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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I read the article. Why do the demonstrators use the word hate so much. It is plain to me that all the government is doing is saying go the bathroom of your sex at birth. That's not hate . I think easier to accept by most than man dressed as a woman going to the men's room rather than the ladies room. I also feel the ladies would be more comfortable with that

    As far as jobs go they should go the best qualified and get rid of this bullsheet of pasted or overlooked because of sex or color or age. Start doing things for the better of all and stop this stupid lobbying for special interest groups. Nip it in the bud is to late now must do severe pruning.

  2. If I understand buddists properly,they believe in reincarnation.

    So I get really confused with how they live now if they know they are coming back after death.

    They appear to support corruption which will make their reincarnated life difficult when they return.

    They pollute with regard to their environment. Meaning they will come back to a very polluted world.

    Where money is the end all,What if they come back poor?

    It appears they are more concerned with the moment than anything else.

    You would think if they knew they were coming back,they would strive to make the world cleaner,safer and better place all round. More green so to speak.

    Does it not make sense to want to come back to a clean healthy environment rather than a polluted corrupt,world desimated by greed.

    It appears to me they donot understand their own religion very well when put in practice.

    For me if I believed in reincaraton I would strive to educate every one from my family outward about the need to come back to a healthy world and environment.and live accordingly.

    Just baffles me why people who think they will return do nothing to make a better future for themselves. When they return.

    What are others thought on this?

    .I think too much.

  3. Just leave it there it will still be in the bank when you return. I have had over a million in one account since 2007 not even interest cannot be bothered paying the tax on interest. Its still there donot understand the problem.

    Yep, got it, but....

    I old Guy, wife 20 years younger,

    maybe should do something to get best returns for her?

    Pension goes to ground with me , bugga!

    I've already set stuff up so she has capital in Thailand (land)

    and two properties, she will hopefully still have a good life without me as her sole supporter.

    Money in the bank - who to trust?


    It is a universal currency?

    I am old guy too with wife 20 years younger.

    Your post was about what do to with money already in the bank,for a short time well you are out of the country. .What does all this other crap have to do with your post?

    What other crap?

    this other crapI old Guy, wife 20 years younger,

    maybe should do something to get best returns for her?

    Pension goes to ground with me , bugga!

    I've already set stuff up so she has capital in Thailand (land)

    and two properties, she will hopefully still have a good life without me as her sole supporter.

    Money in the bank - who to trust?


    It is a universal currency?

  4. Just leave it there it will still be in the bank when you return. I have had over a million in one account since 2007 not even interest cannot be bothered paying the tax on interest. Its still there donot understand the problem.

    Yep, got it, but....

    I old Guy, wife 20 years younger,

    maybe should do something to get best returns for her?

    Pension goes to ground with me , bugga!

    I've already set stuff up so she has capital in Thailand (land)

    and two properties, she will hopefully still have a good life without me as her sole supporter.

    Money in the bank - who to trust?


    It is a universal currency?

    I am old guy too with wife 20 years younger.

    Your post was about what do to with money already in the bank,for a short time well you are out of the country. .What does all this other crap have to do with your post?

  5. Anyone who ever knew survivors of the second world war knows that plain everyday people are the underground. That known,then it is only common sense if muslims are the terrorists at present it is fairly likely everyday muslims are the underground. So to protect ourselves we must group them. Quilty till proven innocent is tough but needed. I am sorry for the innocent ones but war is war.To stop terrorism this is needed.

  6. Jaybird from just reading between the lines from your posts I feel you are asking the wrong forum for help.

    You appear to be a young health orientated guy. With lots of income. One who likes good wines and perhaps the arts.

    Most guys in this forum probably donot travel in the circles you are accustom too.Difficult to assist.

    The lifestyle you lead is rare. And to be honest sounds likeyou will only be in Thailand 4 to 6 months a year hardly retired, just more of one residence out of many.

    My suggestion to start is Pattaya. Get a rental with every thing you want. you will just have to learn to live for a few months a year in a place with no real culture stimulations, Just raw entertainment and beachs. Donot expect good wines and fine dining. You will have to be happy with mediocure at best.

    Your best bet is Singapore.

  7. Of course it will continue and increase. It is now a war. Europe willnot admit it the liberal minds willnot let them,must keep their vote huh. It is going to escalate and be in more countries. It will just keep coming. The terroists will chose when and where and Europe will just keep chasing their tail.

  8. Id say the Mother of all wars is approaching.............when I dont know but overpopulation, religion and territory will see to it.

    Kill all your fellow people for nothing more than a "fantasy" of religion.............cant think of any more stupid a reason.

    I think the same.This war will not be about borders. It will be on the streets in many countries. It will be a religious war.

  9. I feel my generation was the luckiest of all. we were the war children. We benefitted from the rebuilding. Jobs were easy to get the money was good. Houses were cheap.Cars were cheap and fast.Life was simple no libbers,no political correctness,no credit cards or atm cards.Gas was so cheap.Towns cities were smaller people were more community minded.No drugs in most communities.Families took care of themselves did not need government intervention,what family court? We had it all.The only draw back was sex was taken more seriously did not have birth control. Now the sex is so easy for the young.

  10. South Korea and Us train for invasion. So North Korea trains for defensive. Makes sense to me why should North Korea lay back and not do some defensive training in light of such invasive training going on next door.Or are they expected to be a door mat. As one poster pointed out in another thread they are still technically at war.

  11. I forgot to add how refreshing and assuring it is to know. If some young woman kills me with a car it will not disturb her life in the least.Even if 8 others die with me. She can just go on like I was nothing more than a speed bump.Her life will not be disrupted i at all.

    Sort of makes you want to get killed here if you are going to get killed. It will be of no consequences. So the murderer will be problem free. Very good that they donot want a sweet young girl to feel bad.

  12. These protesters are not very American in my eyes.Gives good arquement to what Trump says,things like a wall etc. In the land of the free violence to get your way seems to really be on the increase. I quess it is the right to be civil disobeient,I am sure they can find a civil rights lawyer would say that. I know I will be bashed for this but are these white guys that are doing these criminal acts or others?.Just curious.

    The "violence to get your way" is not a racial thing...


    Never aid it was so why attack me?

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