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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 5000 baht is only a hundred quid. Between them 50 quid each. Perhaps these girls do not understand basic finance or the concept of buying their own drinks. THEY WERE NOT BEATEN UP- LOOK AT THEIR PICTURES. Bur they certainly did not have enough money for a night's drinking and not the essential emergency money in their shoe - what poor and ill practised travellers! Sound thick as planks to me and sex tourists to boot.

    Did you not read the bit where they said that some other people put drinks onto their bill without them knowing and thats why they couldnt pay the bill ?

    Gee If they didnot know how did they know they didnot know.If a person doesnot know something happened they simply donot know. How can they know once they get in trouble for wanting to play with the girls for free and then trying to do doing a runner

  2. Can anyone tell me why South Korea feels it is their job to police North Korea? Or is South Korea just the front nation for America.Or puppet should we say. What other country in the world gets upset and wants to dictate to their neighbour what to do.

    What would America do if Mexico and Canada got upset with America, over their arms increase or development. And ask Russia or China to assist. Would America look at it as we deserve that?Not likely.

  3. My first wife pulled a great scam when we were preparing to get married.

    We were talking about the marriage and she said she doesnot want much she is a good woman. I thought great. so I ask what do you want? She replied 20 baht. I thought she was joking about money to give for sin sot. So I joked back oh too much I only give you 10 baht. She said ok. Then she said how much money you give me. I said 10 baht like we agreed thinking we still joking, She then told me she was talking about bahts of gold at first and she was happy to get 10 baht of gold but wants cash too. I didnot know what to say because all of a sudden she seemed very serious. So she tricked me into paying 10 baht gold.( She also got a house)the house was already settled before the 10 baht fiasco.

  4. I donot quite understand this.

    so every time a foreigner who is married leaves the country when he returns his wife must inform immigration?

    I thought immigration would know as soon as the foreigner went through immigration at the airport.

    My wife is a teacher and would have to take a day off work to go with me to immigration if this is right. quite an inconvenience for some of us.

  5. I have one that should be the poster boy for Thailand good news.

    As we all know the Pattaya bridge club was raided and 32 people are out on bail,set at 5000 baht each.

    Well the lawyer representing them has given each player 4000 baht and when he wins the case will keep the 5000 from each player.So he is basically charging them 20% fee.But the really big thing is he paid the 4000 to each player himself and will wait till the case is settled to get his money back. So this kind man laid out 4000 baht times 32 people or 128,000 baht of his own money to the bridge players and will wait till he wins the case in court to get it back and get his 20%.So this lawyer put up 128,000 baht and will wait to get 160,000 back and receive hi 32,000 baht fee.

    That should be front page news to toot Thai goodness.But only hear from one man on TV you can verify with him if you like his TV name is novanova

    I feel bad for the bridge players for being put through so much for nothing,and it costs each of them 1000 baht. But this guy is quite generous to help the way he did.

  6. Sorry not a conspiracy ravings just unable to understand somethings that get more confusing as questions are asked. At first I just wanted to know if the court gave back the money as you said previously. then the story changed. No the lawyer gave back 4000 to each person .Now correct me if I am wrong but these are totally 2 different stories.

    You are totally right how the lawyer conducts his business is none of my concern. But in forum I should be able to ask for clarity of posters without being attacked as ridiculous,raving or conspiracy orientated.

    But to do as you said the lawyer had to lay out over 128,000 baht of his own money. I was just commenting on how benevolent a man he is. Not to many men would do such a thing. I wait to see his name online if I ever need a lawyer for a law suit he will be the first one I call.

    But would like to end this here we are getting away from the posted topic.

    So it is confirmed the police still have the bail money as I ask and as the original post stated. What the lawyer does with his money is his business.

  7. This is reply to post 203 by novanova.

    See was that hard now. Not like you told it the first time in the other post huh. so everyone is out 1000 baht to the benevolant lawyer who paid every one because he is so sure he will win the case. So the police still have the money not as stated in other post.Where does a person find a lawyer like that? Anyone willing to pay upfront to go to work must be in great demand. To be honest sounds like a spin job to me.

  8. From Barry Kenyon, MBE, appearing in The Nation, 15 Feb:

    We, the arrested Pattaya bridge players, are somewhat confused by your analysis (February 14, page 2). In truth, we are technically still on police bail awaiting a decision by the public prosecutor.

    Your statement that bridge is a card game played by four players in two teams, using one deck of cards, does not remotely apply to duplicate bridge as licensed by the Thai Contract Bridge Association. I attended a bridge congress in Thailand last year where 100 persons competed in 50 separate partnerships.

    The event, happily not raided as many influential Thai nationals were present, required dozens of packs of cards in use at the same time. Let's not confuse bridge with Snap or Canasta.

    Played really well, bridge requires similar mental agility to chess and lies at the borders of human cognition in its higher reaches. I do not know whether bridge should be an Olympic sport or not. Nor do I know how many angels can dance on the end of a pin. So what? Pattaya bridge club was patently raided because gambling had been reported by a most doubtful source whose identity is known to us. Once the crucial gambling charge was shown to be silly, the spotlight obviously shifted to secondary issues such as too many packs of cards, the significance of legislation passed during the Japanese occupation in 1943 and pondering whether a glass of beer on a side table between 2pm and 5pm is a criminal offence or not.

    Not for a moment do I contest the right of the civilian licensing authority or the police to look at all these matters. But we are bound to ask whether a mass arrest lasting 12 hours, including vulnerable ladies in their 80s and in the full glare of international publicity, wasn't just a slight over-reaction especially as Pattaya bridge club is now in its 22nd year of operation. A tragic misunderstanding?

    I thought I read in another thread that you stated the 5000 baht was paid back in cash,same time they got passports. But this article says the 5000 baht has not been returned. So what is it?

    I guess you need to work out who to believe. One of the bridge players or the RTP. Tough decision if you are under 4 years of age.

    I ask because I want to know who to believe. what evidence do we have novanova is a bridge player? His word. So why the contradiction between what he posted and what the news says. What is in it for them to say they still have the bail money if they do not. have it.

  9. What is considered everyday life . Is not news. People living in harmony and doing humanitarian things is simply doing the right thing. Good actions are their own reward no need for news about it.

    But if people are killing others and robbing,scamming etc others people want to be warned. news is the fastest way to let the masses know.That said you are right many places are dangerous. But here you get Thai news not news from other places.For me Thailand is the only country I personaly have been left for dead. i was mugged twice in Bahamas,once in Mexico,but not left for dead.

    None of my incidences made the news either.

  10. From Barry Kenyon, MBE, appearing in The Nation, 15 Feb:

    We, the arrested Pattaya bridge players, are somewhat confused by your analysis (February 14, page 2). In truth, we are technically still on police bail awaiting a decision by the public prosecutor.

    Your statement that bridge is a card game played by four players in two teams, using one deck of cards, does not remotely apply to duplicate bridge as licensed by the Thai Contract Bridge Association. I attended a bridge congress in Thailand last year where 100 persons competed in 50 separate partnerships.

    The event, happily not raided as many influential Thai nationals were present, required dozens of packs of cards in use at the same time. Let's not confuse bridge with Snap or Canasta.

    Played really well, bridge requires similar mental agility to chess and lies at the borders of human cognition in its higher reaches. I do not know whether bridge should be an Olympic sport or not. Nor do I know how many angels can dance on the end of a pin. So what? Pattaya bridge club was patently raided because gambling had been reported by a most doubtful source whose identity is known to us. Once the crucial gambling charge was shown to be silly, the spotlight obviously shifted to secondary issues such as too many packs of cards, the significance of legislation passed during the Japanese occupation in 1943 and pondering whether a glass of beer on a side table between 2pm and 5pm is a criminal offence or not.

    Not for a moment do I contest the right of the civilian licensing authority or the police to look at all these matters. But we are bound to ask whether a mass arrest lasting 12 hours, including vulnerable ladies in their 80s and in the full glare of international publicity, wasn't just a slight over-reaction especially as Pattaya bridge club is now in its 22nd year of operation. A tragic misunderstanding?

    I thought I read in another thread that you stated the 5000 baht was paid back in cash,same time they got passports. But this article says the 5000 baht has not been returned. So what is it?

  11. Have to agree with overherebc.

    If you let the cat out of the bag everything changes.

    Many examples in Thailand.

    Koh Samui

    Koa San road

    Pattaya a big one

    Chiang mai

    Now if person finds a good place they want to keep it to themselves instead of making it into tourist trap..

    And as far as Bangkok is concerned even more reason not to make it public on a forum. Too easy for many to access. Can get there for price of a taxi.

  12. Online does it matter,about insults. It just easily forgotten donot have to see the person so forget it and move on.Replies or responses get lost online because of to much typing to make it worth responding to them.

    Liars no use calling them on it,they will just keep lieing so serves no purpose. Liars are not worth the time of day. They are just a waste of time you give to them. So do not give them your time.

    What I do is just dismiss liars and insulting people,who needs them. They have nothing to offer.And usually end up a problem.

  13. Some good articles here.

    Interesting about the Korean war being an armistice making the US still an enemy. An enemy that keeps providing more and more military troops to the neighbor of the south.. I see why North Korea sees it as provocation. Why does America not try a less aggressive way to deal with North Korea?

    An old saying "Fighting for peace is like <deleted> for virginity."

    Perhaps some nations in the world should address this to America. They could be hurt also if things escalate to far.

    I say North Korea may be unorthedox but they are still dealing with an enemy.and may want a little respect.

  14. He will be in good company. Only three of the nations there,from Asia have elected leaders. Phlllipines,Indonesia,and perhaps Singapore. All the rest are none elected leaders.The United States is really showing their hand on this one.US is desperate clawing at straws to stay afloat. Thailand should do well at this meeting.

    Just out of curiosity; which planet do you hail from???

    I usually like your posts but this one leaves me wondering.Not sure what you are trying to say.

    "The United States is really showing their hand on this one.US is desperate clawing at straws to stay afloat"

    That's the sentence I reacted to. The US has one of the most robust economies on the planet so it's hardly clawing at straws.

    Ok thanks for the explanation.I was not clear also.. What I was referring to was America trying to keep China from stealing their trade countries. The country that wishes to exemplify democracy is ready to sleep with 7 countries led by non elected leaders.

  15. He will be in good company. Only three of the nations there,from Asia have elected leaders. Phlllipines,Indonesia,and perhaps Singapore. All the rest are none elected leaders.The United States is really showing their hand on this one.US is desperate clawing at straws to stay afloat. Thailand should do well at this meeting.

    Just out of curiosity; which planet do you hail from???

    I usually like your posts but this one leaves me wondering.Not sure what you are trying to say.

  16. He will be in good company. Only three of the nations there,from Asia have elected leaders. Phlllipines,Indonesia,and perhaps Singapore. All the rest are none elected leaders.The United States is really showing their hand on this one.US is desperate clawing at straws to stay afloat. Thailand should do well at this meeting.

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