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Posts posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. 13 minutes ago, jimn said:

    Yes typo error missed out the word visa. The article implies he is visting the UK at short notice. Agree on the second part about he possibly could already have a long term visa. I agree a UK visa not that hard to get as my wife has had 3 x 1 year, a 5 year and now a 10 year visa. Many people would disagree however.

    Similarly, my wife has had a whole bunch of 1 year visas, one 2 year visa, one 5 year visa, and two 10 year visas. Never had a problem with any of them.

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  2. 1 hour ago, jimn said:

    No way he could get a UK in this short timescale. If he really is going to the UK it must have been planned weeks ago.

    If you meant to say "get a UK visa" rather than "get a UK" then firstly we don't know that he didn't plan this weeks ago and secondly he might already hold a 2, 5 or 10 year visit visa for the UK. They're not that hard to get.

  3. 17 hours ago, frank83628 said:

    yeah, so the western propaganda media telling us, however they've been claiming Putin was losing the war since day 1.....

    That's demonstrably untrue. When the Russians first invaded, a lot of the western experts and media thought the Russians would win in a matter of days.


    See just a couple of examples below.


    US concerned Kyiv could fall to Russia within days, sources familiar with intel say



    A bizarre factor in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that most Western experts on the Russian military agreed with the Kremlin that Russia had a powerful army which would defeat Ukraine within two or three days.


    How Western Experts Got the Ukraine War So Wrong

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  4. On 12/20/2023 at 7:25 AM, sandyf said:

    He would have to attend unless the photo had been countersigned. If no countersignature the VFS staff have to confirm appearance has not changed.

    That's not the case. I renewed my passport last year and what the instructions say is that a countersignature is only required for a passport renewal if you are not recognizable from your previous passport photo. 


    So all they need to confirm your appearance has not changed is to compare your old passport photo with the new photos.


    Since my appearance was still similar enough to my last passport, I did not get anyone to countersign and I did not need to attend in person (did it through an agent).




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  5. What's just as troubling is that Cannon has asked both prosecution and defence to provide hypothetical jury instructions that deal with issues related to the Presidential Records Act (PRA).


    However as Andrew Weissman, a former Assistant United States Attorney, George W. Bush appointee and current professor at NYU Law School points out, her order is legally fundamentally wrong, given that Trump is not charged with offences under the PRA. He is charged with violations of the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice and making false statements to investigators.


    So whether he contravened the PRA is not germane to the case and therefore the jury doesn't need any instructions about it.


    Andrew Weissmann: 'Legally fundamentally wrong’ Judge Aileen Cannon faces increased scrutiny

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  6. 17 hours ago, RayC said:



    Who said anything about It happening "nearly 100 years ago"? The event occurred in 1990 so relatively recent history. 


    Whether Belgium has "a minor royal family" is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that, like the UK, it has a constitution that allows an unelected Head of State to plunge the country into a constituental crisis.


    Charles has weekly meetings with the PM where he can offer his opinion and, potentially, influence government policy. Why should an unelected individual be afforded this privilege?


    It's known that Charles has strong opinions about a number of subjects. If he feels that he isn't being listened to, or taken seriously, he has options which shouldn't exist to make life uncomfortable for the government.

    I actually think that the UK would be better off without a monarchy, but I also believe in accuracy and pointing out relevant facts.


    Royal assent was last refused in the UK in 1708. As far as I'm concerned, what happens with the Belgian monarchy has no relevance to the UK's monarchy, in the same way that what happens in the Belgian parliament has no relevance to proceedings in the UK parliament.

  7. On 3/17/2024 at 6:55 AM, Skipalongcassidy said:

    What's your point ... there are bad actors on both sides... why not point your fingers at them as well?  Menendez comes to mind... right?  Rather than spend your energy fighting your TDS... fight for a less corrupt government.

    The point was the quality of presidential hires. Bob Menendez was not hired by Biden, he's been a senator since 2006.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, sambum said:


    Be honest - If you were reading this and looking at the video for the first time, how would you interpret it?:- 

    "the two foreigners were infuriated and allegedly attacked the police while having the incident recorded by the police."

    Difficult to say, given that before I saw that quote, I'd already read several articles that shed more light on how things had unfolded.

  9. 11 minutes ago, sambum said:


    "I think you're misinterpreting the phrase, "while having the incident recorded by police" to mean that the video we have seen, is what was being recorded by police."


    Well, one would - wouldn't one? 🙂  

    One might, although as I say, based on multiple other reports, it would appear that two different videos were recorded. One apparently by the policeman who was assaulted, which we have not seen, and one by a bystander which we have.

  10. 38 minutes ago, sambum said:


    "But talking about who was taking the video and trying to guess their state of mind is conjecture" - WRONG!:- 


     "the two foreigners were infuriated and allegedly attacked the police while having the incident recorded by the police."


    To repeat myself, if the person taking the video was another cop (See above!) why didn't he/she jump in and help? I guess it was to make sure that they had enough incriminating evidence on the pair of Kiwis.

    But I also would like to see any video evidence of the original roadstop.

    I think you're misinterpreting the phrase, "while having the incident recorded by police" to mean that the video we have seen, is what was being recorded by police. 


    Other reports, including the one above from The Thaiger (which includes the video in question) state that the assault started while the pair were being filmed by the policeman that was attacked but that the video doing the rounds was not the video taken by the policeman, but was shot by a witness to the incident.

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  11. 37 minutes ago, sambum said:


    I was replying to your comment because it does seem odd that someone (Not CCTV) was taking a video of the situation, and from what has been said already, it would "appear that" that person is another cop, and I was implying that if it was,why didn't he jump in to help? 

    It is reported in various articles from multiple different sources about this incident, that it was a bystander who took the video, not a policeman. 

    • Like 2
  12. Here's why negotiating with the Russians seems like a non-starter at the moment. This is the Russian peace plan, according to both Russia's security council deputy chairman, and Putin's party chairman, Dmitriy Medvedev.




    "1. Recognition by the former 'Ukraine' of its defeat in the military component of the conflict. Full and unconditional surrender of former 'Ukraine' in the person of the neo-Nazi clique in Kyiv. Demilitarization of former 'Ukraine' and prohibition on the creation of militarized formations on its territories in the future.


    2. Recognition by the international community of the Nazi nature of the former Kyiv political regime and conducting UN-controlled compulsory denazification of all former 'Ukraine's' government bodies.


    3. UN acknowledgment of former 'Ukraine's' loss of international legal capacity and the impossibility of its successors joining military alliances without Russia's consent.


    4. Resignation of all constitutional bodies of former 'Ukraine' and immediate elections for a temporary parliament of the self-governing territory under the UN's aegis of former ‘Ukraine.'


    5. The temporary parliament's enactment of laws regarding the payment of all due compensations to Russia, including payments to the relatives of deceased citizens of our country and payments for injuries to wounded individuals. Establishment of the procedure for compensating property damage inflicted on entities of the Russian Federation.


    6. The temporary parliament of former Ukraine's' official recognition that its entire territory is the territory of the Russian Federation. Adoption of the act of reunification of the territories of former 'Ukraine' with Russia.


    7. Dissolution of the temporary parliament. UN recognition of the act of reunification."

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  13. 4 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Xpeng G6 SUV Coupe coming to the Motor Show this month.







    1 x RWD Long Range LFP battery 580km CLTC

    1 x RWD Super Long Range NMC battery 755km CLTC

    1 x AWD  Performance NMC battery 700km range

    Great luggage storage 571 litres, a good choice of colours both external and internal, panoramic glass roof and…..


    “ XPeng G6 is 100% electric train. Developed on the SEPA 2.0 platform and powered by 800V technology, the SUV Coupe's body is equipped with Xpeng Navigation Guided Pilot (XNGP) or ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) consisting of 31 sensors and 2 LiDARs, as well as computing power up to 508 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per S econd) from the high-speed processor of Dual NVIDIA DRIVE Orin-X. “ …….. well I’m impressed  !








    Those are some impressive figures. I wonder what it'll cost here. Online sources say it goes for between US$28,900 to $38,000 in China. So starting price there equivalent to around 1 million baht.

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/6/2024 at 4:36 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Here is an independent report on the statement that ev’s pollute more via their brake and tyre wear.




    Here's another analysis of the issue.


    Do electric cars have an air pollution problem?


    Its overall findings:


    "The study found heavier electric cars cause marginally more road and tyre wear for the larger PM 10 particles and the smaller PM 2.5. Yet once engine pollution is added in, petrol and diesel cars were marginally worse."

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  15. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    All foreign plates in one street, come....on...........................😂


    At the risk of repeating myself:



    Anyway, if you don't like those photos, just do a Google search for, "kerbside charging UK" and click on Images - you'll see any number of additional photos of cars parked on UK streets with charging cables trailing on the floor.


    Did you bother doing that? If you did, you'll have seen the multiple other images of similar occurrences in the UK and if you didn't, then it seems you're just trying to bury your head in the sand and pretend that if you can't see it, it didn't happen.


    Which is weird, because you've already seen and commented on the images posted by @Fruit Traderthat provide further evidence that you were wrong and the UK does indeed allow EV charging cables to be lying on the ground.

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  16. 20 hours ago, transam said:

    Strange the photos in the post I replied to that I can see, have foreign number plates, even one of yours...........🤭

    Last time I checked, foreign vehicles are allowed into the UK, so the provenance of a number plate is not definitive. In any event, the vehicle with what looks like an EU number plate is parked on a road that has UK style houses, bollards, road surface etc. 


    Anyway, if you don't like those photos, just do a Google search for, "kerbside charging UK" and click on Images - you'll see any number of additional photos of cars parked on UK streets with charging cables trailing on the floor.

    • Haha 1
  17. 4 hours ago, transam said:

    I posted my thoughts when I saw electric cables laying on the street charging a car, but I also noticed they are not in the UK........

    I cannot imagine electric charging cables laying on the street being allowed in the UK, but if it is, feel free to post me photos..........😉

    You might want to look again. At least two of those pictures (the last two) are almost certainly from the UK. The last one because it's from a UK article, quoting UK sources:


    Kerbside charging biggest barrier to EV adoption, says AFP


    And the third one because of the characteristic lamp posts, houses and hedgerows (nowhere else that I've ever been, or seen pictures of, in the world has that combination of features).


    The middle one could very possibly be from the UK, given that the article quoted above mentions that some councils are trialling cable gullies.


    Only the first photo is overwhelmingly likely to be from a non-UK location, based on the car number plate.


    Here's a couple more from UK sources showing EV cables lying on the street.





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