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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. It may be a bit late in the day to be finding this out, but it seems as though there perhaps was (is) a cheap, effective, safe and widely available drug with a significant favorable effect on COVID-19. According to the study below, "Metformin reduced the odds of hospitalizations/death through 28 days by 58%." Favorable Antiviral Effect of Metformin on Covid-19 Viral Load Oh, and just incidentally, the same study also found that, "Neither ivermectin nor fluvoxamine showed effect over placebo."
  2. Yes, we all know that the US military industrial complex is huge. But even if we accept the premise that they "demonize" Putin and Russia, you're still going to have to explain to me how that is sufficient to force Russia to launch an invasion of a neighbouring sovereign nation.
  3. Just read a transcript of the Victoria Nuland tape. She clearly wanted Ukraine to become/remain more Western-oriented and not to be controlled by Russia. Shock, horror! What would you have expected her to say - that she'd rather have Ukraine fall into Russia's orbit?
  4. You don't have to link your True Money account to any debit or credit card if you don't want to. I don't.
  5. @Georgealbertalready posted an extract from a translation of the 2017 Constitution that says, "revocation of Thai nationality from anyone born Thai shall be prohibited." You said you read the law "years ago" and posted a link that appears to be from 2016. So does your info post-date the 2017 constitution?
  6. If he had a Thai passport at one point then (unless the Thai Embassy that issued it screwed up massively) he has Thai citizenship. Pretty sure a person doesn't lose their Thai nationality just because their passport expired and they didn't renew it.
  7. It depends exactly what kind of GBH was involved. It covers a wide range of things, and can for instance include passing on a disease to someone or causing psychiatric harm (as well as more serious offences). Assault - UK Sentencing Council
  8. Even if this random guy you met in a cafe actually was a retired UK policeman he wasn't representative of the majority of them. According to the latest survey carried out by the Police Federation in the UK, 66% of police officers do not want the police to be routinely armed. Police Federation Firearms Survey
  9. How about this Reuters article? Toyota pilots EV pickup trucks in key Thai market Then there's this report. Unreleased Toyota Hilux EV becomes a troop-carrying minibus
  10. Of course they did something wrong. Not in arresting him perhaps, but once the police have restrained a suspect, got them in handcuffs on the ground and that person is in their custody, they have a duty of care towards them. That includes making sure the person who's now in their custody doesn't expire due to lack of care or attention.
  11. What on earth are you on about, "letting zelensky negotiate"? Zelensky has been abundantly clear that he would never consider negotiating with Russia unless they withdraw from all Ukrainian territory. Zelenskyy says no Ukraine peace talks until full Russian withdrawal Also, Boris Johnson never said he wanted regime change - a No 10 spokesman did once say that in unscripted remarks at a press conference, but that was quickly repudiated as a mis-statement of government policy. UK clarifies it is not trying to bring down Putin regime over Russia-Ukraine war
  12. Not sure where your getting your information from. EV's are more efficient in city driving than on highways and AC use doesn't drain the charge "very fast" so no, they won't need to be charged "often". Also, I don't know if you've ever been in a Songthaew but the passenger section isn't air-conditioned anyway. So only the two-person driver cab (if that) would be using AC.
  13. They're not converted ICEV's, they're the new fully electric Hilux Revo model.
  14. No, they're the new fully electric Hilux Revo model being developed by Toyota. As it says in the article below: Electric Toyota HiLux ute confirmed, production near
  15. According to the scientific definitions of them, the vulva includes the mons pubis which is, "the coarse hair-bearing prominent area of skin and fatty tissue overlaying the symphysis pubis and other pubic bones." So if the laser treatment was to remove pubic hair, the vulva would be affected.
  16. I already replied to the question of them being "safer" (not a term I would have chosen to use, by the way) but for more info, the article below provides a fairly comprehensive analysis of the issues surrounding the possible use of technical battlefield nukes by Russia, including their actual effects, and what the Western response might be. What would actually happen if Putin hit Ukraine with tactical nukes? Somewhat surprisingly (to me at least) it seems to suggest that the West might not necessarily respond with nuclear weapons of its own.
  17. According to the article, CATL only just announced availability on April 9th so my take would be a) not very many and b) not disclosed.
  18. Depends what you mean by "safer," In terms of their actual destructive power, and the amount of nuclear fallout, they would cause less death and damage than an ICBM strike would. They should still never be used, of course.
  19. I didn't say anything about trolling. However I should point out that the use of intercontinental ballistic missiles is to target places located a long, long way away - usually on a different continent (the clue is in the name). If Russia were going to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, they would be tactical battlefield nukes, not ICBM's.
  20. More promising battery development news - "zero-degradation" grid storage batteries. CATL Claims New Grid Battery Will Experience No Degradation In First Five Years OK, this is not being implemented in EV batteries just yet but if the principle behind it has been worked out, I dare say it will make its way into EV batteries eventually.
  21. If that's your take on this, then I would have to submit that again, you haven't really understood what is being talked about. This research is about creating a vaccine - nothing more, nothing less. Now, it is a vaccine based on a slightly different kind of approach than previous vaccines but it still relies on taking an antigen from an actual virus and exposing your body to it in order to evoke an immune response. You still seem to be talking as if this will somehow cause certain viruses to cease to exist. It won't. This is something which will inhibit a virus from replicating once it gets inside a human body, just as other vaccines do, but (according to the researchers) in a more efficient and hopefully more durable manner.
  22. Did you read the attached article? This would not pre-emptively eliminate viruses. It would however (if it pans out) make a person's immune system more able to fight off a virus. Neither is what is being talked about here, an antiviral medicine.
  23. True, however this is not mRNA vaccine technology. It is RNAi technology - a totally different proposition.
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