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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 4 hours ago, bannork said:

    Presumably the man lived with the boy and the boy's mother during the five years of the boy's life. 

    Watching a child grow, learning to walk, to speak, to respond, is a wonderful experience. Didn't he love the child throughout those five years as he shared happy times, seeing his boy grow?

    Then how can he abandon him? 


    He's a mainland Chinese man.....not really known for their compassion and sentiments. 

    • Like 2
  2. I just very finely chopped the buds. They were pre dried / baked when I got them.


    Then I ground them up with some butter and hot water.  After that I make the tea with them..pouring boiling water over the buds in a tea strainer.  


    I added a normal tea bag for flavour.  It was nice. Like herbal tea.


    Can't say I got much of an affect from it, so wont be doing it again.



    • Like 1
  3. On 7/2/2022 at 4:16 PM, Danderman123 said:

    Again, at the moment, Covid is very infectious, but not particularly lethal. About the only people now who die from it are Deadender anti-vax types.


    Darwin in action.

    Can you provide a link that more unvaccinated people are dying of COVID more than vaccinated ones, please.  

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, skippybangkok said:

    Probably the least educated I have seen in some time, also not helpful.


    I was a Windows user for most of my life, and have been on Mac for 10 years now.  I can compare unlike yourself.


    Thanks for the other OPs advice... a bit risky, but might see if can remove the shell and straighten it out. ?





    How exactly do you know how educated I am, or what qualifications I have?  


    I have used Apple, for your information, and would never use them again after my experiences with their customer care, fragility of some of their products, and the way they trap you into being only able to buy their more expensive products (as nothing else is compatible). 


    How you seriously expected an educated and helpful response to your idea to 'bend it back' into shape rather then fixing it properly I don't known.  


    Anyway, happy you sorted it yourself and saved yourself from the extortionate charges that Apple is happy to charge their loyal customers.  






    • Like 1
  5. On 7/7/2022 at 5:06 PM, MJCM said:

    Not only harmless Snakes, she was hit in the eye (spit) by a Cobra and I got hit on the arm (also spit) by it when I removed it from our property. Fortunately nothing serious happened to her, we got eye drops that cleared it.


    She KILLS anything she sees even the smallest gecko/lizard/mouse etc etc. She really has the instincts of Wolf in her.


    Just recently she caught a bird that was just resting on the patio, how she did it NO idea! She just kills it and leaves it for me to find!


    I think you need to learn how to take care of dogs or find a new home for at least one of them.


    You should train then not to kill things for a start.  


    As you found out it's dangerous for the dogs and you if they are attacking venomous snakes!


    Train them to bark at then to alert you...and to keep their distance.


    Train the dogs to not fight.  Learn about dog behaviour.  You did the worst thing separating them each time for so long...using a stick or whatever.  You just right them it's ok to fight and you will sort it out..and if they fight they get attention from you and your wife and some excitement. 


    Do you walk them, exercise them daily, give them mental stimulation, like hiding their food, giving them chew toys, making them work for their food and obey commands for rewards so they know you are the boss?



  6. 17 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Across the road from me a child was sent home from school along with her entire class as 18 out of 30 had tested positive.

    She gave it to her granny [aged 58] who developed symptoms, she then got a lung infection and was moved to hospital passed away after 3 days.

    Is it worth the panic... for some no, for some yes.


    Well it was not worth the panic in that situation.  The panic lead to the death of the grandmother!


    If they kept the kids at school and carried on as normal the child would not have gone to stay and infect the grandmother! 

    • Confused 3
  7. 37 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    Proof positive that overdosing boosters isn't effective. But most people knew that already. 

    Ok. The vaccinations and boosters do not stop you contracting COVID.  No one says they do!


    What they do is stop you developing severe symptoms that require you to be admitted to hospital.  They also greatly reduce the risk of you dying from the virus.  


    Are you saying the vaccines / boosters are a bad idea? 

  8. I use a 'spot on' tick killer..  works really well...but you must make sure not to miss the monthly application. 


    If you have a tick infestation in your garden or house you need to treat the dog and also products to kill the ticks in the environment.  Repeated treatment needed on a schedule...as there will be eggs that hatch our later after the ticks have already been killed. 



    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

    Be careful what you wish for!


    There are less than 1,000 mature adults left in the wild – the SPECIES is critically endangered and is at  great risk of hybridisation.

    This is a serious problem  for many apex predators in this region.


    Unfortunately there are many crocodile farms that are populated by other species or hybrids and there are often escapes. The problem with this is it will hasten the extinction of the species through hybridisation.


    This animal needs to be captured and DNA tested to male sure it is a genuine Siamese croc.

    You are correct.  But most of the crocodiles these farms are indeed Siamese crocodiles. 


    Some are hybrids with saltwater crocks.  But saltwater crocks are also native to Thailand....so they must have interbred occasionally in nature. 


    I would rather have hybrid ones than none at all.  But. Yeah. I guess you are right. Sadly there is no chance for the successful reintroduction of the Siamese crocodiles here. People are just too scared of them.

    ..and a lot of the natural ecosystems are destroyed and not suitable.  







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