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Posts posted by DonJuanDemarco

  1. so now we have a one and bit line overground ground train, a one line underground train with a different ticket and a long walk between connections and now it sounds like another system for the airport link with its own ticket and not connected to the other 2 systems at all.

    Yeah, that walk between Asoke BTS and MRT is just brutal. They should set up benches along the way so you can stop and rest.

  2. How many 55+ year old dudes have you seen cuddling infant children here? If these guys were interested primarily/only in sex and that was the basis of their relationship with a much younger women, why would they need to get married or form a relationship at all? They could have a different girl every night of the week. No, what i think these guys are paying for, what all the house payments and sin sot payments are going towards, is the self delusion that they are still young/not going to die.

    Why do we get all these folk, such as the OP, writing these never ending tirades about older farangs in Thailand shacked up with young Thai ladies?

    I am not going to defend it, but the fact is that it happens all all the world, especially amongst the rich and famous, and it wasn't that long ago that it was rife in the UK until the "moral brigade started frowning on it".

    It is also quite common amongst Thais themselves, and nobody blinks an eyelid.

    These threads tell us as much about the posters as it does about the "55+ dudes" who have found a bit of happiness in their old age, and at the same time have probably made a young, poor, uneducated, Thai lady and her family rich and secure beyond their wildest dreams.

    It can't be all bad - can it?

    Live and let live, and clear that resentment and jealousy out of your heart.

    Mobi :)

    Sort of funny that you called my post a tirade and then made one twice as long. None of your comments have anything to do with the topic of my OP, which was to refute the notion that the motive in these relationships for the older male is sex.

    I doubt many would admit it, but perhaps loneliness,feeling unwanted and wanting to believe/convince oneself that they are still young and not entering the end game of their life are the true motives. As said, if the goal was simply a young girl to sleep with, well those are a dime a dozen and do not require a sin sot payment, house deed, and crying luk krueng infant whose 18th birthday you may or may not be there to see.

  3. How many 55+ year old dudes have you seen cuddling infant children here? If these guys were interested primarily/only in sex and that was the basis of their relationship with a much younger women, why would they need to get married or form a relationship at all? They could have a different girl every night of the week. No, what i think these guys are paying for, what all the house payments and sin sot payments are going towards, is the self delusion that they are still young/not going to die.

  4. all they did was explain in detail how to file a false insurance claim and that you should not keep the stuff in your room... this episode will not deter false insurance claims, instead it will encourage them.

    Actually, no they didn't. They only showed how to file a police report. They showed nothing of the filing of an insurance claim.

    um, they explained the dirty/illegal part of the scam... not sure what you are getting at.

    I am responding to your statement that the show somehow explained how to file a false insurance claim (see your quoted text in bold above). It only showed the two (presumed innocent, by the way) youths filing a police report for missing goods, something that happens legitimately quite often. None of the actual details of filing the claim in their home country (i.e. the actual "fraud" part) were explained. It just alluded to the fact that others had done that in the past (not a shocking revelation).

    The show hardly gave away any useful information on how to get away with insurance fraud, so I suppose I'll turn it around and say I'm not sure what you are getting at.

    Yeah, I imagine the "filing a claim" part is really tricky and nobody will be able to figure out that part of it by themselves.

    The tourist Volunteer goes "That's how the cops catch them. They go to your hotel and 80% of the time, the goods they are reporting stolen will be in their room"... It does not take a genius to figure out

    1. Stash goods somewhere.

    2. Go to police

    3. Wait 5 hours

    4. Get Receipt

    5. File Claim back home (apparently the really complicated part)


    lets see if all of that soaks in.

  5. all they did was explain in detail how to file a false insurance claim and that you should not keep the stuff in your room... this episode will not deter false insurance claims, instead it will encourage them.

    Actually, no they didn't. They only showed how to file a police report. They showed nothing of the filing of an insurance claim.

    um, they explained the dirty/illegal part of the scam... not sure what you are getting at.

  6. the wife told me I could go for short time when she had mens..but I am quite sure it was just a test..I won't take her up on it..having the permission to go for short time may make it easier to avoid actually doing it..the best things in life are usually difficult ( as opposed to free as Lennon said ), and this was one of them..

    You get a "free pass" every month?? That's a new one on me. Other options do exist for her to "take care you", which should suffice (one would hope).

    I never married till I was 50, 2 years ago ( wife is mid-thirties) and was used to doing whatever i felt like prior, so perhaps toeing the line in general was more difficult for me than for others. More power to you if you never got the urge..but its a strong attraction for many, including me. The bottom line is I'd rather have self-respect, and in my books once you fool around on the good wife you lose it permanently in many respects. The post is simply to caution others to think twice, thats all. Life is about helping yourself AND others. I do understand your point however

    Having 10 minutes sex (or 3 minutes for you Aussies) with a prostitute hardly qualifies as fooling around in my opinion. Having a mia noi without your wife's knowledge is a different matter though.

    Anyway each to their own.

    So if your wife is getting screwed for 10 minutes only than she is not cheating either?

  7. Your dad was spot on. I would not wish to air my dirty laundry on TV, but there are so many different situations people find themselves in to say one way or another whether it is wrong. It must be considered case by case.

    yes, there are alteast 2 million different rationalizations. :)

  8. yep the temptations come fast and furious in thailand no matter where you live.was in a local bar one night being pressured(terrible i know)told them i was married,and was told they dont care and that what they cared about was taking care of me.

    So, how much did the bar girls want per whack? I hardly think they were climbing all over you offering sex for free.

    Actually, if you are young, look good and know how to talk to a lady without coming off as a creep etc, they will be doing just that. Even if you tell them that you are married and not going to give them anything.

    Not everyone here is a washed up punter.

    Well, because you aren't a creep means they waive the first payment :)

    Tell them you are poor and you have no money. Watch them run a mile.

    I tell them that I am poor but its like women just have some kind of subconscious instincts in this regard and they just know that I am loaded.

  9. I believe I said this on an earlier Thread.

    If the main reason these people are appointed is to act as Liaisons between Tourists and the local Thai Police, a clear pre-requisite should be that they are at least competent in the Thai language – not necessarily fluent, just able to communicate and translate accurately between their own native language and Thai.

    How many of these people can claim that?


    the driver (moves hands in steering wheel motion) tee-nai ?


  10. i would think that Obama getting elected would really turn the tide in thailand in terms of skin color and what is good and bad. when will the thais wake up and realize that dark skin is not bad? this guy must have done the rounds on 1/4th of that floor and he did not get one taker. i really felt bad for him and i dont know what is wrong with these thai girls that they think this way.

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