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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. I certainly can't speak for Thailand, but this is the way it works in the U.S.A.

    The US politicians dress up their deals in the language of the law or policy - but they are really dispensing tax revenue. What keeps these guys in office isn't their oratory skills but their skill at doling out the spoils of office to their friends, patrons, and lastly, their constituents. They push the buttons and pull the levers like so many gamblers in a slot machine casino.

  2. Heck...try Bangladeshi hags in the pool in their full native gowns - or better yet Mali Muslim monsters coughing, hacking, and relieving themselves in the pristine waters of the hotel pool. Or the final insult; Buriram tarts in the love pond with their new Euro swains.

    Poop - poop; bubble - bubble.

  3. Yep...The American investment banks ripped off the US taxpayer for billions and no one went to jail. Yet an astute American, with a measly 100K in negotiable assets overseas, needs to make FUBAR report like a silly little school boy or girl.

    Many expats ignore these draconian edicts with aplomb. All it takes is an experienced tax attorney and a little American backbone.

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  4. Vive La France

    The French election is proof, written heavily in bas-relief that the proles can withstand abuse for only so long. The capitalist banking system, in symbiosis with Wall Street and London has unleashed the dogs of greed upon the muddled masses though the instrumentality of the World Bank and the IMF. They are soon to reap the rewards of their profligate and predatory lending - in spades.

    Many say that capitalism is the most effective system to manage, disperse, and multiply the fruits of man’s labors – but, like a Peterbuilt diesel, or a constant speed propeller; if not regulated they simply blow up with disastrous results.

    Unregulated American capitalism created this modern day Hydra, and its teeth have been sown. A punishing price is to be paid by all who drank this get-rich-quick Kool-Aid.

    Now pass me that Ayn Rand doobie. I need a hit.

  5. Someone really needs to line out the reasons why renting is the only option for a Farang in the Kingdom. Or better yet, cogently explain why it could be better to buy. The smart money says rent / smart wai.gif money always knows the truth.

  6. Strange. Right now (April the 8th 18:15 local time) In the public park near my condo there are hundreds of Thais dancing happily to 1980's American disco music. Yep ... in mourning alright.

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