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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. The government has insisted it will not back down from the Elite card project.

    "By God, we'll stick with this program, even if it means bankrupting the whole government treasury...."

    btw, the elite card folks have even said now that they were under the impression that some of the advertising was being provided for free????!!!! HAHAHAHHA... yeah, like some public service announcement.... HAHAHAHAAHA..

  2. I have met a few of these "volunteers". Most have some sort of dodgy history and have been recruited because it has come to the police attention and been offered as an alternative to imprisonment especially if they have no money for a bribe!.

    Interesting point about the work permits. I hope immigration is made aware and these "volunteers" position is clarified.

    This seems the most likely scenario... where they are acting as stoolies and informants would in western countries. people that turn state's evidence and narc out others that are the same as them. but they've carried it further and work as spy's...

    as for the military comments, it's a sad state of affairs what the american military has turned into, alloying low-lifes to spy on their marines et al and rat them out if they have a girl or several beers. the military should rebuke these volunteers.

    what's the thai government liability when one of these jokers is capped "in the line of duty"?

    if they operate out in the open and are easily identifiable, (I don't know), then they should be held up to public ridicule and jeered, mocked, and generally harassed.

  3. The ‘International Forgiveness Award 2004’, which was presented to Mr. Thaksin during the visit, he said, was a tribute to the government’s success in helping the country’s poor, especially the war against drugs.

    The award should be reworded to International Forgetfulness Award 2004.... as the world turns a blind eye to thaksin having 2500 citizens summarily murdered in thaksin's drug war.

    Countries especially don't barter trade for chicken from bird-flu tainted Thailand as yet two more succomb to the re-emerging threat... with the first possibly human to human transfer of the fatal virus occuring up north.

  4. Interesting articles in friday's Nation about Elite and CNN... seems everything was done on only a verbal contract through a 3rd party?.... also another member of the board of directors resigned as had 5 others previously over the past few weeks leaving the board without a quorum... and putting EVERYTHING regarding the Card's business on hold apparently.

    I saw samples of the bill-disputed advertising on tv that was produced for the card. Very professionally produced and can completely understand that they are charging millions for it. The ads are actually VERY LAUGHABLE for their content, however, as the card ad completely lies and paints such an exotic lifestyle available with the card.

    with the mass resignations of the controlling board and missing funds through shady deals... i'm adding one plus one.

  5. Russia rejected the offer, same as the Swedes most likely.... Bottom line is, what does SAAB want with chicken gizzards?. Do anyone find it interesting that for a big businessman, Thaksin doesn't know that the governments of 1st world countries don't "own" the weapons/jet-fighters/ship-making companies? And what do these companies want with chicken, mangosteens, or anything else Thailand has to offer. They deal with MONEY.......

    It's pie-in-the-sky..... run it up a flagpole and see if anyone salutes it.. time.

  6. BTW, In my opinion, I believe you are right, Rossmore, in your well-written assessment.

    BTW2, I am still trying to ascertain if a copy of Thaksin's doctoral thesis is available for review anywhere? It'd most interesting to compare it's written English level with Mr. Thaksin's spoken level today. :o

  7. Yes, alas, you're not far wrong there.

    On the other hand, did you ever notice how many of these 'well-bred' Thais strut around claiming to have an MBA from someplace like Stanford when they get back home, yet hardly speak a single comprehensible word of English? The worst part is they don't even get the joke.

    All one has to do is look at their role model. "Dr." (hahaha, that alone is laughable) Thaksin has a Masters AND a PhD from American universities and his English language skills are less than my neighborhood old-lady trash-bin rummager.

  8. Wondering how much longer Hull will be offering Non Immigrant O visas on the grounds of 'visiting friends' or using to 'invest in a start-up business, and ask for a one-year multiple-entry Class B visa'? How soon before the answer becomes "sorry guys, they're making me comply with the embassy rules from now on."

  9. :D

    Why go through the expence of taking a prostitute back to Buriram, stay in BKK and get another one.


    in fact, why go through the expense of coming to Thailand? there's even an easier option... stay where you are and get a local prostitute.


  10. Have to love Thailand, just when you think a story has died off, it begins to grow and grow. The latest information providing more details and more substance and thus credibility. Now, it seems that the guy was indeed up to some dubious shenanigans. The Thai authorities seem much more interested in these activities as it doesn't appear that they just want to deport him for overstay, but look into these other claims against the German. At least they are denying him bail from prision (which actually I'd consider a "no-brainer" for a 3 year over-stayer).

    HIV SCARE: German man's sex partners warned

    Published on Sep 25, 2004

    Young 'go-between' missing after public allegations about suspected carrier

    CHAIYAPHUM - Authorities are calling on local women who had sex with a detained German man suspected of having HIV to take blood tests.

    "Blood tests are free at all state hospitals. Please come to us. All information will be kept confidential and we can give advice," acting provincial public-health chief Dr Sura Wisessak said yesterday.

    The German was arrested at his house earlier this week for overstaying his visa.

    He caught the attention of police after his Thai former wife publicly accused him of paying students to have unprotected sex.

    The woman alleged that the German is HIV-positive.

    Sura yesterday said women who had had sex with the foreigner should see a doctor.

    "We are ready to talk to you around the clock," he said.

    An administrator at a learning institute in the province said schools were asking female students if they had had sex with the German.

    "All of the students interviewed said they had nothing to do with the man, but some had seen him chatting up a number of girls. These girls were also seen at restaurants and entertainment venues with him," she said.

    She said a suspected go-between, a student named "Ann", had stopped going to class after Wednesday, when allegations about the German emerged.

    "She told friends that she needed to find work in Bangkok," the administrator said, adding |that she had sent a circular to other schools to get women who had slept with the man to take tests.

    Schools should pay attention to students who enjoy the nightlife or worked at night, she said.

    "We may have to issue warnings or talk to their parents," she added.

    Meanwhile, police said they would oppose the suspect's request for bail because he might attempt to flee and cause trouble elsewhere.

    The suspect is being held |at Chaiyaphum provincial prison.

    Pol Lt Col Kampol Nonuch, an inspector at Chaiyaphum police station, said the suspect denied any wrongdoing, and more evidence must be gathered before prosecution could begin.

  11. and in doing so, pumping more and more money down the drain. It's grown into such an albatross that the powers are afraid to face reality and close it down... better to not face reality than lose face.

    A SUBJECT THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT FACING THAT IS EVEN WORSE..... is the bird flu issue (watching news now about yet another death).... at least the elite card fiasco involves money only... but by lying about and denying the bird flu issue is costing lives!


  12. Perhaps I'm being paranoid... or maybe just overly cautious, but I don't think I would be advertising that I was doing exporting business in Thailand (regardless of the level of trade) without a work permit (regardless of the level of my visa).

    It seems to me that if Immigration is going to be following the exact letter of the law regarding having cash funds on land border crossings, cracking down on schools with work permit-less teachers, etc. It would seem logical that they will soon focus on the "loss of revenue" (again, no matter how much it actually is) to Thailand because foreigners are doing the exporting and not Thais.


    Community Shuns Farang Over Hiv Fear (Pages 1 2 3 ...5 )

    mango Posted on: Thu 2004-09-23, 16:01:08


    Is he HIV+? We DON'T know.

    Did he beat his wife? We DON'T know.

    Was he having unprotected sex with school kids? We DON'T know.

    IF he is HIV+ (we don't know if he is or not) Was it him who infected his wife? or was it his wife who infected him? We DON'T know.

    Jeez i would hate to be on trial with some of you lot on the Jury.

    Oh and if he is guilty of knowingly infecting people with HIV or beating women etc then he deserves swift justice leagal or not, However like i say WE JUST DONT KNOW THE FACTS!!!!! 

    Hmmm... seems like on your only other post, that you have a totally different attitude regarding foreigners accused of wrong-doing in the paper.

    Rather inconsistent, eh?

  14. Perhaps it shouldnt be taken too seriously it is after all a part of the game.

    If we must show cash then let us find interesting ways to show cash.

    Perhaps stapling the bills together at one end to form a packet which can be counted but not easily separated. Perhaps carrying a backpack full of 20 bhat notes which will take forever to count. Oh.. there are so many ways to be creative and yet comply!

    Verrrry bad idea. :o

    agreed. Immigration officials aren't known for their jovial, happy-go-lucky sense of humor. They also don't have such a full appreciation of irony or sarcasim.

  15. No need for a trial as it seems the only offense the authorities are pusuing is the small matter of staying here since 2001 without a visa. Just surprising that the AIDS groups would pick his case to stand up for, even if the only thing he is guilty of is the blatant disregard for Immigration regulations.

  16. but,

    how odd that the Aids Groups would speak out in his defense.



    Because why chose an abusive, overstaying, philandering, alledgedly attempted murderer for your "poster child"? There are many other HIV+ people that are decent citizens that they can be used to further the causes these groups admittedly respectable causes. They dirty their names by associating with the likes of him.

  17. Over 30 countries have troops in Iraq (without UN approval).

    BUSH will win...

    as this is all one big digression, let's just digress a bit more here.

    Aren't those numbers falling on a weekly basis? (Thailand amongst them). And can we even really count "Honduras, Costa Rica, et al" as amongst our aligned military? I think Honduras sent an un-armed parking lot security guard, didn't they? Even if you accept the number 30, how many countries are there in the world today? ... 211. Not exactly a really good reflection of like-mindedness. 30/211 . America is not seen well in this light by most of the world = 181/211.

    It has lost it's influence in the world. Who used to be allies are not now in our coalition. Why? the answer is in your 2nd line. If BUSH does indeed win (must assume you mean the election as well, because it's (Iraq War) not going to be completed before Nov. 2.), then America can then only look for more of the same loss in the world's eyes.

  18. Just to destroy Buddhism and Sri Lanka in one masterstroke!

    Two Foreigners Found Executed In Thailand (Pages 1 2 3 ...8 )

    stroll Posted on: Thu 2004-09-23, 09:13:47

    I hope all you guys possessing or going to buy illegal guns will be caught, fined and imprisoned. 

    just don't use a gun to accomplish your goal, eh? :o

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