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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. I'm sorry but complaining about a FIVE BAHT increase is one of the most ridiculous things I've read on this crazy forum in over 4 years. Big deal if it is a 25% increase. 25% of practically nothing is, well, one fourth of practically nothing. At least now there is some use for all those coins all of us end up with.

    Speaking of, maybe the shops could have one of those "take a penny, leave a penny" bowls by the cashier. That way, the people here on a fixed pension can use 5 baht from it to pay for the newspaper increase.

    ha! talk about crazy ideas. that would be more like a tip for the cashiers and there would never be a dam_n thing in the bowl. ever. unless of course it was a satang. the shops don't ever mind paying out satang but look at you like you're a martian if you try and pay with one.

  2. well the hummers are out of the question as i don't have even one. the yachts are a different matter altogether and it would make for some interesting stories i think to see a bunch of tipsy revelers on yachts being pulled by tractors down FV main street and all the way through bang rak, stopping at each of the sponsors establishments.

    That's a pity...was looking forward to chucking one or two of the members overboard.....arr me hearties! :D

    555 one of them does have a pretty good plank...

  3. i'm willing to overlook that and sponsor the event with a round of beers for anyone that can get motivated to show up.

    We got plenty of beer....how about helping with transporting the tipsy revellers?

    A couple of yachts and four hummers should be adequate.


    well the hummers are out of the question as i don't have even one. the yachts are a different matter altogether and it would make for some interesting stories i think to see a bunch of tipsy revelers on yachts being pulled by tractors down FV main street and all the way through bang rak, stopping at each of the sponsors establishments.

  4. Why don't we make a day of it:

    Sweeney Todds for a late breakfast then into the village for an afternoon session in The Emerald followed by a trip up to Bangrak for a curry in Havelis ending up in The Premiership bar for the evening.

    All food and drink provided by our wonderfull sponsors?:jap: :partytime2::guitar::burp:

    Great idea!

    it is a great idea but you might as well try herding cats. half of the island doesn't get out of bed before 2pm and half of the other half are working or obligated. half of what's left are indifferent and the remainder couldn't be bothered because it wasn't their idea to begin with. if there is anybody left, they are stressing out over which negative angle they can use to cast the idea in its worst light.

    i'm down though, if there is anyone that disagrees with my premise i'll be happy to engage.

    I thought that this was quite :cheesy:

    two rounds for you. as well as a nomination for the "not taking the internet so seriously" award.

  5. So which category do you fall into, i think number 5, "they are stressing out over which negative angle they can use to cast the idea in its worst light" if it isn't worth posting, don't post it.

    Why don't we make a day of it:

    Sweeney Todds for a late breakfast then into the village for an afternoon session in The Emerald followed by a trip up to Bangrak for a curry in Havelis ending up in The Premiership bar for the evening.

    All food and drink provided by our wonderfull sponsors?:jap: :partytime2::guitar::burp:

    Great idea!

    it is a great idea but you might as well try herding cats. half of the island doesn't get out of bed before 2pm and half of the other half are working or obligated. half of what's left are indifferent and the remainder couldn't be bothered because it wasn't their idea to begin with. if there is anybody left, they are stressing out over which negative angle they can use to cast the idea in its worst light.

    i'm down though, if there is anyone that disagrees with my premise i'll be happy to engage.

    i'm guessing you fall into the category of "requiring remedial reading" for overlooking "it is a great idea" and "i'm down though" in addition to requiring a happy smiley emoticon to dictate how you interpret a post. since you've only had 3 posts under this name however i'm willing to overlook that and sponsor the event with a round of beers for anyone that can get motivated to show up.

    even for those who will complain that it's not their normal and preferred choice of beers.

  6. Why don't we make a day of it:

    Sweeney Todds for a late breakfast then into the village for an afternoon session in The Emerald followed by a trip up to Bangrak for a curry in Havelis ending up in The Premiership bar for the evening.

    All food and drink provided by our wonderfull sponsors?:jap: :partytime2::guitar::burp:

    Great idea!

    it is a great idea but you might as well try herding cats. half of the island doesn't get out of bed before 2pm and half of the other half are working or obligated. half of what's left are indifferent and the remainder couldn't be bothered because it wasn't their idea to begin with. if there is anybody left, they are stressing out over which negative angle they can use to cast the idea in its worst light.

    i'm down though, if there is anyone that disagrees with my premise i'll be happy to engage.

    would have thought you would be to busy with the fleet of yatchs and looking for hundreds of hummers to rent out to go partying

    so it is true then, you keep a database of personal information about people in a place you don't live so that you can complain about the place and its residents and visitors?

    yeah, that's not creepy.

    the fleet is fine btw, and sure could have used those humvees last week when yet another group of world traveling high rollers made a 4 day stop here looking to spend some money. it's unfortunate that the island can only provide groups like that with fortuners.

  7. Why don't we make a day of it:

    Sweeney Todds for a late breakfast then into the village for an afternoon session in The Emerald followed by a trip up to Bangrak for a curry in Havelis ending up in The Premiership bar for the evening.

    All food and drink provided by our wonderfull sponsors?:jap: :partytime2::guitar::burp:

    Great idea!

    it is a great idea but you might as well try herding cats. half of the island doesn't get out of bed before 2pm and half of the other half are working or obligated. half of what's left are indifferent and the remainder couldn't be bothered because it wasn't their idea to begin with. if there is anybody left, they are stressing out over which negative angle they can use to cast the idea in its worst light.

    i'm down though, if there is anyone that disagrees with my premise i'll be happy to engage.

  8. ESB7:

    My dogs are at three different locations on my property and one is roped to the front entrance.

    Poor dog. Good thing you don't live in a country that has any idea of humane treatment of animals....

    There's me thinking that nailing them to entrance gate is an option.

    nailing burglars to the entrance gate would be a tremendous help. the concept seemed to work pretty well for vlad the impaler against the turks.

  9. So i'm eager to know how you would define "security in place." Pointless to call the BIB because they would'nt be interested, your dogs if you have them as securitywould be poisoned if the thieves really wanted to burgle you., would you be legal using a gun?

    I'll bet if you gave the burglar a beating the police would charge you anyway!

    Please define security.


    Even the best security can be defeated. The idea is to make your residence less easy to penetrate than the others. I have overdone my security: steel grills on the windows, barbed wire, electrified fence, cctv, alarms on all windows and doors, 3 killer guard dogs, and two guards at the front gate (300m away). My dogs are at three different locations on my property and one is roped to the front entrance. It would be difficult to poison all the dogs as they go berserk at the sight of any stranger so at least one would probably be alive to alert us.

    I have lived in places like Bogota and San Salvador where security was essential to save your life. My home in the Caribbean has a 3m concrete wall around it with barbed wire on top and two guards with shotguns. Even with that I was robbed -- turned out to be my own guards.

    The bottom-line is to do the best you can, but don't be surprised when your place is burgled because you did nothing.

    The BIB are useless in my opinion. They never responded to my burglary so I went to the police dept to report it. Surely, if you shot or harmed the burglers you would be charged. If I have a problem I call a friend at the Tourist Police who at least attempts to handle the problem without extorting money from me.

    now i'm not particularly religious but something about a "rich man has as much chance of entering heaven as a camel does passing through the eye of a needle" comes to mind. that's not directed at you parallaxtech , it's just something i think about from time to time when i see a thread like this. it's no wonder i've never been robbed here, i guess i just don't have anything that anybody would want 555.

    So, theres no point in having nice possessions when living on Samui because it just means you'll probably get burgled.

    This, in my view, says an aweful lot about the general state of the island. Lawless and the days of being a tropical paradise are long gone. Great place for a thief mindyou.

    i don't generally partake in the "it happens everywhere else" responses on these types of threads but this does happen literally everywhere else. been walking around j'burg with a gold chain or a camera lately? hell you don't even need a gold chain or a camera, fact of the matter is if you are nearly anywhere in south africa you will become a statistic. just wait until brazil hosts the olympics, there will be so many dam_n predators there that it's mind boggling.

    hasn't changed my perception of samui though because i don't really care for conspicuous consumption and sleep quite well with my screened windows open to the sea breeze. .

  10. So i'm eager to know how you would define "security in place." Pointless to call the BIB because they would'nt be interested, your dogs if you have them as securitywould be poisoned if the thieves really wanted to burgle you., would you be legal using a gun?

    I'll bet if you gave the burglar a beating the police would charge you anyway!

    Please define security.


    Even the best security can be defeated. The idea is to make your residence less easy to penetrate than the others. I have overdone my security: steel grills on the windows, barbed wire, electrified fence, cctv, alarms on all windows and doors, 3 killer guard dogs, and two guards at the front gate (300m away). My dogs are at three different locations on my property and one is roped to the front entrance. It would be difficult to poison all the dogs as they go berserk at the sight of any stranger so at least one would probably be alive to alert us.

    I have lived in places like Bogota and San Salvador where security was essential to save your life. My home in the Caribbean has a 3m concrete wall around it with barbed wire on top and two guards with shotguns. Even with that I was robbed -- turned out to be my own guards.

    The bottom-line is to do the best you can, but don't be surprised when your place is burgled because you did nothing.

    The BIB are useless in my opinion. They never responded to my burglary so I went to the police dept to report it. Surely, if you shot or harmed the burglers you would be charged. If I have a problem I call a friend at the Tourist Police who at least attempts to handle the problem without extorting money from me.

    now i'm not particularly religious but something about a "rich man has as much chance of entering heaven as a camel does passing through the eye of a needle" comes to mind. that's not directed at you parallaxtech , it's just something i think about from time to time when i see a thread like this. it's no wonder i've never been robbed here, i guess i just don't have anything that anybody would want 555.

  11. Ok fellows you had your fun. Just very funny that the ones that BEND the law , are always the first ones on this forum complaining about the consequences.

    Joe if you wish to be pedantic about people offering rewards for return of lost or stolen items , so be it.

    This forum does not condone ILLEGAL activities. If anyone has issues with this, please contact me or any other moderator or administration via PM.

    I really do not understand which part of the legal & right procedure some of the members here do not understand. If you wish to advise alternative illegal methods , please do it somewhere else.

    wrong again. offering some sort of incentive to the general public in order to have possessions restored is a "reward". offering money to a police officer in order to do his job, especially under circumstances where it is thought to be the only way to have something returned, is a "bribe" and illegal.

    that is not pedantic, it is concise and accurate.

  12. This has been the best bit of reading for a while on this forum one opinion to the other and back again. I think both have had fair points but I think Joe has the edge and probably slightly more correct concerning the ermmmmmm, 'pocket money'!

    i bet 50 satang that you've just been scratched off of a few christmas lists!

  13. Money??

    Advocating illegal behavior is not really acceptable on this forum. I think you've stated your case enough as has rooo who, despite your protestations to the different, did not pay anything.

    noted and will be referred to the next time any post on the forum that suggests a few thousand baht to the police might help locate a missing motorbike/laptop/passport faster...

  14. ...could be that Lamai would be the place. I think a rent in that budget can be found somewhere behind the Northern part of the beach road. Tesco, bars, restaurants, a very nice beach, a local market and much more is only a short walk away...

    a couple of years back an old friend of mine was staying in a really nice 2BR bungalow immediately off the ring road in lamai for 9k per month. i don't remember the name but if you are passing lamai tesco headed toward hin ta hin yai it is on the left hand side before the 90degree turn. there is a motorbike repair shop directly opposite the entrance. very narrow entrance but big enough for a truck, about 8 or 10 bungalows if i remember correctly.

  15. 400,000 baht for 1/2a rai of village rai says it all for me. Run away now and save your money, :sorry:

    no kidding. perhaps it's got a well that pumps out sang som and underneath every rock there's a gold nugget.

    well i'm quite sure there's sang som and gold in the story somewhere...

    personally wouldn't bother with a detective. buy a ticket, grow out your beard and perch on a barstool across the street if you really really must know.

  16. two months or so ago i was looking for a room in bang rak for a friend and i found one at 10k directly on the beach fwiw. personally i think if you are considering mae nam, you should skip right over it and go on to ban tai area where you can find rooms directly on the beach for anywhere from 3,500 and up. you'd be on the beach and equidistant from both tesco's in chaweng and nathon. fewer bars out that way but if you are on a budget that's not always a bad thing. nice enough swimable beach and loads of authentic thai seafood restaurants lining the beach in ban tai/bang por. if you're not driving you better be close enough to the ring road or else you'll be having some long walks late at night. tons of stuff in bang rak in that price range though.

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