufficient funds, nor of any hint of refusing to give permission to marry.

  2. On 12/29/2016 at 8:06 AM, AlQaholic said:

    Uhmmmm......he didn't do anything? Thinking of doing something.....planning to do something....preparing to do something......almost doing something.....but not doing it....adds up to not doing it!

    He had attached gas lines to an ATM and was about to blow it up when stopped by a member of the public.  Are you seriously suggesting that a person who is clearly about to set off an explosion, potentially injuring or even killing himself and others cannot be considered liable for arrest?  So if the police were there and saw him, they would have to wait until after the explosion before arresting him?


    That's not the case in most countries as far as I am aware.  For instance in the UK, under the Explosive Substances Act of 1883 it is an offence to make, possess or control an explosive substance with intent to cause an explosion likely to endanger life or cause damage to property.

    Under the same Act is is also an offence simply to "possess explosives under suspicious circumstances."

  3. On 22/12/2016 at 8:11 PM, AGareth2 said:

    is there any evidence of domestic violence?

    Some people have already alluded to the previously linked article. Just in case you still haven't looked at it, here are some extracts:


    ''He was hallucinating and paranoid,'' [his mother] told local media. ''He didn't allow his wife to leave the house. He shot at her and one of the children and used a stun gun on her.''


    ''One time my daughter-in-law went with Jakkrit to a shooting range in the Ramkhamhaeng area for an interview with a TV programme,'' his mother told Manager Online. ''On that day, he took his mistress with him. He forced her to accept that woman as part of the family. She wasn't happy and it showed on her face. But Jakkrit just slapped her and hit her in front of all media.''


    ''After Jakkrit's arrest [....] he was facing charges of attempted murder, assault, illegal possession of firearms and committing violent acts. 


    ''[...] police refused his bail application three times on the grounds he was a threat to the safety of his mother and wife.''


    So I would say yes, there was some evidence of domestic violence. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 16/04/2015 at 9:29 AM, PattayaPhom said:

    Speed limit in that part of Phetchkasem is 80KMH. 

    If this is the u-turn right by the hospital (and which, as others have mentioned, is supposed to be closed) the speed limit there is currently 60 kph and if I recall correctly that was also true in 2015. However, if it was the next one heading North then it would be 80 kph.

  5. I was one time refused to boarding from Taiwan to Bangkok. I had to sign a letter and show a credit card, that I can pay myself for the flight back. So at the end was no problem.

    At Immigration I think they never care about having a ticket back, because till now I never showed the return ticket to immigration.

    So unless I'm misreading the responses, all the people who were refused boarding, did not have a return ticket. The person being discussed here, has a return ticket (albeit for 60 days after his arrival). So I guess the question then becomes, has anyone ever been refused boarding when holding a return ticket, even though it exceeded 30 days?

    I have to say that I have flown into Thailand on a couple of occasions in the past without a visa and with a return ticket date exceeding 30 days (though only by a couple of days). The different airlines concerned did not seem bothered.

    I understand that an airline could still theoretically refuse boarding under these circumstances but is it likely?

    Edit: I just reread the OP and noticed it says he's staying "a little over 2 months." So depending on how much more than 60 days he's staying, that could have a bearing.

    • Like 1
  6. No, I do not think it is a requirement but was related to documenting my residence address. As I said, I live in my house, which is held in a corporate name. Therefore, I don't have a lease or rental contract or a landlords housebook to show. I provided a copy of last month's electric bill for my proof of address. He took that and also asked if I had a DL, and when I said I did, he asked for a copy. The DL also has one's address on it (which was verified through the Residence Certificate one had to obtain during the process to obtain the DL).

    If you document your address with a rental contract or condo chanote then I'm sure you wouldn't need to provide the DL copies.

    What if you don't have a lease, rental contract or landlord's housebook to show and don't have any utility bills with your name on them either? What can you use for proof of residence in that case?
  7. Thanks Boycie. Just in case anyone is vaguely interested, I did a "border run" two days ago and got an extra year on my O-A multi-entry visa. It took about 4 hours to drive from just south of Hua Hin to Ban Phu Nam Ron (we took the "scenic" route via Suan Pheung) and about half an hour to do the crossing into Burma and back. We arrived at the border around 2 pm and it was pretty much deserted. I was the only passenger on the mini-bus that took me across the border and back.
  8. I hadn't heard of iflix before but having read about it here I've been trying it out for the last few days (they give you a 30-day free trial before you have to subscribe).

    It's not only available on Android and iOS - they have a website so you can use it from any web-connected device which would include smart TV's (so long as they have web browsing capability). Also, as far as I can tell, the quality of the picture is just as good as Netflix (based on my experience when I have used it in the UK). It occasionally drops down to a lower quality picture if it detects a slowish internet speed but that has only happened to me once or twice over the last several days and it always reverts back to high quality after a few seconds.

    Where it falls down for me, is the lack of up to date content. They appear to be at least one season behind on all the TV series that they have and I didn't see any particularly recent movies on offer. But for 100 Baht a month (or 88 Baht a month if you pay for a year up front) I still think it's worth it, especially to get legal content.

    They also offer Thai language subtitles for almost all their content which is an advantage if you frequently watch TV with a Thai speaker or speakers who cannot always pick up on 100% of all the dialogue on English language shows. There is also a certain amount of Thai language content although not an awful lot of the more popular stuff at least based on the preferences of the people I know.

  9. Skype world Call to landlines in uk. $13.99 per month. Pretty much unlimited calls. Can be used from your Skype app on your phone or the computer..also the web.skype interface.

    The OP is asking for something that works from a landline. Skype is not an option, to the best of my knowledge.
  10. why do they need your blood type?

    That is just an additional bit of information about you that can be obtained it needed. In an emergency that might mean you could get a blood transfusion quicker.
    No properly-run medical facility would give someone a blood transfusion based on what was written on a card. The consequences of giving someone the wrong blood type (if it turned out to be wrong) could be fatal.
    • Like 1
  11. Can anyone tell me whether I can still cross at Ban Phu Nam Ron (Kanchanaburi) with a non immigrant O multi entry visa to satisfy the 90 days exit/re-entry? From what I have read it appears ok with this visa, but not ok for visa exempt??

    Does anyone know if the Ban Phu Nam Ron crossing is open 24/7 or does it have opening and closing times/days?
  12. I was denied departing the country because my ex girlfriend the mother our daughter wouldn't give permission for her to travel and I didn't have any paperwork in place from the Amphur.

    So if the reason you were denied departure had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of the post (a lost departure card), why mention it?
  13. and what are the chances of being asked for money and plane ticket? Big chance, little? depends?

    There are of course no guarantees and it is always possible you could be asked but in my personal experience, I would say the chances are low. I have entered Thailand on a visa exempt entry somewhere around 40 times over the last 35 years and I've never been asked once for either of those things.
  14. I would like to know if it is interest or not, because I have to declare all received interest to the Taxman in my home country.

    But normally, interests are paid on a yearly basis, aren't they?

    I could indeed ask the bank, but then I risk that this free moneyflow will end...

    So if there isn't anyone else with a Kasikorn savings account, receiving monthly amounts on his accounts (labelled Cheque/Money Transfer NB and PROCESSING CENTER-SILOM SVB07126), then I must assume this is an error of the bank.

    Very strange...

    I also have a Kasikorn bank savings account and have been receiving regular, small payments with the SVB07126 transaction code. I was wondering what they were, as well. Maybe it could be some kind of profit-sharing/dividend scheme?
  15. it really is as easy as they say mate. Go for a little trip to Vietnam or hop accross the border to Laos. When you return your one year starts again. Make sure you go and come back s few weeks before expiry just incase for some reason u get crook or stuck there. Make sure they stamp your passport with the new date though.

    So just to be clear (as this is my first year here and I'm not familiar with these things) can I do this at a land border crossing or do I need to fly out and come back in via an airport? And assuming it can be done at a land border, does anyone know if it is at any border crossing are are there specific ones that are either required or recommended to be used? For instance, could I do this at the Dan Sing Khon border post - as that is the nearest one to me. Finally (sorry for so many questions but I don't want to mess this up) do I need to spend any specific length of time out of Thailand or can I just cross the border, turn around and come straight back?

  16. Kenny202 - you said:

    I have been here nearly 2 years. I extended out my non o the extra year by leaving and re entering before the first permitted to stay date. So this is the first time I am applying for extension.

    I also entered on an O-A visa obtained in my home country (UK) and am approaching the permitted to stay date at the end of August. I wasn't aware that you could extend it by an extra year by leaving and re-entering. Can you (or one of the forum experts) give some more details about exactly this process works?

    For instance, do you just need to apply for a re-entry permit, go out and come back before the first permitted to stay date, or is there something else involved? My O-A visa was granted by reason of retirement and is a Multiple Entry visa.


  17. surely these coolers could? if not maintained and cleaned properly,[LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE] cold misty dirty air this is where this virus is bred.i remember that a top hotel in wales was closed down after a guest caught the disease and died.it was found she had sat by one of these coolers that was keeping buffet food chilled and producing cold misty air.

    According to a research paper released by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE):

    ... no cases of Legionnaires' disease have been attributed to evaporative coolers [...]

    Legionnaires' disease is contracted by inhaling an aerosol laden with sufficient Legionella bacteria into the lower respiratory tract. Evaporative coolers do not provide suitable growth conditions and generally do not release an aerosol.

    In the case of the woman who died in Wales, the cause was never discovered. Various sites were suspected as possible sources but according to the NHS final report, "none of the four sites were definitively identified as the source of the outbreak from sampling".
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