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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I have found thai doctors to be useless,

       They prescribe anticiotics for everything. I had dry skin on my back, that was extremely itchy The local hospital doctor prescibed clocotimine for the skin and antibiotics, I left discugusted.  The next day I went to a private office and got skin moistuureiser and anti histamen for  infection, All was ell in 2 days,

       I have had a real problem with itching all over my head, This has been for over 2 years. I had shingles and thought maybe this was part of shingles. But now afterover2 years of scratching day and night I think it is something else,. The doctors simpley give me lotions taht are uselesss. I apply 2 hours later I apply again, I live to put creams on my itchs. I get no sleep. The itching keeps me awake all night and day.I am exhausted.

      Doctors just ignore what I tell them about the pain and itching and prescribe basic creams. that do  nothing for meI have decided if I cannot solve this problem in 3 days<snip>This is no way to live,I lay on my bed all day and try   to take care of my  problem. But all I can do is keep applying creams and lotions. I sleep very little, A half hour here  an hour here sometimes. Life offers nothing.

      <snip> . I do not have a life anymore all I am is a medical case. I  have given myself 3 days to find a doctor that can help.<snip>

       Just goes to show how far people will go when they cannot get medical   help,

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  2. Just one more thing about the graet service I get from this hospital.

       I received a call from them yesterday. A follow up to see how I was doing if everything was ok. I havenot had another hospiyal in Thailna do that


     This is a very classy hospital

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  3. I wish I could give the location. I needed to pay to be lead by  motorcycle taxi to find it,

      the address is 211  Khunpirentoratet rd Pitsanulok

      It had the best service I have had any where in the world.

      I have gotten a lot less for a lot more money in many hospitals in Thailand.

  4. Yesterday went to Pitsanuvej Hospital for first time.

      It has to be the best hospital I have entered in Thailand. I went to see about getting an ugly tumor taken off my nose.

      I showed up at 10;15 in the morning. Parked the car and immediately had a driver in a golf cart sort of thing pick me up and drive me to the front door of the hospital.When I enetered the hospital I was met by a young  beautiful nurse who asked if she could help me. She then tok control of everything until I left. She got me registered and took me to area were the doctor I needed to see was. She got me into see the doctor immediately. The doctor checked me out  He said he could remove the tumor right away. So I said ok. !5 minutes later I am prepared and ready for surgery. The doctor removed the tumor and booked me for a follow up in one week.The nurse then took me to pay and receive my meds. and was   driven back to my car by the golf cart guy. I then went home at 11'45. Talk about efficient. all done in 1 1/2 hours. And not expensive 7000 baht for everything.

       That hospital has won me over.

    • Like 1
  5. Wentto local post office yesterday to mail a letter to Canada. I was asked to show my passport. I did not heave it with me they so they ask for ID card I did have that so was able to mail the letter.

       I think that is a little over kill to want to see a passport to mail aletter.


  6. On 2/24/2019 at 1:21 PM, banglay said:

    If you think Pattaya is a " Cesspool "    

     Quote :- I was tourist for 20 year but have been a resident for 12 years. I come to Pattaya about 6 times a year. I feel I have a very good feel for the pulse.  I was probably here long before many posters even thought of visiting here.

    why ! OH! why!  Do you keep coming back ???  Is your home town that bad The Cesspool you call Pattaya is a better option than your home country/Town....  (double standards ) ..and yes I feel this is a troll post too

    I come back for the foreigner food. Where I am there is virtually no foreign food. 

      The y put ketchup and mayonaise on their pizza instead of cheese.

      I come here eat steaks at the Beefeater,stock up on canned goods from the stores. Have real pizzas etc. I usually last 4 or 5 days then go home with suitcase full of food.

    • Like 1
  7. I   got to Pattaya 2 days ago at 4pm. I took  motorcycle taxi to my hotel from the bus station on the highway. It should have been rush hour. It was more like early sunday morning traffic. Never in all my years have I seen so little traffic in Pattaya at 4pm. Every where I have gone since, getting here  has been quiet. The massage girl just sit and look sad. Not even on phones just sit in gloom. There is no traffic to speak of.It is dead. No one is hustling it is like every one has given up. A ghost town to what it was.

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  8. 19 hours ago, Blue bruce said:

    lovelomsak, the op was just giving a cost comparison to how inexpensive it is in America. If converted his $ 200.00 US expensive he is saying it should not cost more than 6000 baht

    Like I said why bother .Can some one give us a quote on Romania or venezuela so we can price shop for MRI

  9. 3 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    hmmm.  I just had an MRI done for my shoulder in Melbourne Florida, USA.  The middle person insurance broker basically said that despite the doctor's recommendation to have one done, by the time the insurance company approves it, well over one week will go by and they typically refuse the MRI unless therapy and/or shots were done first.  Seemed stupid to me that a non-invasive exam such as an MRI would be discouraged but after talking with several co-workers that does seem to indeed be the case!  So the MRI shop said it is better and will be faster and cheaper to just pay $200 bucks USA and literally can walk in the next day for the exam, and the price includes a CD with the images and a radiologist's report.  If I went through my insurance, they would bill much higher than that and the insurance company would allow it and while I could then count the cost against my deductible.  So it was "better" to just pay the $200 USD out of pocket.  The reason I mention this here, is because 18,000 baht seems very expensive, given that I just had one done with many many images and angles of my should for $200 USD x 31/USD baht = 6000 baht. 

    Not sure why you posted this but I think Pilotman was talking about hospitals in Thailand not Melbourne Florida USA

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