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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. It's bad for you.  We don't drink any dairy milk....it's not natural to be drinking another species milk..and humans / no other mammals, drink milk once they are no longer babies.


    The dairy industry is also cruel and bad for the environment.





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  2. 5 hours ago, masonp001 said:

    Birds will be encouraged to visit your garden for shelter, nesting and to feed if you plant trees such as rowan, holly, hawthorn and honeysuckle and shrubs such as cotoneaster, berberis and pyracantha.

    I doubt any of those plants / trees will survive in Thailand ????

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  3. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Would point out immigrants are not expats.

    Give me Thai nationality and I'll learn the language better.

    This is something I agree with you on.


    I think people that get permission to live and stay in a country for the rest of their lives should have to be able to speak the language of that country (at least at a basic level)


    Often, farangs that live here act very entitled and refer themselves as 'expats'.  If they really believe they are expats they should be able to speak, read and write basic Thai.


    The fact is most of us are just immigrants.....so no real obligation to lean the language.....


    But it is still very helpful and advantageous to know some of the language of any country you live in....and people that can't be bothered, when they call themselves expats, are simply lazy. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

    I bought the Lonely Planet Hilltribe phrase book and here in Pai they refused to take it as a trade in because they had too many of them from other dreamers like me who envisioned having a 'we are the world'-moment with an authentic-ish indigenous person who might show me a secret sacred tree in the forest, just because.


    As a long time resident, how often do they mix with westerners? I'd guess language is a big barrier.


    I also read a book that had a lot about Khun Sa, opium lord of the Shan State. He was like Scarface with Buddha's thrown in. 'Can't believe there hasn't been half a dozen movies about him.

    Hate to break or to you, but most hill tribe people are not living remote traditional hill tribe lives these days.


    They are mixed up with the Thai yai and Thai people in every day life..in the countryside and in the city....but usually poorer than the average Thai person due to lack of opportunities and discrimination.  



  5. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I'm all for giving a fair go to everyone and every type op people when it comes to gainful employment and being part of society but such behavior by a transgender cast heavy doubt whether they are fit to be employed when it comes to children...

    What?  So...also you will doubt straight men and women should be teachers as there are far more cases of  straight teachers abusing children than transgendered teachers?


    You got to be pretty shortsighted if you can't see that it's not about someone's sex, gender or sexuality here.....this is about a sick twisted and disgusting human being that is abusing kids.













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  6. Wait...what?  


    The bank account that was said to be hers is actually some school directors account?


    They will have the money....not her or her grandfather? 


    They will have conditions to give it to her....so if her grades are not what they demand or she does not do as they want they will not give it to her.....or if she leaves the university for medical reasons or bullying she looses it all?


    What will happen to the money in the directors account then? 




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  7. 17 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

    Well not exactly about which culture is calmer, which get angry faster, which calms down faster.

    It is about a culture that creates people who can kill others over something very benign in nature.

    Perhaps starting with getting rid of 'Wais' , particularly for children, as it may very well prevent them from expressing feelings, so preventing them from learning on how to deal with feelings in their youth. Combined with getting rid of the 'Kha' and 'Khap', which also hide any other feeling from being expressed.


    But changing a culture, one hell of a task....

    Of right, so let's make them like American culture shall we.....and get ready for mass school shootings, hight gun crime, and highest mental health problems in the world... 

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  8. 8 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Less waiting time, faster service,  better environment, English  language etc  but the principal treatment  will be the same I believe

    The public hospitals I have been too were all very good. Doctors all spoke English and there were no long waiting times.  


    But, I did go to a very small local hospital where the staff did not speak much English...but I can speak some Thai so it was not a problem...and the nurses and staff were the friendliest and put me at ease out of any hospital I have been too...(I have a bit of a phobia of hospitals)


    I also went to a new private hospital to get my COVID vaccines and, although the service was good, there seemed to be only one nurse who could speak English in the entire place.


    I guess they are all different.  Personally I would choose a large well known government hospital over a private one...as I believe that the service, treatment are the same as a private one, and the cost is much less.




  9. 39 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    The doctors  in public  hospitals will be more  experienced  or more likely  justb the same doctors from the  private hospitals. My understanding  is that  most doctors  at private hospitals also put in work at public hospitals.

    You are 100 percent right there.  


    People are easily duped into paying more at a fancy private hospital....the same doctor also doing the rounds at public hospitals in the same area.  


    But they are paying for the fancy decorating and staff papering them at the private hospitals. ....which has nothing to do with with actual medical work or recovery.

  10. 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    i don't recall the the words bisexual or homosexual being used in the OP  However I am fully aware of the dictionary definition. but I fail to see the need to use countless other pronouns / adjectives   MSM   refers to men who have sex with men ,  that to me fulfills the definition of homsexual activity regardless of how these people wish to "identify" themselves   In the same way that a phrase like "adults who have sex with children" fulfills the dictionary definition of Paedophile .  And before the predicted outrage starts I am not implying that homosexuals or MSM  are paedophiles.   But this obsession with pronouns and how people "identify" themselves is not helping matters in anyway

    ..  why would you start linking  paedophiles with the gays.?  


    This thread is about monkey pox.






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  11. 13 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    Its all becoming very confusing as far as i 'm concerned,   So men who have sex with men are not "gay" anymore because they don't "identify" as such ?  Does that mean for example that even though I smoke cigarettes I should not be considered a smoker as long as I don't "Identify" as a "smoker" ?  or despite me enjoying a beer I can still be considered a teetotaller if I choose to Identify as such?  What an absolute load of nonsense, it seems that the days of  calling a spade a spade are long over, how can anybody be expected to take any of this seriously?  How on earth has this been allowed to happen?   Just out of interest what does the word "homosexual" mean these days?  does anybody even dare to answer?

    Wow.  So you have never heard of bi sexual ?  Have you been living under a rock?   If you don't know what the word 'homosexual' means you can use a dictionary or look it up on google.



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