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Posts posted by kikoman

  1. Now is the time to go after Abhisit for his past crimes and poor decisions!

    Justice delayed, is justice denied, but it is still justifiable for the people of Thailand to know the truth about this man!


    Isn't that what you complain about with the way Thaksin's crimes were investigated?

    There you go spreading or misrepresenting the facts!

    I dare you to document any post of mine that has "complained about the way Thaksin crimes were investigated" you can't as I have never complained about any investigation of him, I have never been a supporter of Thaksin as I do not much care for him, personally!

    I support the PM of Thailand Yingluck Shinawatra and the PTP, I do find that Thaksin passed some great programs that greatly aided the common people of the country, most of his programs yes!

    It is my opinion even that the Amnesty bill was a great mistake that should be dropped completely.

    You will never be able to document your statements! As I know as well as you know I caught you posting an untruth.

    Thank you, that made my day!


  2. Thinking differently is illegal now is it?

    Advocating secession is illegal, your thoughts, and everyone else's are safe, don't panic.

    Yingluck should disown this groups ASAP, her silence (and the caretaker government's) is extremely troubling; specially in view of at least one of her cabinet memebers being part of this movement.

    Being silent is all she can do.

    She doesn't have room in her mouth for another foot.

    I understand having her speech written for her but what I can't understand is how she can read them with a straight face. Or does she actually believe it. Have they drained the treasury so bad they can not hire decent speech writers?

    Why should she say any thing!

    Everyone in the country knows what is happening in Bangkok, my understanding there would be no separation, separation would only come into play if the Courts, NACC, staged a judicial Coup, over a charge of "negligence" and have the ammart appointed Senate vote her out of office. Only then a separation would be considered.

    Strange all of the sudden protesters supporters start yelling unconstitutional, when Suthep's idiots violated all the acts deemed as terrorist activities, Re: attempts to overthrow the elected government, disrupting the election process, taking over state property among other illegal acts!

    If the power that be are unable to make an unbiased decisions based on legal documented Rule of Law, not we saw you cooking on a cooking show on TV last night so you are impeached!


  3. Many a yellow will be disappointed when on March 5 Yingluck will still be Caretaker PM, it is the EC that did not set up the elections!

    But we also noticed a great change in the EC also, some one put the fear into them, so many that opposed anything that could possibly help the government have made a complete turn around, Why?


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  4. Now if only Yingluck would listen to the people.sad.png

    The government are not followers of the ammart like Suthep is, Suthep is clearly following orders that told him back off.

    Just at the same time the army started to act to calm down the situation in the country, the split in the ranks of the military is a red flag that the power that be in the military have allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point of no return to normalcy in the country, The talks of separation in the country, the training of an defence force in the north, all red flags!

    Suthep has no chance of forcing PM Yingluck to resign, much less of having an appointed peoples counsel (that only a minority supports), his following has dropped dramatically.

    All signs point to Suthep has ceased to be a factor in change, but was serving and forcing the calls for division of and in Thailand!

    He ceased to be seen as part of a solution and was causing a great part of the problem!

    Only my personal opinion!


    Opinions are nice. But ones based on reality are even nicer.

    Through this whole thing people have been accusing Suthep of wanting to run the country. Each and every one of them had done a typical red shirt thing. They had listened to red shirt radios read red shirt papers and drank in red shirt bars.

    Is it any wonder they are clueless.

    Given the condition of the country now.

    Remember it had already increased in corruption and sank lower in the list of countries on corruption before Suthep came on the scene. They had already defaulted in money to the rice farmers. The

    grass roots people who had sat silently through the red shirt attempted coup in 2010. Not said a word about the mess the PTP did in the handling of the 2011 flood watched promised pads not be delivered and heard reports on the one's that were as being useless. Watched 350 billion baht disappear in a water management scheme. Sat silently on the side lines as Yingluck jetted all over the world and allowed her brother a convicted in Thailand criminal to call in to the cabinet meetings.

    All that before saying enough is enough.

    Because they do not have the financial means to not work and just demonstrate month after month you think they are backing Yingluck now.

    Shall we talk about the 2.2 trillion baht loan they wanted to make after they had made room in their budget by transferring the 1997 debts to the BOT. In effect they had more spendable money than the governments preceding them. They also claimed the cost of living going up was just an illusion. Yet they needed 2.2 trillion more. Or how about the amnesty bill they had one proposed by the families of some of the dead in the temple that was acceptable to the Democrats and most of the people in Thailand. But they turned it down because it did not white wash her brother. No other reason.

    All this before Suthep arrived on the scene. You expect people to believe he is the heavy one in all this.

    Given that kind of a government it only makes sense If and that is a big if you want to improve Thailand to have every one stand back and let knowledgeable non partisan people take over long enough to make sure there are laws with teeth in them to punish people who do those things and make the law clear. None of this but over here it says. Then hold an election.

    Bear in mind I am more concerned with the welfare of the people than in the letter of the law if it is wrong they will change it. I don't know what kind of an education you had but the one I had taught me it is only illegal if the law is made making it illegal. Change the law so it is legal. The governments job is to take care of the people. When there is some thing wrong fix it.

    My opinion based on facts not wishes or how good looking a women is or how much money I get. I say take money for falsifying things because we all know Thaksin has paid people on his staff to do that.sad.png

    Read the first paragraph and stopped as I read the B P (ammart yellow newspaper), don't listen to radios at all and have not drank in a bar (any bar) for a decade.

    It is not rocket science that Suthep's abrupt turn around was nothing more then being ordered to do so, the same time the army commander came out and backed the government talks under the framework of the constitution and trying to calm the nation down.

    Suthep was just following his bosses orders!


  5. Characterizing these as renegade, drunken idiots is just some more PAD-Dem's trying to deny the presence of the military in their protest ranks.

    Same as yesterday's report about rifle fire at the home of a Protest leader and magically not hitting anyone. The military types with popcorn bags over guns, and other explosive stuff clearly needing both military type training and resources. Navy Seal involvement that could not be denied, but quickly deep-sixed....Certainly no judicial condemnation or actioning for self-evident reasons.

    All of it designed to create havoc and insinuate blame on the UDD/RS/PTP....who know better than to contribute to this coup-monger idiocy.

    But miraculously, the anti-UDD/RS/PTP media avoids getting their 'shirt in a knot' over it and actively hides this stuff, or tries to change the subject to the police ....They know about it, but show their Elitist colors by writing about it in minimalist ways with quick diversion to other stuff, especially the police. ......If in the unlikely event they were ever able to confirm a Red Shirt with a smoking gun in their hand, can you imagine the self-righteous and indignant headlines.

    That said, I understand that there is also a lot of financial thievery occurring when these so-called coup-monger guards stop vehicles for so-called inspection.

    I have also heard the Chulalongkorn University is a greater nerve center for these protests than the media admits to, in their ongoing efforts to hide the violence and aggrandize the protesters...Even to the extent that the user-friendly judiciary states with a straight face these protesters are non-violent, so don't bother them.

    Chulalongkorn University has what is termed a so-called 'war room" but also provides material and comfort support in many ways using their resources at the behest of the coup-mongers.

    All of this obviously from UDD/RS sources....One wouldn't read about it in the coup-monger, sympathetic media.

    Seems the soldiers are learning from the Reds...they weren't bullets they were firing...just firecrackers.

    Never heard of anyone firing fire crackers out of the barrels of M-16s.

  6. What a crock, no post stated any documentation that my post was wrong!

    Again I will state, during the length of the protest I have not come across any active duty soldiers (free lance loose cannons) helping the government, all have been charged on implied to be in support of the Protesters, The three soldiers implicated and arrest warrants issued for the attempted assassination of a Red Shirt leader, and the five navy seals also arrested for being armed and in possession of PDRC ID cards and the last seal team admitted that they worked for PDRC famous loose cannon security guards.

    The Seal commanding officer offered an alibi for the first seal team arrested and publicly tried to blame the attacks on Cambodians, A poster documented a Southern private militia group with a series of post with documents and in the pictures could be IDed always wearing black scarves.

    Yet the yellows try to make it seem like it is the Red shirts that are the violent one, what a bunch of clueless clowns, The thread is about soldiers being arrested for firing rounds by a police station, and yellow supporters tried to find fault in the police response to the shooting, not wise to shot out the tires of a truck load of soldiers with war weapons.

    I believe the police did not know they were armed to the teeth drunk soldiers until after they arrested them!


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  7. I thought Suthep's idiots were unarmed and peace love people, running around with M16s and letting of a few rounds contradicts this theory.

    <deleted>? How do RTA soldiers get to be Suthep's idiots?

    How many Military have been implicated in illegal acts for the government,during the protest?

    Those implicated with the side of the protesters are: 3 soldiers attempted assassination of a Red shirt Leader, two teams of (5) Navy seals, arrested with weapons and PDRC ID cards and one team admitted to being employed by the protests group.

    Military type men that ambushed the police, with live fire and grenades and many other incidents which hint of military involvement.

    That why these were referred to as Suthep idiots!

    Which is only my opinion!


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  8. I think Suthep and his allies should be investigated.

    Each one of his moves damaged the Thai economy. Could it be possible they bid against certain stocks so that if they lose value, they end up making a huge amount of money?

    I wouldn't be surprised if he did that and made billions in the process.

    Good idea. And the Shinawats could be investigated at the same time. Their family wealth has increased a whopping 450% since little Poo took office and big brother told Forbes his sister's government sent him I billion baht. Shame the farmer's haven't been paid this week despite Yingluck's vow. Still she has her priorities, clearly.

    1 billion US$ not 1 billion baht.

    His wealth went from 600 million US$ to 1.7 billion US$ and when asked he said the current government returned part of what the previous government took. So out of the 48 billion baht that was confiscated his sister returned apprx 32 billion baht using the rice scam as a cover.

    Why did you not tell that tall tale to the NACC, Why couldn't they find any thing to charge her for corruption with and not just "negligence in doing her job" or maybe you are just rumor mongering!


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  9. This sounds fishy as hell, especially the part about being refused treatment.

    If this is unsubstanciated, why is it being reported as if fact? Very poor journalism, as usual.

    OMG substantiated facts...? Here...? Sorry you and I will both be PM before that happens..

    You bet it is poor journalism they got no more real headlines now... their Circus is pretty muchbut I am sure they will get plenty of knee jerk responses and interpretations...

    next we will be hearing about the fake soi dog march on Government house...

    over ...

    Here is one for example

    Ten to one sounds like yellow odds, very brave guys when they out numbered the guy! you will always have yellow supporters on the forum back any kind of despicable act by the protester or their navy seal guards!

    Hospitals are very anti Redshirts, as Thaksin passed the 30 baht scheme took lot of their tea money away, many doctors refuse to work for the 30 baht hospital as they do not make much money as in the past!

  10. Prayuth and Suthep ALREADY KNOW that Yingluck will be found guilty for her involvement and lack of oversight on the rice pledging..... she is GONE already.

    So both Suthep and Prayuth can back off the protests...

    Bye bye Yinkbadluck!!!

    And Thaksin knows this too. Hence the reason he's trying to block the investigation proceeding and discredit the investigators, judiciary and courts. He'll no doubt already have plans on which will be the next prime puppet. Inviting the UN is a time buying exercise and might help forestall losing the caretaker role shortly. A coup would do nicely now as he could divert all blame on that and appeal to the UN and international community.

    You seem to forget Thaksin has been out of the country for years and the rightfully elected PM is Yingluck Shinawatra, she can either be impeached or voted out of office. There has to be a reason other then what the present courts personal backers demand.

    She has to be charged and then proven guilty in a proper court of law, which the constitutional court is not!

    The new government must deal with the failed, EC, NACC and the Court if they would have have properly applied the law, in a neutral arena this problem need not have caused all the division that is now prevalent in the country. These agencies personnel need to be shown the door and people of high moral integrity that are. knowledgeable in the laws that govern Thailand to give Thai's faith in their government again!


  11. Oh general, and don't forget about the traitors who are planning to secede and form their own republic while raising a 600,000 strong 'tactically trained' militia.

    Unlike many others, Prayuth has though about the consequences of the Suthep's 'plan' . He knows very well that this is not a 2006 situation and understands that simplistic answers to complex questions are not a solution or even a quick-fix.

    "If the talk between the government and the protesters were to take place, it should be carried out under the country’s legal framework and that all sides must get involved in the process to seek peaceful solutions to the crisis,Gen Prayuth said".

    The above quote by the General is almost a word for word replica of Yinglucks' response to Sutheps' idiotic conditional televised debate proposal.

    It would appear that the military and the government are now preaching from the same book which can only mean the end of the illegal, anti-democratic insurrection is nigh

    I was going to point to that also, it seems there will be a just Democratic solution to the problem like should have been attempted before polarizing the country to the verge of violence and the General knows what will result from a "judicial coup" and the picture is not a pleasant one!

    Seems at long last cooler heads will prevail, Negotiation is the only way out of the mess Suthep has made!


  12. Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

    This is the result. I hope he likes it.

    It's his only achievement in 4 months.

    Suthep has shone a bright light on this government, its failed policies and mounting debt, causing the cockroaches to run for the darkness. If they decide that they want to form their own little destitute ghetto and rob each other blind, that is their own business, and certainly no fault of Suthep.

    However, those advocating secession might want to take a look at the penalties that apply to the crime of real sedition.

    You really do not understand what real sedition is, check out Suthep action for the last 4 months, if he tried that in the US he would be behind bars, or dead.

    If the ammart do not observe the constitution of Thailand's Democracy they will be responsible for any separation of Thailand.

    That was no bright light it was fireflies flying around where Suthep's brain should have been!


  13. I'm not surprised, they are cheering the deaths of children in Trat, now they are shooting at an old lady.

    Wonder what's next from these, low form, Red supporters.

    You should be ashamed of yourself to try to use the deaths of children to score points on a web site. How sad . I think that maybe it is you doing the cheering to make up such vile lies

    You sir are a troll, denying facts, trying to stir the pot. It is you and your ilk that are using dead children, shame on you.

    It is people such as yourself that seek to stir the pot, even the idiot Suthep knew it was time to shut up, The use of the death of innocent children for political gain is only out done by those responsible for those murders, when they discovered those responsible for that attack, hopefully they will not be navy seals!


  14. I'm not surprised, they are cheering the deaths of children in Trat, now they are shooting at an old lady.

    Wonder what's next from these, low form, Red supporters.

    Who is cheering the deaths of children in Trat or anywhere?


    So you don't read the news. From the Other Paper:

    Dab Daeng took to the stage with a microphone in hand to announce what he said was "good news".

    "I have good news to tell my red-shirt brothers and sisters from all provinces. The People’s Democratic Reform Committee members of Suthep (Thaugsuban) at the protest stage in Khao Saming (Trat province) were deservedly given a reception by the locals. Five PDRC people were killed and over 30 injured. The locals welcomed them because they love Suthep a lot...," Dab Daeng told the crowd.

    Many people in the crowd cheered, raising their fists in the air and applauding in jubilation over the death and injuries of these innocent and peaceful protesters.

    So it seems that the Red Shirts were indeed cheering.

    Did he say children?

    There is certainly a lack of any type of morals for those that attempt to make political gain on the death of innocent children.


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  15. I think Suthep and his allies should be investigated.

    Each one of his moves damaged the Thai economy. Could it be possible they bid against certain stocks so that if they lose value, they end up making a huge amount of money?

    I wouldn't be surprised if he did that and made billions in the process.

    I think it is more important to investigate this corrupt government !

    Did not the NACC, unbiased, in depth, by the book, not fast tracked, 21 day, sorry i forgot a year and 21 day investigation already do that and the NACC did not find any grounds to charge Yingluck with anything more then, "Negligence in preforming her duties?


  16. I think Suthep and his allies should be investigated.

    Each one of his moves damaged the Thai economy. Could it be possible they bid against certain stocks so that if they lose value, they end up making a huge amount of money?

    I wouldn't be surprised if he did that and made billions in the process.

    Someone has made billions out of the rice scheme, but it probably wasn't Suthep.

    This has been a protesters rally cry since day one, You have been requested before to please document your statements, IE: how many actual billions, and from what part of the nation budget of Thailand did those untold billions come from" and if said statements are not B/S why has the NACC only charged Yingluck with "Negligence" and not CORRUPTION as many anti-government supporters has stated as fact again and again on this forum for the last 3-4 months.

    The NACC found no link from Yingluck to corruption, if they would have she would have been charged with corruption not negligence in doing her job!

    It never was more then the big lie!


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