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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. I just got 4 second hand tyers from accros the road from irish times(bandon),they are bridgestone AT and must be only 6 months old(good as new),new they are 4500b each and i got all 4 for 4000b!and they put on for me and i gave them my old ones which had had it.

    nice, were they truck tires or car though? the shop in nathon told my thai staff 6500 baht per truck tire.

  2. interesting thread. i'm from the american midwest and an Enrolled Agent by trade, i've signed many thousands of tax returns. a large percentage of those returns were for small to mid sized farms (100-1000 acres). further, a large percentage of the farmer returns were for people who loved the work but just couldn't compete financially with corporate farms which now dominate the american landscape, yet they continue to do it year after year without showing a profit (which ultimately occurs once the land is disposed of and mortgage paid off) because it's what dad/grandfather/great grandfather all did before them on that land.

    as i see it, thailand is ripe for an amish style farming takeover as done in belize many years ago. decades behind in technology, ideas, desire, management skills and business acumen yet blessed with good sun, soil and rain. it will be quite a while before corporate farming gains ground here so the individual still has the advantage, provided they have the requisite skills and determination of course.

  3. watersedge, thank you very much for that amazingly detailed response. i've got 3,000sq.ft. of my yard that i'm turning into an organic vegetable garden, so this is all for personal use rather than a commercial venture. i've already planned on using coir along with my compost that i've been working on for the last several months. i've got great topsoil to work with however i intend to use raised beds and thought of using around 4-6 inches worth of corn cob as a filler or base to replace the soil i'm digging up to garden with, provided it was easily accessible and cheap.

    thanks again, that was very helpful and informative.

  4. hi, not sure where to put this one so i'm starting here. i'm looking for a large quantity of corn cobs for use in my home garden. don't need edible corn as i ultimately only want the cob but obviously will take what i can get. tesco and makro are not suitable as i'm not looking for dinner and samui is not known for corn production so any suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. have just heard that mae nam ptt station is now closed. some of my staff went there this morning to fill up and were refused, they had to buy bottles to get to work.

    they were told 2 months to re-open.

    so expect it open in around 4 months whistling.gif .... looks like the other petrol stations will raise there prices in the area to meet demand

    agree about four months. if the station in ban tai raises their prices anymore it would look to passers by that they were selling gold, not gasoline.

  6. 26sq.m. is a cell. have you seen the actual individual chanotes? i know first hand that bigger, nicer, beach front "condos" that have sold units and not been able to produce individual chanote deeds for the buyers. the land office here does not like condos. i know people that have paid millions of baht under the table in order to encourage and speed along the condo process and were left empty handed.

    Have to agree with you about the size, not my idea of a long term living space.

    To be fair to the developer there is an explanation of the condo/deed procedure printed at the bottom of the large bill board on the site.

    More upfront info than i've ever seen before on a samui project of any kind.

    How accurate it is I have no idea

    well i hope it is a success for them and a nice place to live for the inmates haha. samui needs a few successful projects to get back on track.

  7. 26sq.m. is a cell. have you seen the actual individual chanotes? i know first hand that bigger, nicer, beach front "condos" that have sold units and not been able to produce individual chanote deeds for the buyers. the land office here does not like condos. i know people that have paid millions of baht under the table in order to encourage and speed along the condo process and were left empty handed.

  8. what will they do about all of the upcoming noise pollution from the wind turbines?

    probably build a night market with a stage pumping out the racket the Thais call music till 4 am

    this would actually work quite well as the vibration from a "bank of huge wind turbines" would need to be minimized as well.

    it seems the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

  9. i remember going to a wed. night party at ark bar perhaps 2 years ago now. someone "accidentally" tossed a cigarette butt into the fireworks box and obviously all hell broke loose. people diving under tables and running down the beach to avoid being shot or burned.

  10. The main problem with cheese isn't the heat but the humidity and for that reason on arrival its good to get it into an airtight container quickly and then into a fridge.

    Lasts for a good while in this condition I've found. ;)

    On my last return to Thailand (yesterday), I saw at the Bangkok airport immediately after clearing Immigration, big signs "Meat Quarantine Area (with an arrow pointing left)", "Seafood Quarantine Area (with an arrow pointing left)", and "Plant Quarantine Area (with an arrow pointing right)", and a sign "Dump it or Declare it". Not sure how serious Thai customs is about all of this (I cleared cutoms with no problem, but 2 guys ahead of me had their bags scanned), but with many good choices for a gift, meat and perhaps cheese may be items to avoid (importation of meat is expressly prohibited). I am sure that any canned, jared or bottled items are no problem, and much easier to carry.

    By the way, I am not a tequila connosieur, is Patrón a good one? I see Gran Patrón, Patrón Reposado and Patrón Silver at the duty free -- which is best and what would be a "reasonable price for a 1.75 L bottle? Thanks for any guidance.

    patron is a quality tequila for sure, but i prefer don julio. in any case, if you see someone asking for lime and salt for a shot of either then you should just keep it for yourself and don't waste good tequila on them.

  11. I cannot imagine ever having a craving for Taco Bell. When at our home I pass by a Taco Bell daily, We stopped there once in the past thirty years and did try to eat our purchases, but alas bad food does not go down well

    I'll be purchasing next week in preparation for our belated move my very own electric tortilla maker to bring in June. My adorable Thai wife makes the best fajitas going right down to the proper pico de gallo , Her caldo de pollo es magnifico her ranchero de pollo es bueno. My latino cooking is Colombian in flavor arepas empanadas pan de yuca arroz con pollo. So if we don't eat good at home my friends have latino restaurants all over the city

    I'd bring them good (not pricey)chocolate maybe Russell Stover caramels, not cream filled foo foo crap, good cheese an extra sharp cheddar crumbly with the occasional gritty crunch when you bite into it, if their southern bring them some grits, some nutella, almonds or pecans or walnuts. stuff you take for granted in the US can be nice to get there.

    i guess 2 billion people per year are wrong then. confusing taco bell with mexican food, latino food, tex mex or any other kind of cuisine is the first mistake. it's munchie food.

    educational toys from the states are another great option if they have any kids (can be passed on to friends children as gifts as well), most every educational "toy" i've seen over here is complete crap. made in china, engrish, maybe used twice before breaking etc. flash cards, language games etc.

  12. 20lbs of Taco Bell, freeze it and pack it in dry ice.

    you just had to do it, didn't you. i've survived 5 years without taco bell and you just had to bring it up.

    for the record, since taco bell is neither available nor practical for shipping/transport, the one item i always ask for is razor blades. i always get 6-12 months worth brought to me with every visit.

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