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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. samui may have in fact lost some of its charm, or a particular aspect of it but it certainly hasn't lost its charm. in fact, now that i no longer see "developers" and "estate agents" on every street corner and shop house in between, i think it's regained quite a lot. looking out over the water from bang rak to phangan today and it's picture perfect.

  2. the aim is to water another person as much as possible. At least for the majority of participants, consciously or intuitively. However dashing water over a driving driver is hardly possible > physics...Therefore they some target the face of a driver intuitively.

    Once on the way to Nathon, I had some urgent business to do there on a 13th of April and had only a motorcycle, an ordinary lady threw a bucket load of water at my face while driving by. That hurt like a strong hit with a wet towel (I can imagine). Got dizzy at once, felt the sharp pain in my face, could see only a little bit, but drove on by realising this lady smiling the way Thais do if something went wrong by own action....

  3. dam_n misleading thread titles. i thought for sure i was going to open this thread and find some good local drama inside and it only turns out to be boxing.

    pop in sunday 7th may and i'm sure you'll see manny punch the lights out on Mosely

    perhaps. whatever the outcome however it is still only boxing. :ph34r:

    let's see manny fight a 13th degree kung <deleted> state championship runner up and i'm in.

  4. ok the photo is not the best but my iphone was all i had handy when i happened upon this spider. funniest looking spider i've ever seen. if anyone has seen this before or can ID it, thanks in advance.

    btw, the "face" on this spider has my staff laughing. they think it's a cartoon. i realize the photo is lacking but the face is actually very "owl-ish" for lack of a better term.


  5. seems as if it were a rather subdued songkran this year on samui. two years ago i spent the day of songkran in my yard and started counting the ambulance sirens as they drove past on the way to nathon hospital. i made a bet with a friend that we would hear at least one dozen go past during the day, we ended up hearing 15 distinctly different ambulances drive past that day.

    yesterday, i spent the day in the garden and remembered the number from two years previously. we had a total of 3 ambulances drive past with sirens. i suppose they could have taken the lamai route to nathon. fewer people could have been driving drunk, or the recent storms both weather wise and political could have kept the tourists away.

  6. hey man as far as i know, chainsaws are illegal here and therefore must be operated discreetly. i know we've used them several times and each time it came with a crew who assembled most of it onsite, then disassembled it at the end of the job. each time was from the original land owner so i don't have a number to give you, just wanted to let you know that it may not be as easy as showing up at home pro and walking out with your new toy.

  7. Anyone know how passable it is for visa runs heading from Samui down to the Malaysian border?

    i've been watching the thai news as i have to drive to sadao tomorrow and it sounds bleak but doable. had a thai friend leave here two days ago and they had to sit on the side of the road in surat for 24 hours before heading towards krabi and taking the long long way around to go north to bkk and udon. also called some of the local visa run companies and they are running tomorrow so i'm giving it a shot. i'm definitely expecting longer travel times.

  8. What this thread is telling me loud and clear is that no one really has a clue whats going on with the weather. :D

    what's amazing to me is that in every "advanced" western society i've lived in, people always complain that the meteorologist on the nightly news is always wrong. in spite of the fact that he's a trained meteorologist using advanced weather radar from a highly localized source. i wouldn't be surprised to see all these weather-men and women get together and put windguru out of business. i mean here we are living on a remote island city in a third world nation with literally hundreds of miles of open sea at our doorstep and here comes a non local source providing accurate local weather data.

    just a few short months ago, any iphone weather app when requesting weather for samui would redirect to phuket weather. it's not very complicated to predict rain on a sub tropical island. i however need to know precipitation, wind speed and direction, wave heights etc. on a daily basis and have found windguru to be lacking. i suppose however that since most people using the site are concerned only for rain, that 1 out of 4 things correct can still be a perfect score.

    I have the WindGuru app installed on my iPhone and over the past few months it has been remarkebly accurate. Ok, sometimes it misses the sudden early afternoon winds, but wind direction, wave height and direction, as well as rain all are very good predictions. Plus having it on the iPhone means I can access it at any time.

    interesting, thanks. didn't know they had put out an iphone app yet. i've got probably half a dozen weather related on my iphone though and in the itunes store the windguru app rates about 2 1/2 out of 5 but i'm willing to give it a shot for S&G.

  9. thanks for the link limbos i will take a look at what they offer however while i don't mind paying for data i can see the high pressure sales pitch, in this case small craft advisories and hazardous conditions in what looks to be the next few days however they've been "clouded over" just enough so that you can see them there yet not providing any details unless you buy.

    this entire region is still in its weather reporting infancy. regardless of the number of websites offering "local" weather reports, there just aren't enough local weather reporting stations on the ground to be effective. i know back in the states there are literally thousands of weather reporting stations,grassroots style home (typically farm) owners who maintain logs of local weather activity. wind speed and direction, barometer readings, actual rainfall total for that location etc. while they may not have sophisticated weather radar at their disposal the information they offer day in and day out is vital. i'm going to set up a rain gauge, wind sock and barometer here not just for my own use but in the hopes that more people, in various locations around the island(s) might do the same and help everyone get a much better, clearer and entirely localized idea of the weather.

  10. there are simply too many variables for weather predictions, that's why everyone is almost invariably wrong to some degree. that's why i prefer actual raw data rather than an interpretation.

    whichever source thaivisa uses is quite specific for heavy rains today and each of the next several days yet windguru doesn't show any significant rainfall until wed and only briefly before taking a break until next sunday. it may be a small island but it is raining here steadily. weather reports are no different than politics or religion, it's either "my source (way) or the highway"

    Joe it's a small island with different topography. We had passing shower this morning & nothing since, Our source does not predict heavy rains either here.

    In general Thai news give you a fairly accurate picture & warnings.

    that's the link i was referring to. perhaps i am misinterpreting the "Heavy Rain" 3 raindrops and expectations of mm's per hour indicated on that link for every single day this week.

  11. there are simply too many variables for weather predictions, that's why everyone is almost invariably wrong to some degree. that's why i prefer actual raw data rather than an interpretation.

    whichever source thaivisa uses is quite specific for heavy rains today and each of the next several days yet windguru doesn't show any significant rainfall until wed and only briefly before taking a break until next sunday. it may be a small island but it is raining here steadily. weather reports are no different than politics or religion, it's either "my source (way) or the highway"

  12. anyone notice the big land slide on the road up the mountain on the way to Nathon from Maenam. It's slipped for under a new house being built hard to see what damage as can't stop on that section of road.

    yes that happened about 3 days ago. still a massive pile of rocks needing to be cleared but i can hear some heavy equipment up on the mountain now so perhaps they have started. the morning it happened there was a line of cars nearly 1km long all stopped on the side of the road and i had no idea why, thought it was odd timing for a royal visit.

  13. What this thread is telling me loud and clear is that no one really has a clue whats going on with the weather. :D

    what's amazing to me is that in every "advanced" western society i've lived in, people always complain that the meteorologist on the nightly news is always wrong. in spite of the fact that he's a trained meteorologist using advanced weather radar from a highly localized source. i wouldn't be surprised to see all these weather-men and women get together and put windguru out of business. i mean here we are living on a remote island city in a third world nation with literally hundreds of miles of open sea at our doorstep and here comes a non local source providing accurate local weather data.

    just a few short months ago, any iphone weather app when requesting weather for samui would redirect to phuket weather. it's not very complicated to predict rain on a sub tropical island. i however need to know precipitation, wind speed and direction, wave heights etc. on a daily basis and have found windguru to be lacking. i suppose however that since most people using the site are concerned only for rain, that 1 out of 4 things correct can still be a perfect score.

  14. "As for the public infrastructure, 2,520 roads, 218 drainage pipes, 46 dikes, 236 bridges, 320 temples and schools as well as 76 state offices were damaged.

    The Highway Department reported that as of Friday evening, 24 roads were impassable to vehicles and the Nakhon Si Thammarat airport remained closed due to heavy flooding. Southbound train services from the capital stop at Surat Thani's Tha Chana station."

  15. rooo i've already said where i look, anyone with access to the internet can find "interactive weather radar maps asia" using any significant search engine and extrapolate. ton of satellites out there. factor in wind speed and direction and there you go. windguru is about as helpful as cow shit for chapped lips. google samui weather and odds are you will see "chance of thunderstorms" better than 300 days per year. look for a satellite photo of what is actually happening and take it from there. there's nothing i'd rather be than wrong haha. i have tomatoes that need to stretch their legs.

    Despite all the instant armchair met expertise available on this forum WindGuru has been remarkably accurate so far.

    At the moment we are looking at a bit of bad weather next Saturday. Lots of scaremongering going on I fear. If the "high pressure" over China weakens then we can all sleep easily again. If not, then back to panic buying at 7/11. :(

    i'm a licensed pilot and i work out on the water, i not only know how to read actual weather, you know like up in the sky but charts as well. over the last year windguru has been one of the least accurate providers of reliable local weather data and a reason why we always refer to 2 or 3 different sources as a backup. most people on this forum using windguru probably don't even know about the wave info or windspeed and look only at precipitation. scroll up or down and see the number of posts describing the stalled traffic on the mainland. vehicles are simply not moving out of surat. that means it's less likely that large container trucks will make it to donsak to bring us food and supplies. any storm hitting us in the next day or two will easily delay road clearing in surat, can certainly have an impact on ferries etc. it's not scaremongering to think that normal supplies will not be available until next weekend, it's common sense.

  16. rooo i've already said where i look, anyone with access to the internet can find "interactive weather radar maps asia" using any significant search engine and extrapolate. ton of satellites out there. factor in wind speed and direction and there you go. windguru is about as helpful as cow shit for chapped lips. google samui weather and odds are you will see "chance of thunderstorms" better than 300 days per year. look for a satellite photo of what is actually happening and take it from there. there's nothing i'd rather be than wrong haha. i have tomatoes that need to stretch their legs.

  17. Just been told there is a load of bad weather heading this way from Mon again ? I still can't drive up to the house due the the concrete poles being brought down by a large tree and they are talking of a month before they can get to me as not a priority as we are the only house up the mountain. Looks like it is little brown envelope time again. :(

    there is a rather impressive system headed this way at the moment. who knows, things can and do change. i'm trying to make sure all of the household necessities are stocked up by tomorrow because i don't expect to be able to do anything close to normal samui shopping now until after next weekend. not much luck though as tesco nathon was basically empty just an hour ago and every other major outlet will be short unless they had deliveries today and/or tomorrow. hatches are being battened, so to speak.

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