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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 7 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    People who are OK with teaching a 5 yr old about sex and gender identity are idiots. What sane person could possibly think this is good. It's beyond crazy that this even is an issue. 


    What percentage of 5 yr olds identify as being gay?

    But this bill says it's fine to teach kids about sex and gender so long as you don't say anything about gay people. 


    Either teach them nothing or everything.  


    Don't pick and choose.   That is why people are annoyed. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, watthong said:

    Right on. We are BOTH consenting AND adults, moreover we're not even blood-related. So where does incest come in? The way I understand it: sexual relations between siblings or parents and their offsprings. (Uncle Bernie and Aunt Bertha may also be included.) My partner might be my adopted child by law, however he's definitely not my offspring. In a land where decorum is top priorities, I have a hard time imagining a Thai judge who would, at the end of the day, mention "btw, you two should 'avoid' sleeping in the same bed -  erh, I think you know what I mean, wink wink."


    Somehow this talk of incest in a (maybe not so) weird way brings to mind a time in (Western) history - sometimes around the life and travails of Leonardo da Vinci  - the term "sodomy" was re-defined to include any sexual acts where semen - from a male, naturally -was deposited into any place other than a vagine - of a female, naturally. But that sure covered lot of "territories" didn't it? Suddenly more than half of Florence ran afoul with "sodomites," most of them were not even aware they had been classified as such!

    If he is legally your adopted son than its naturally going to be frowned upon if you are having sex with him!


    Simply make a will!!!


    What if you adopt him and your relationship ends and you or him meet someone else in the future?  


    If he is pushing you to do this rather than a will then I would be very suspicious of his motives.  It could be a way for him to get into you home country and get your assets when you die, or even if you split up! 


    I don't know why anyone in their right mind would want to adopt their boyfriend / girlfriend as their child.  


    Is this your first gay relationship here, or anywhere perhaps?


    You simply make a will stipulating what he gets on your death etc.  



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  3. It's gone bird nest crazy this year in our small garden in CM...all nesting at same time:


    Tree sparrows...3 nests in out building roof.


    Common Mynah.... 2 nests...one in car port and one on support beam on patio..


    Asian pied starling.... 1 nest in tallest palm tree.


    Red whiskered bulbul...2 nests...one in hedge and one in shrub.


    Some kind of green coloured bulbul....1 nest in potted plant next to front door.


    Feral / city pigeon....1 nest on top of air con extractor fan at back of house.


    Spotted necked turtle doves...2 nests...one in hedge and one in a palm tree.


    White breasted water hen...1 nest in mango tree near chicken coop.


    Zebra dove....1 nest in hanging basket.


    Created Mynah bird...1 nest in pump house roof.


    I think all these birds feel safe here as my 2 chihuahua dogs have chased all the neighbourhood cats out of the garden. 













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  4. 2 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:


    The following non-primates also make tools-


    Tool manufacture and use are virtually non-existent among non-human primates. However, gorillas, common chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, long-tailed macaques and capuchin monkeys are notable exceptions. Some of them use very simple tools to help in acquiring food and water.

    There are some good details on National Geographic tv series about chimpanzees using stones to open nuts.

    Bottle nosed dolphins in Australia, elephants, sea otters etc. use various tools to catch food or cool them selves.

    What about army ants that build bridges from their own bodies to get to where they want to go safely ?


    I am sure if we think carefully we will have seen various animals / insects use tools of some kind.




    Yes...my dog is often using the computer and my cat playing the piano.  

  5. 1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    One thing to bear in mind here though, is that there are over three thousand species of mosquito and this would only affect a single one, leaving 99.97% of mosquitoes unaffected.


    So even if every single Aedes Aegypti mosquito were wiped out it would have only a minuscule effect on the total number of mosquitoes in the world.


    It's also worth noting that this species of mosquito was native to only a small area of sub-tropical Africa until recently and has been artificially introduced elsewhere by human activity, such as the trade in tyres (which was how it was introduced into Florida in the 1980’s - so it actually doesn't belong there).


    It also only evolved a domestic form relatively recently that feeds exclusively on humans (its ancestral form, which still exists, preys primarily on non-human animals) and getting rid of all of the domestic variety (even if possible, which it may not be) would actually only be putting the species back to where it was a few decades ago.


    Evolution of mosquito preference for humans linked to an odorant

    Wow. Great post, thanks for that information! 


    I'm not so against it now.  Just hope it would work then ..and not have some negative unexpected result like making the male mosquito into man eating giant zombies. 

  6. 2 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    IF you read about that vaccine, you better take care.

    They tried in Philippines and it is not quite what they expect from it, the program was abandoned.

    Thailand is in a co working with Australia and some others to have genetic modified males.

    No longer being able to reproduce. So where are those ones to control mosquito population, if Thailand is so concerned?

    In other countries (Africa, South America) they work like this.

    As mosquitoes have  a wider range of illnesses spreading under humans and animals.   

    Thai government should educate people about mosquito and let them ditch many puddles when they come up in rainy seasons. Of course you cant ditch a rice field, 555

    There are not usually too many mosquito in rice fields...at least not organic ones ..as small fish and water insects eat the mosquito eggs and young. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    Humans....never learn not to mess with nature. 


    The mosquitos, although a total pain for us humans, have a role to play in nature.  Many fish and amphibians feed off them when they are young.  Without the mosquitoes many other animals won't survive, no fish...the birds and other animals that eat fish will decline.   


    Mosquitoes also are a form of population control for mammals...the weaker mammals dying die to the diseases they spread and stopping overpopulation. 


    Mosquitoes are also the main food for many bar species.


    Australia keeps introducing new animals to control others and it's always worked out for the worse.  Genetically changing wild animals is totally unethical and these people are only interested in the money. 



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  8. On 3/24/2022 at 2:58 PM, AhFarangJa said:

    Wholeheartedly agree, at present they are widening the road from our village to Prasart, totally unnecessary, and they are cutting down hundreds of trees, many of them decades old that provide shade and scenery. These will never be replaced, and as you say, what of the land they are taking from the villages. Someone, somewhere is making a massive kickback.

    I though that was just happening in my village in CM.  This year it's got wrecked and the once pretty rural village has turned into a building site. 


    All the massive old trees and bamboo thickets have been cut down, the streams / rivers have been lined with concrete or put into concrete drains then buried, and roads widened into dusty white concrete runways. 


    Also have strange lamp post situation.  Still have the old ones, then between them new solar powered ones, then new old style electric ones between them.  Some places there are 3 lamp post, one of each variety, inches away from each other.


    It's depressing.  All the wildlife has gone. No trees for the owls and birds, no water lilies or water plants for the frogs, turtles dragonflies in the now concrete steep sided streams. 


    The lizards that used to bask at the side of the roads are gone, as are the storks and wild ducks that uses to use the marshes ..which have been filled in with red dirt to make housing estates. 


    It's happened over 2 years and has really snowballed.  Lived here 16 years and previous to this 'progress' was very slow. 



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