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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. i suppose this thread should be limited to places offering the turkey dinner today or sunday however if you took a moment to google the history of thanksgiving, big c , you'd probably find that while the precise dates and locations of the holiday are oft disputed, the intention of the holiday is to give thanks for the annual harvest.

    given the general living conditions of the time, constant wars with indian tribes, disease etc. i'd imagine a meal was a lot to be thankful for.

  2. Never heard anyone asking about Xmas lunch either Big C. Should send all the enquiries on that one to the Vatican or the Archbishops don't you think?

    It is an Expat forum.

    i suppose so but i wll annouce every Cuban holiday to even things out

    i'm sure all of the cubans living here on samui will thank you.

    meanwhile, the hundreds of expat americans and canuckians that actually do reside here and celebrate this holiday might find the info useful.

    ok u win. where is the " thanks giving" i am not thankfull for god for giving i don't care but any chance to eat a proper good meal and u can count me in.

    interesting. when people thank god beore they eat. they always leave out there thanks to the butcher and the farmer and the people that actually put the food there.

    rmemeber no farmers and no btchers = no dinner. now u tell me who is the real god. it is me the butch with my sharp knife.

    only joking but people should thank the farmers and butchers and the people that make the plates and knves and forkes. cause go did not make them they did. god might have mad the people to make the stuff.

    i wold get annoyed i do all this hard work then people thank a pressense rarther than my hard work.

    never minde. i'll just keep butchering away with no thanks. i don't epect to be thanked i do it for my love of butchering animals with my fat cuban cigars :jap:

    when i carve into my turkey in a few hours i will thank the turkey gods for blessing us with another butterball that will soon send me into a late afternoon tryptophan induced food coma, i'll thank the potato gods for a big dish of home made mashed potatoes (with lumps) and i'll thank the gravy gods for a kilo of gravy goodness to pour all over everything. i'll toast to thaibev for another great year of beer chang, hel_l i might even thank the ottoman for giving me a place to put my feet and fall asleep after the feast.

    phew, that's a lot to be thankful for.

  3. meanwhile, the hundreds of expat americans and canuckians that actually do reside here and celebrate this holiday might find the info useful.

    I think the Canadian and American thanksgiving are on separate dates.

    What do they serve for Thanksgiving Lunch, same for Thanksgiving dinner?

    not only different dates but different months, however the american version casts a much larger net than the canadian version, and we always had canucks traveling across the border to come feast with us. never the other way around. either way it is a day of thanks and i for one am thankful to have our little canuckian brothers around to bring out over the holidays and poke fun at, eh. i mean that's what it's all aboot.

  4. Hi,

    Anyone know of any alternatives to Cat Can Too? Not the kind of place, or location that comes to mind when a nice, quiet Thanksgiving celebration is desired.



    ya i hear you. i am a regular there for ribs etc. at lunchtime but sometimes the adjacent river doesn't provide the greatest ambiance for something like a holiday turkey dinner. i think you'll probably have to wait until sunday as that's when the rest of the restaurants will have their thanksgiving dinners.

  5. Never heard anyone asking about Xmas lunch either Big C. Should send all the enquiries on that one to the Vatican or the Archbishops don't you think?

    It is an Expat forum.

    i suppose so but i wll annouce every Cuban holiday to even things out

    i'm sure all of the cubans living here on samui will thank you.

    meanwhile, the hundreds of expat americans and canuckians that actually do reside here and celebrate this holiday might find the info useful.

  6. most places combine the thanksgiving dinner with their already existing sunday roast/buffet etc. as per above so you might have to look for turkey day dinner this weekend, catcantoo probably will do it today due to some american influence.

    i've got nigel roasting a turkey for me so i can have it on thursday, where it belongs haha. happy turkey day!

  7. i believe the most commonly used statistics in the west indicate an 80% failure rate within the first two years, due to a lack of capital or lack of management and in many cases some of each. given the obstacles one must overcome in order to conduct a successful business in thailand and certainly samui my guess would be that a 70% failure rate here (within 2 years) is too low.

    just driving around the island you can see "italian restaurants" springing up in between a low rent massage and thai bike shop and it really is a head scratcher.

  8. most of mae nam and bang por are incorrect and even very very old. on that map, natural wing is in mae nam and very near to The Sea but on the wrong side of each other when in reality they are each solidly in bang por and flip flopped. four seasons didn't even exist that i could tell, as the entire ban tai/bang por/bang makham map still shows forest area where four seasons is, no emerald residences along the beach etc.

    don't suppose it matters too much in the grand scheme of things. nice looking at a map of what it used to be like many years ago.

  9. i have met horse and am of the opinion that he has a face made for radio har har.

    if you look at the clip @ 3.11 mins, i think everyone would agree, but i dont think he even has a voice for radio either

    a face made for radio and a voice made for mime. perfect match but i doubt there's room amongst all of the other street entertainment here to give it a legitimate go. if only he had the advantage of a disfigured limb or a conjoined fetus on prominent display i think he'd clean up.

    anyway, i'm off now to develop a vest to protect me from backbiting. i'll try and have it on the market before the peak season (which i expect to be very good this year btw )

  10. my thai girlfriends, their mothers/sisters/cousins etc. all have a field day trying to figure out what each of the products i bring back are. their favorite day of the year i think, especially when they can clearly identify multiple steps in the cleansing, clearing, lotioning wrinkle removing process.

    the more steps you give them the better. 3 steps i'd consider mandatory but if you can add additional steps with specific eye creams, wrinkle potions etc, you will be sure to get some thank you very bigs.

  11. i don't know, maybe it's because they are the people behind Hello Samui magazine as well?

    having never seen the program and not a watcher of the channel, i have met horse and am of the opinion that he has a face made for radio har har.

    p.s. looking forward to the first positive post regarding anything thailand or samui related from you dansat. it should be quite entertaining and perhaps life altering.

  12. as much as i dislike sign pollution, 20k per month for that location is not a bad deal at all for some kinds of businesses.

    6 times that much for a space near big c (the shopping center, not the tv poster) or the airport.

    on the other end, a sign for an oft maligned (here on tv anyway) new development that went up at the base of the big hill headed towards bang makham and nathon cost 20k for an entire year. as with all things real estate, location location location.

  13. Name brand makeup (Estee, Clinique, etc.) Find out what type of stuff she uses/likes. Maybe not exactly 'quintessentially American', but prices in the US for this type of stuff are less than half of the cost in Bangkok. Her friends will be jealous. This is the one thing that I am *required* to bring back every time I come from the US.


    this is mandatory for every visit i get from the states. clinique and obsession in particular. these things might be available in bkk (not samui however) but the girls want the real deal from america and not the possibility of a knock off in thailand. i see girlfriends keeping the boxes and bottles long after the product is finished. strength of the baht is nice right now too as i was able to get an extra xmas gift or two from the states this year.

  14. It is a celebrity, I wouldn't want to bet that he will stay inside for three years. Justice is not the same for all in the states as has been proved over and over again.

    not many people spend an entire sentence behind bars. the key difference here is that he was convicted of fraud and quite lucky that it was not a charge of tax fraud as originally planned based on his fraudulent "tax protester" federal tax returns.

    anyone and everyone from 4th generation welfare recipients to the president have been looting the treasury forever but the hammer will come down when the issue of tax fraud is on the docket.

  15. This is good news, even though no amount of money can compensate for the terrible injustice the so called "War on terror" has caused these people. Guantanamo Bay is an illegal concentration/torture camp, build outside the USA to circumvent USA and International law, to hold people prisoner without giving the right to defend themselves in a court of law.

    Imagine a Muslim country building a similar facility to detain Western people who got kidnapped from all over the world, "extraordinary rendered" and then held for many years without any rights whatsoever and eventually released without any charges being made against them.

    lol holy shit you've got to be joking.

  16. Hope she brings the party the same success the next election. She and Obama just don't get it, they can keep saying it's marketing, the people don't understtand, etc. the fact is people just don't want what they are trying to sell.

    well, to be fair, it's only the vast majority of the american people that don't want what they are trying to sell. there will always be the lunatic fringe, as evidenced by jingthings perpetual far left liberal spinning.

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