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Posts posted by GabbaGabbaHey

  1. I have a question regarding the case that after you got Thai ID and passport, the automatic gate is not available or not working and you're on your way by direct flight to your Western country of origin, obviously with no visa in the Thai passport. What is the way to answer Thai custom officers questions that, I guess, will be about how come you have no visa, you must have dual nationality, show me your other passport (what nobody wants to be doing, from what I understand) and so forth... Can someone who has real experience of this situation remind me what happens or how to handle it?

  2. 3 hours ago, qualtrough said:

    I am curious as to how many people posting here have started their application or have one pending? If so, give a shout out so we can count.

    I think it has been mentioned several times that the assumed regular backlog for men applicants is about 500-600 people. Assuming 10% had the need to come to this forum (others having a lawyer, no time or perhaps no interest), it brings an approximate number of 60 people. From this group, count 20% still actively posting their status after they've cleared all their original questions and you'll get... 12 people. But that's my guess.


    BTW I'm in this group - 1.5 year in the process and waiting for my interview at MOI.

  3. 6 hours ago, THAIJAMES said:

    Thank you. Assuming this content is a correct translation of the documents in use, it shows that in order to get reading/writing points one has to sing the anthems.


    Able to listen and speak in Thai    8
    Able to listen and speak in Thai including to sing Thai national anthem and royal anthem    10
    Able to listen, speak and read in Thai including to sing Thai national anthem and royal anthem    13
    Able to listen, speak, read and write in Thai including to sing Thai national anthem and royal anthem    15

  4. 14 hours ago, tamvine said:

    Thanks GabbaGabbaHey that clarifies. BY the way would you have the whole document? Could you share please?

    Yes and no, I mean I have it, but after thinking twice it might not help or worse, mislead you and others. The red book seems an antique out of the 70's, I am sure the printed matter inside could have been meaningful regarding immigration 50 years ago, but doesn't look like a reference at all. I think only PR office in ChaengWattana can provide the answer to your original question, and if you really need it you should call or have someone call them.

  5. 52 minutes ago, sathuluv said:

    Guys just checked the RG website today and found that there was a list published today (15.05.18) and my name is in there.

    Wow!. Good feeling. But, still many more steps to go isn't it.

    What would be the next steps now, Shall I call up SB officer and ask for it or I should wait for them to call me back?


    Appreciate your feedback.

    Congratulations Sathuluv! not that many steps left and just few months to the ID... From what I have read SB should issue the letter shortly, others can confirm. Unless you're in a hurry, waiting for 2-3 weeks and calling if nothing has happened seems relevant to me.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Arkady said:

    I had the same experience as Aidenai.  I was summoned to the MOI to submit current WP and WPs covering the three year period before my application.  This was because I had changed jobs in the three year period and SB refused to take copies I offered of the old WP, despite my insistence they were surely needed.  MOI made it very clear that they were needed and that I would have been rejected, if I was unable to produce the old WP or if there was a gap, which they checked for carefully.  I think there were also some disparaging comments about SB (there certainly were on another occasion).  Prior to that my file had been knocked back to SB for re-verification 2.5 years after I applied, due to another SB mistake.  That meant that I had to redo the employment letter and bank statement and present new copies of all docs including WP to prove I was still eligible.

    All this happened before your MOI interview, am I correct?


  7. 10 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Actually, I hadn't forgotten anything to do with the process, it was another matter.

    But interesting to know that they don't tell you immediately when they send the things off to the MOI.

    Did you get a copy of the summary letter to MOI? Kwarium mentioned he got it by mail several months after the action took place. I wonder if this is a standard process, getting a letter, I haven't requested for a copy so far - my application was just sent to MOI two months ago-.

  8. 13 hours ago, sathuluv said:

    Regarding the original document verification. SB checked my Passport, WP and others when I submitted the application. There after till the point I took oath in Jan only passport was asked.

    But, I did casually asked the officer, "so, I no more required to have WP right". She replied smiling "No ka. You should have WP until all you receive the certificate".


    Don't take risk of loosing the track of WP then lead to chaos which we never know the process which might delay further unknowingly.

    The tricky situation is, knowing it can take one or two years to get the MOI interview scheduled, that you change job from Corp A (being quite famous in Thailand) to Corp B after your file was sent to MOI. In such situation, I imagine the interview would be going around yourself and Corp A, but now if you start saying  that you are currently with another company -Corp B-, what would be the MOI panel's reaction... delay your approval and perhaps send you back to SB or not? Has anyone faced this and still got approved?


  9. 1 hour ago, Arkady said:

     Some drop out when the paper chase at the beginning gets too hard but that is usually before they have filed the application, so they don't count as failed applicants, just people who lacked the necessary determination to keep plugging on regardless of what banana skins are thrown in their path.   

    Not to mention a big number who would like to apply but simply fail the requirements or the 50 points required and thus never pass SB.

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