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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. 21 hours ago, Morch said:


    As for your trade waffle. you were the one who asserted China would cut of trade/relations. Try to at least follow your own posts.

    Morch, the USA, and the vast majority of countries across planet earth, has got a Chinese Embassy which is an Embassy of the Peoples' Republic of China. That's mainland China. The Embassy is NOT an Embassy of "Republic of China, Taiwan".

    Now, you do realise, right, that no country on planet earth has both an embassy for China and one for Taiwan ?  Okay, in London, if the British government was to allow Taiwan to open an Embassy, called Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) then, then what ? Well, Beijing will simply close down the Chinese Embassy in London. That's why London has not got an Embassy of the Republic of China. And this applies not just to London, it applies to all other capital cities. Nobody can have both Embassies.

    The poster boonrawdcnx appears to be pushing for a campaign to isolate China. And indeed, recognising Taiwan as China (and refusing to recognise China as China) is certainly an attempt to isolate China. Yes, recognising Taiwan as China, this involves having an Embassy of the "Republic of China, Taiwan".

    I'm only trying to say that, for any major country on planet earth, it's disastrous if they allow Taiwan to have an Embassy, which will cause China to close the Chinese Embassy. Do you feel that, it would be crazy and absurd if Washington allows Taiwan to open an Embassy in Washington DC, and hence, cause Beijing to close down the Chinese Embassy ? Yes, the White House might carry out stupid and silly behaviour sometimes, but they're not really that stupid. If they were, they'd go and allow Taiwan to have an Embassy in America.

  2. On 8/20/2019 at 10:52 AM, Morch said:


    This topic ain't (for a wonder) about Trump. And even if it was, Trump is not a permanent fixture. You're just deflecting.


    You're pretty much the only poster repeatedly bringing up NATO in contexts (more absurd and less) relating to China.


    And, as if you weren't aware of it, China needs trade with other countries just as badly, if not more so. The prospects of China closing down shop and cutting relations with the USA is quite out there.

    Surely, you accept that if American soldiers are going to be in China, to fight alongside whatever Chinese, against whatever other Chinese (the old men of Beijing) , well, this involves NATO ? Washington will demand that Europe spills the blood of European soldiers, if Americans are going to die fighting against China ? No way will America shoulder the burden of war against China, on it's own.

    China needs trade with other countries ? It certainly does. China needs trade with Europe. Europe is not interested in reducing trade. China wants trade with Britain. Britain is not interested in reducing trade. China needs trade with America. The White House is contemplating a trade war with China. China does not want a trade war.

    China wants trade and contact with the rest of the world. China wants to send tourists to London and Paris, China wants to flood Thailand with tourists. All this is good for China, and good for planet earth.
    The poster, boonrawcdnx, that poster seems to be against China doing all of this.

    Morch, are you against America and Europe importing a mountain of Chinese manufactured goods ? Are you against Europe and Britain regarding China as a vital export market ? Are you against London and Paris regarding the mainland Chinese tourists as vital ? Do you feel that, China is a vital export market for American soybean farmers ? Do you feel that China is a vital market for large sectors of America's agricultural sector ?

  3. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    I should think that Hong Kong Chinese people seeking refuge in UK would be welcomed by the British people.The Chinese population of the UK is well liked and respected for their industry.They would add tremendous value being mostly young and well educ ated.

    It would be great if the majority of people in Britain would totally support a large number of Chinese entering Britain. Yes, hardworking, qualified, and talented, and have money entering into Britain. And it would be great if the women would be allowed in, on the grounds that they have a husband or boyfriend in Britain.

    But I don't think lots of British people actually want more coloureds coming into Britain. I think about a third of all British people are actually against any more coloureds coming into Britain. It's not a simple case of just saying "they come over here, they're cheap labour, they bring down wages, they push up rents and house prices".

    Even the foreigners who have got good jobs, qualified, and who bring money into Britain, there is still the accusation of "there's too many coloureds in our country, the sheer numbers are causing the indigenous British people to lose whatever sense of British identity and culture, they're causing house prices to rise higher and higher, Britain is an island, it's already over-crowded, we don't want to tear up the country-side in South-East England to build more houses, even if the foreigners are paying good money for houses, Britain is for the British, it's not for the rest of the world, even if the foreigners have got money......"

    That Brexit, a democratic vote, lets be honest, one of the main incentives for those voting Brexit was to "cut down on the number of foreigners in Britain". And those who want to cut down the number of foreigners, most of them feel "it's more important to reduce the number of coloureds rather than reduce the number of them East Europeans". Off-course, Brexit is not going to reduce the number of coloureds in Britain, it will simply reduce the number of East Europeans in Britain, but that's another story.......

  4. 15 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Double crazy if they're taking seriously the posts of us thaivisa.com members.

    Well, I think that, the posts put up on ThaiVisa ARE actually representative of the views of the general public. Surely, ThaiVisa does not attract a diss-proportionately high percentage of crazy people with crazy ideas ??

    Yes, the views of the general public, politicians must take into account such views. They are, after all, democratically elected.

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:

    Like a friend of mine who has lived almost his entire life in Hong Kong said before the takeover when I asked him if the Chinese are going to <deleted>.. it up - and he said “ not immediately but over the next 2 decades they will manage to screw up Hong Kong” looks like he was right.
    The communist Chinese stupidity of trying to fix things that are not broken because of a few power hungry old men in Beijing is amazing!
    China is becoming a dangerous pariah spreading like a disease all over the world.
    The entire world should work on the bully China being broken up into several independent countries and they should start by recognizing Taiwan as independent country and show the old men in Beijing that their time is up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    What ???
    The Trump government is trying to slap tariffs onto the Chinese goods entering America, and Trump is already regarded as being absurd for doing this. Trump is already harming American farmers and other Americans who export goods to China. That's because China is going to hit back with tariffs against American goods entering China. And, no, Europe is not interested in reducing trade with China. And Britain doing Brexit, Britain is certainly not interested in less trade with China.

    Break China into seperate bits ? What, you suggest the suicidal option of sending NATO soldiers into China, to fight alongside one group of Chinese against another group ?

    And Taiwan. Beijing will never recognize Taiwan as an independent country. What about America and Britain ? Do you think America and Britain should recognize Taiwan as an independent country ?  Do you think that America should allow Taiwan to have an Embassy in Washington ? That would be a crazy thing to do. Not even the Trump government would contemplate such a mad idea. Allowing Taiwan to have an Embassy in Washington means that them old men in Beijing will close down the Chinese Embassy in Washington. And that, would be disastrous for America. That's why America will never do it.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, 727Sky said:



    When China got Hong Kong back in 1997 Hong Kong produced roughly 25% of China's GDP.. Now it is around 3% so China can take the gloves off without much damage to their total GDP. Anyone who thought China would abide by the agreed rules laid down by the 1997 transfer and let Hong Kong alone until 2047 was very myopic on world affairs and China in particular..

    As far as a full blown war over Hong Kong IMO it will not happen so you can basically kiss The past Hong Kong goodbye once the Chinese communist make their move to settle things ... Do you think they will hesitate to kill and disappear hundreds and thousands of residents in Hong Kong ? I don't..

    Good news is there will be many new organ donors so the prices should fall for new hearts, Kidneys, and Lungs coming out of China.(sarc)

    "When China got Hong Kong back in 1997 Hong Kong produced roughly 25% of China's GDP.. Now it is around 3%".

    And this comment is totally true. Prior to 1997, Hong Kong was a gate-way for trade between China and the rest of the world.
    Basically, goods made in China were 'exported' to Hong Kong, stored in warehouses and then re-exported to Europe and America. Also, dealers would import goods into Hong Kong from Europe and America, and then re-export the goods to mainland China. And off-course, make a profit from doing this.

    We're in a different world today. Goods produced in Shanghai are packed onto ships in Shanghai, and the ships sail directly to America and Europe, Hong Kong's role has been reduced massively. Hong Kong is still a massive financial centre, raising finance (loans, investments,capital) but again, the financial services are supporting or backing business projects in mainland China.

    Hong Kong's wealth was built on China, but China needs Hong Kong a lot less, compared to previously. And if Hong Kong does drift away from China (a bit like Britain drifting away from Europe) well, Beijing can easily reduce the flood of Chinese tourists who enter Hong Kong. This really will damage Hong Kong's economy in a serious way.

    Who needs who more ? Does Hong Kong need China, more than China needs Hong Kong ? Does Britain need Europe, more than Europe needs Britain ?  ????

  7. 5 hours ago, Redline said:

    It basically chose who could run for government office-do you remember?  

    What freedom did China take away from the Hong Kong citizens ?

    The freedom to choose who would run Hong Kong ? During the British Colonial era, Hong Kong was not a democracy, the people of Hong Kong were never actually given the freedom to vote for who would be their leader. It was a British Empire place, and the British government chose.

    Hong Kong had a lot of freedom of religion during the Colonial era. And Hong Kong still does have a lot of freedom of religion. None of the Christian churches in Hong Kong are claiming that their right to praise the Lord Jesus has been reduced since 1997.
    And about freedom of speech. Hong Kong's newspapers were not totally uncensored prior to 1997. And today, Hong Kong people can actually say what they want to say, just like prior to 1997.

    • Haha 2
  8. 13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    First off, if someone is facing imminent death, they're probably not going to be so fussy about who they accept body parts from.

    But of course this is all nonsensical since body parts currently can't survive long enough for most international trade. The recipients have to come to near where the donors are located.


    Okay, I'ill make you happier with a comment that is not nonsensical.
    The men who are turning up in China, to buy body parts for themselves, just about every single one of them are ethnic Chinese. Body parts are never transported out of China. Men turn up in China, get the replacement body part fitted, and then fly out of China.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    easy... I am implementing 25% tariffs on all Korean imports, problem solved, next

    Please be careful when putting up posts that are meant in sarcasm.
    Washington might be crazy enough to actually slap 25% tariffs on Korean goods. They're crazy enough to make the treat to slap serious tariffs on the Chinese goods, they might take it one step further and do it to goods from South Korea.

  10. 16 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Where did you ever come up with the racist notion that Chinese body parts are "only usefull to Chinese who are in America and Europe."


    Hello Bristolboy.
    Thanks for putting up your post. Yes, in the world of medicine, people from different racial groups can accept body parts from people of other racial groups.

    But we've got bear in mind, the trade in human body parts is illegal, and it is done by individuals who want to purchase body parts for themselves. Basically, you get somebody who is in America or Britain, the person is not Chinese, not of the Chinese race, and they are very likely to NOT want to purchase a heart or a kidney from a Chinese person. Yes, people who want to buy body parts, they usually only want body parts from those who are in the same race as themselves.
    And surely, all, or the vast majority of the body parts leaving China, it's Chinese people in America and Europe who are buying the stuff ?

    So, a man who is "Caucasian", it's likely that he's not going to want to buy a kidney or a lung from somebody who is from Bangladesh or China. If he is going to buy one, bearing in mind it's illegal, there's no government control, no medical board is controlling this, it's a black market, it's likely he wants it from another Caucasian man.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Another country doesn't necessarily imply the UK. As for how people in the UK feel about it - doubt you've got a clue, or that you "quote" is based on anything much. Try harder.

    I'm in Britain, and you want to say that I don't know how lots of people in Britain feel ???
    Look, we all know, about a third of all those who voted for Brexit, did so because, they saw lots of black people on boats, turning up in Italy. The attitude was "look, them black people turning up in Italy, they are going to move to Britain, we don't want them coloureds coming to Britain, we've got to get out of the European Union, that way, them black people who are in Italy right now, will not be able to enter Britain" .

    Yes, you can go ahead and criticise people for being totally ridiculous. But you've got to accept, yes, lots of people in Britain feel this way. And yes, about a third of all those who voted for Brexit regarded that the stoppage of all new coloureds entering Britain was a major reason for leaving the EU. 

    And them coloureds, a load of black people from Africa, a load of Chinese and Vietnamese from the Far East, lots of people in Britain feel that, they're all the same.

    • Sad 1
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  12. 12 minutes ago, Morch said:


    In the context of my post (which you edited out) it wouldn't matter - still not a "great outcome" as @spidermike007 asserted.


    I think what you describe is possible - if easier said than done. Lebanon could come under serious USA and EU pressure, and be put between a rock and a hard place. Erdogan's Turkey's current relation with Assad's regime are rocky. Wouldn't know there's great willingness to assist (plus doing more damage to relations with EU and USA).

    Do please get real. The oil in that tanker is heading to Syria, either directly or indirectly.
    Washington is trying to strangle Syria with these sanctions, Washington does not want Iranian oil being sold to Syria. And the EU, they're making a token effort to be part of this Washington-lead attempt on stopping Iranian oil being transported to Syria.

    If Washington does not want America to buy Iranian oil, that's fair enough. If the EU does not want to buy Iranian oil, that's also fair enough. But stopping Syria buying Iranian oil ? It's ridiculous.

    Turkey, or whoever, is going to buy this Iranian oil. And then, they will sell it to Iran. And they can do nothing against Turkey. Turkey is, after all, in NATO, they're one of us. And anyway, Turkey knows, they might be on the hit list. That's a list of Muslim countries that Washington wants to destroy.

    • Haha 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Also tell the American farmers to stop selling their produce to China but instead go and live in poverty on the White House lawn

    Yes, the White House has tricked a whole load of people into being against China. All this nonsense that we see in the media. And sadly, some of them people who believe in the fake image, they're voting for the anti-China policies, they want to see less trade between America and China.
    Some of them are going to suffer from lower incomes caused by such absurd policies.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    The dip in the market last week scared Trump. He's doing everything he can to pump them back up beginning with this tariff reversal.  Either China is a nemesis and should be disentangled from the US economy or not. Trump's idiotic playing with tariffs is insincere and reckless. He's going to cave because he is scared the stock markets and his long ETF S&P holding will crash. Things will end up worse than they were before he started any of this. An utter idiot. May need to the Democrats in there to finally get tough on China.

    I think we should all accept, all politicians who bang the anti-China drum are a bunch of frauds, they're charlatans. And the media, some of them bang the anti-China drum. They're creating a false picture.

    Unfortunately, some people believe that this false picture is actually true.

    • Confused 2
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    • Haha 2
  15. 1 hour ago, 727Sky said:



    When China got Hong Kong back in 1997 Hong Kong produced roughly 25% of China's GDP.. Now it is around 3% so China can take the gloves off without much damage to their total GDP. Anyone who thought China would abide by the agreed rules laid down by the 1997 transfer and let Hong Kong alone until 2047 was very myopic on world affairs and China in particular..

    As far as a full blown war over Hong Kong IMO it will not happen so you can basically kiss The past Hong Kong goodbye once the Chinese communist make their move to settle things ... Do you think they will hesitate to kill and disappear hundreds and thousands of residents in Hong Kong ? I don't..

    Good news is there will be many new organ donors so the prices should fall for new hearts, Kidneys, and Lungs coming out of China.(sarc)

    Yeah, you're right, Hong Kong's economy has far less impact on China today, compared to previously.

    Them kidneys, lungs and hearts coming out of mainland China. They're only usefull to Chinese who are in America and Europe. The body parts are useless to fahlang and all other races that are not Chinese. Do you really feel bad about how Chinese in America and Europe benefit from having the chance of getting new body parts from China ?

    • Sad 1
  16. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Did anyone actually believe that China wouldn't renege on that agreement? No wonder anyone with sense is looking to escape to another country.

    "Escape to another country" ??

    How do people in Britain feel ? How about this ?
    "Look, them Chinese in Hong Kong, we don't want them flooding into Britain. We already had a stack of Pakistanis and Indians leaving Uganda and turning up in Britain, ages ago. We don't want another invasion. They are an EX-British Empire place, why on earth should we let them into Britain ?".
    "And anyway, we didn't take over an Empire, so that a bunch of foreigners can come to our shores".

    Don't you reckon, lots of people in Britain feel this way ? So, the important thing is this, lots of people do feel "as long as they're not coming here, well, we don't really care".

  17. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    Who's the "we" you imagine yourself to be when posting this nonsense?

    "We", as the generalopinion of us, here on this forum.

    Actually, what's your view ? Do you reckon that, accepting their apologies and telling them to not do it again, is that what you want to do ? Or, do you think it's a good idea to give the demonstraters a punishment ? Or, do you reckon that encouraging them to go back to the airport next week, and disrupt more flights, is that what you want to do ?

  18. 2019-08-14T202547Z_1_LYNXNPEF7D1LM_RTROPTP_4_HONGKONG-PROTESTS.JPG.72e89a696c1eac838891500fb0ec3213.JPG.47d0e70e1e72f102b78f1915781cf6a5.JPG

    What do we say to these demonstraters ?

    "Okay, we accept your apologies, just don't turn up at the airport next week, don't disrupt anymore flights".

    Or, we say "go over there, stand facing the airport wall, pull down your trousers and your underpants, and bend over, sticking your bottom into the air, and we will give you two lashes of the cane on your bottom". "And if you are a girl, pull your knickers down, lift your dress up, bend over, you will also get two lashes of the cane, on your bare bottom".

    We've got to bear in mind, in schools across Britain, during previous times, yes, children who caused problems at school were given the cane. And if children were given this punishment, surely, teenagers and young adults can also be given the same punishment.

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