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Posts posted by johncat1

  1. They will find someone to get the reward. Then hopefully sometime after, they find the real murderer.

    It only confirms the RTP ability to investigate a crime when after 5 days they need to offer a reward.

    What time would be more appropriate to offer a reward? Please give us an instant between the event and 5 days and your logic behind nominating it.

    BTW rewards are normally offered to increase public assistance when initial investigations fail to turn up sufficient evidence.

    BTW rewards are not paid to cops in most areas of the world.

    They are in Thailand !!

  2. They will find someone to get the reward. Then hopefully sometime after, they find the real murderer.

    It only confirms the RTP ability to investigate a crime when after 5 days they need to offer a reward.

    What time would be more appropriate to offer a reward? Please give us an instant between the event and 5 days and your logic behind nominating it.

    BTW rewards are normally offered to increase public assistance when initial investigations fail to turn up sufficient evidence.

    BTW rewards are not paid to cops in most areas of the world.

  3. These pick-ups with ridiculous sound systems, typify Thais selfish behaviour. If these idiots want mobile getto blasters they should fit ALL the speakers inside the pick-up and soundproof the cab so it is only these brain dead morons that can hear them.

    All pick-ups with these sound systems should be crushed including the " Town crier " style advertising vans that cruise the streets blasting out the usual advertising rubbish..... Thailand really does live in the dark ages and cannot use modern forms of media advertising ( Like TV, Radio, and now the Internet )

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