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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. He expanded the railroad system which initially was used for the wrong purposes but after the war formed the basis for a excellent transportation network.

    Thank you meom for so graciously conceding that yes, indeed, perhaps the murder of 10 million people was indeed a "wrong purpose" in the effort to improve rail commerce.

    ***shaking my head in disbelief that we are even discussing the merits versus shortcomings of Adolf Hitler. What's next? "Satan really isn't all that bad?" "Pol Pot was just misunderstood?" *** :o

  2. A few months ago I saw an American audience go wild as John Kerry finished his speech and there was an HUGE woman with a little face in the middle of her fat, blubbery head/neck who was crying hysterically and gushing about how wonderful John Kerry was.

    I wanted to step into the TV and punch her in the face

    How ironic that in a discussion of the Venerable Lord Buddha, that you voice your emotions in such an openly hostile, aggressive, and combative manner.

  3. Most avg. Thais couldn't afford to live or at least incorporate and save their hard earned cash in St. Kitts or Antigua, yet

    Wondering if ANYTHING that Heng has said in last 4 posts (including this one) have anything to do with the topic.

    How does:

    1) Prostitution in Japan

    2) Corporate/organized crime in America

    3) Exclusivity of Japanese clubs in Thailand

    relate to the topic of British tourists murdered in Thailand. Perhaps you could move your thoughts to a new topic: Useless & Meaningless Prattlings

  4. You gotta realize that cash can fly out of your hands here and these cheap charlie budgets are not realistic.

    The cheapos cannot expect to waste away over here on their 20k budgets forever. They will fall into an abyss

    So then the people posting on their less-than-extravagent finances are just living imaginary lives?

    and at the same time, the ones that have been doing it for YEARS are... what? lying? or just waiting to fall into that "abyss" any day now?

    Perhaps you would sound less pompous if you could find less derogatory terms to describe those that live on less than a B10,000/day. If you spend a hefty sum monthly, good for you... but you might sound more "rich" (in character anyway) if you didn't see the other side in such a demeaning, condescending light.

  5. *****  Has anyone here ever heard of young attractive English women becoming

    prostitutes while on vacation in this country simply to prolong their stay here?

    They head off to Japan to earn some yen instead, if you think not, you have obviously never been to Roppongi and Ginza in Tokyo, it is full of western Backpacker girls that have decided to fund the rest of their 'Enlightenment in Asia' trip by working as 'Hostesses'.

    One girl i knew earned 12000USD in a few weeks, took off her make up, went back to Thailand, put her Fishermans pants back on and carried on taking drugs on Koh Phang Ngan then pissed off to Goa to carry on her Asian tour.

    Years ago i knew a girl from Finland that was working in Pattaya.

    But you are right, most English girls do not charge money. They are well known for being easy and totally free.

    Ask the Spanish waiters.

    In light of the subject at hand, your babblings are so irrevelant as to be completely pointless and inappropriate. I realize it may be extremely difficult for you, but try...just try... to think before posting.

  6. This thread started with a guy wanting to know what the average costs would be for an ex-pat, not how the cheap charlies can save an extra fifty cents.

    I would think that to be truly informed, he would want to know both sides of the coin. I believe that this thread has shown that, although it seems to frequently denigrate into an essay on class warfare. The same as he may scoff at the idea of staying in a very inexpensive apartment, he may just the same scoff at people that, "spend 4,000 baht and didn't buy anything really". Knowledge is power and I would hope that the point of the thread is impart as much knowledge as possible. Is one life-style inherently "better" than the other? No.

    To summarize, one can spend as little as 10,000 baht a month or as much as 1,000,000 baht a month. The choice is so poetically, "up to you".

  7. if at all possible it's best that both parties attend the amphur office & null the marriage amicably... very inexpensive & takes less than 30 minutes...

    starts to get messy otherwise... sorry not to have been more helpful...

    I appreciate the input. In this situation, the husband will not likely come to Thailand and the divorce will be completed in America. Once she (the Thai ex-wife) receives a copy of the American divorce, how to process it here?

  8. Wow, another psychoanalyst among us low paid English teacher types. You are in the wrong profession if you can make such a diagnosis after only reading less than 7 pages of a thread in cyber space. And you didn't even need to meet me face to face. Move over Jung and Pavlov.

    Is our 50 minutes up? Can I get off the cyber-couch now?

    Yes, you may... and may I suggest you head for the airport as your next stop. Your lack of understanding Thailand is amazing, eg. english teachers don't make enough to support a life-style, teachers don't get respect, etc. Rather than go on with explaining the facts regarding these erroneous beliefs, I'll stop and suggest you re-read the input on the previous 10 pages.

  9. I can appreciate your outrage at the movie poster, but I would suggest it comes purely from ignorance. While you may think it is a universally known affront to portray the Lord Buddha is such an admittedly derogatory manner, I assure you it is not. Most non-Buddhists would be completely unaware of it. The other issue I think here is the content of the movie which after reading the synopsis is NOT about religion at all. I don't think the director is an extremist anti-Buddhist or evil, more likely just uninformed. He has apologized and has agreed to change the image on the advertising poster. Don't want to make excuses for his ignorance, but hopefully we can see it for what the situation is and not make more of it than necessary.

  10. To haha,

    Encouraging to see that at least a few people have figured out that a very comfortable life-style, one that doesn't deprive themselves of all pleasures as biasedbob would have you believe, can be had in Thailand at a very modest cost. You are correct in guessing that most of the people who require so much more are those that haven't adapted to living here and require all their foods and drinks from overseas.

    Enjoy the stress-free life, haha, and the longevity that goes with it.

  11. To Mr. Shergar,

    On behalf of Thai economy, thank your for squandering 7,000 baht daily (plus whatever hotel costs incurred) daily. We certainly look forward to your moving here on a permanent basis and hope that those spending levels continue. Please, for the sake of our economy, do not believe the old adage about a fool and his money....

  12. hi'

    forgiveness is a word Thais should learn someday ...

    not feeling pity for what he has done, but feeling sad that Thai reject everything from him ... :o


    I would submit that the Thais DID exhibit a degree of forgiveness by not executing him via firing squad for trafficking 10-1/2 pounds of heroin.

  13. I have no doubt that the status quo CAN change, and yes, things do change.... but I do not believe he is personally responsible for it.    What do you feel he has changed? 


    Curtailment of civil liberties and freedom of the press (2500 uninvestigated killings last year during HIS drug war; firing employees of ITV and sacking of Post editor). He has completely blurred the line with conflicts of interest (loans to Burma to buy his satellite). He has repeatedly lowered the opinion of Thailand in the eyes of the world (bird flu lies and decrying human rights reports critical of his policies). His cronyism is unmatched. His plethora of lame "hub" ideas has made Thailand the laughing stock of Asia. Ludicrous Elite Card schemes, uneven "social order" campaigns and infantile Culture Ministry initiatives, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    It's amazing that anyone living in Thailand today is unaware of his many, many changes or if they are aware fails to see how detrimental they have become. Come out of your tower once in awhile and try to walk at street level sometime. I'm sorry if you think these are, as you say, "silly reasons" for being against Thaksin, but they are not "silly" to the people of Thailand.

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