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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. not true, go back to sbk's post in this thread for a more accurate description. it really isn't difficult to distinguish the industrial hemp from the street product. same way it isn't difficult to tell one twin brother from another, when one twin has tattooed his face.

  2. which stringent requirements in particular? i've had a one year extension of stay and can't recall anything required that was any different than all of the personal and corporate documents required for my WP and non b.

    now, if it is simply an issue of one government bureaucracy not effectively sharing info with another, i can understand that, happens anywhere.

  3. well this is an issue of semantics then, as i have a "1yr" non imm b. no one goes to any thai consulate and asks for x number of stays up to 90 days each. we apply for a 1 year visa. the fact that we have to report to a border immigration official or a local immigration official (in the case of an extension of stay) makes no difference, we are still reporting to immigration each 90 days.

    seems like a 1yr visa should be weighted more heavily than an extension of stay as my visa cannot be canceled in the event i lose my job, as would happen with a 1yr extension of stay based on a 3 month non imm b. i am actually allowed to stay for one year regardless.

  4. Extensions of stay are what you need to qualify for application for PR. 90 day visa stays are not continuous stay in that regard.

    lol, TIT i guess. i've got a single 1 year extension of stay (on a 3 month non imm B) to go along with several actual 1 year visas (at least that is what anyone applies for at a thai consulate, an actual one year visa not 4 separate 90 day stays) but the 1 year extension of a 3 month visa means more to them than an actual one year visa?

    even with a one year extension of stay you are still required to report to immigration every 90 days so i'll just chalk that up to standard thai obtuseness.

  5. Any SMS message which is in Thai or contains both Thai and English characters altogether up to 70 characters (including vowels, spacing, and numbers) is counted as 1 message. English SMS of up to 160 characters (including spacing and numbers) is counted as 1 message. For any SMS containing more characters (including special characters and other language characters) than the specified amount in 1 message, calculation for the amount of characters per message will vary based on the system's technical rules.

    so, considering that comes directly from DTAC's website, i'm reasonably comfortable in stating that i am not dreaming and that you are a <deleted>.

  6. hemp is legal to cultivate in thailand, marijuana is not. hemp has always been a part of bird food, sterile though, but perfectly legal here in thailand. smoke all the hemp you want, you won't catch anything but a headache.

  7. philo, i drive that same basic route (udon thani) frequently and would much rather drive it than train or bus. in fact, if i am going with family (2 kids and another on the way) i will always drive and only let them take the train if i can't make the trip. i'm used to driving long hours and make the trip from samui to udon in 17 hours plus ferry times. that typically includes getting lost once or twice around bkk because i never go there. that's still 7 hours less than a commercial mini bus making the same trip, and one full day less than the train.

    seatran has brought the huge green ferry over now so i'm sure they're expecting big numbers for the holidays and i'm having significant troubles trying to put my picky customers into villas. i've gotten the compulsory gala dinners dropped at a couple of 5 star properties due to long standing business back and forth. it's going to be a pretty busy xmas and nye holiday on samui unless the weather turns bad. driving to samui prior to the holidays i would strongly recommend reservations on the ferry, not so much on the way back.

    as for places and prices i'm not sure there is enough info in your post to make suggestions. wide variety in all price ranges. wide variety in beaches etc. a little more info would be helpful.

  8. hey jimmy, was intending to say that i use dish detergent and water inside my pressure sprayer to cover vast areas of lawn and low bushes to combat mosquitos. chili and garlic is for the critters trying to eat my veggies before i get the chance.

    the mosquito pheromone traps i use is a product called "Oak Stump mosquito traps", google should help locate some info. three weeks into my first experiment with them and i'd have to say that they do work so far as upon checking last night just before dusk, you could see the mature mosquitos flying around inside and after opening the top to look in, many more thousands of eggs and larvae.

    i never use any deet based mosquito spray btw, not fond of the idea of rubbing that poison into my skin. i am a huge mosquito magnet anyway. if there are any around they will find me so experience has taught me to wear white clothing and try to stay in any breeze possible.

    seeds for my new veggie garden won't be sent from the states for another week or two. have a lot of composting, soil prep etc. to do first.

  9. time for the 1yr follow up to my initial 3month non b. some customers have pushed me to the time limit for my current and require my fastest turn around back to samui. i always read that K.B. has the most lax visa policy in the region and quickest turn around times but i can't fly there tomorrow from samui. can anyone tell me if KL is more or less likely to offer a K.B. style turn around time or will it be just like penang, only nicer?

  10. i used to be a regular at Pizzeria Uno downtown chicago, hands down best deep dish chicago style pizza i've ever had the chance to eat.

    thinking about bringing in a pizza oven just so i can make the greatest single dish meal known to man, it's a shame that out of the 100+ places on the island that advertise pizza (i've had the misfortune of sampling all of them in my quest), nobody here can make a proper pie.

  11. just wanted to add that after all this rainfall, there are destined to be massive numbers of mosquitos ready and waiting to bite anyone who spends time in the yard or garden. after suffering several weeks with dengue fever and not wanting my children to have the same, i've imported several mosquito pheromone based traps to place around the perimeter of the yard. after only two weeks they are attracting large numbers of mosquitos that have already laid perhaps several thousand eggs inside these traps, never to hatch or survive thanks to some dish detergent drops placed inside.

    i use this same combination of dish detergent and water in my electric pressure washer (1tbsp per liter) and spray it all over the yard and soon to be garden area. also, read above about garlic and chilis in water as pest deterrent, used to use this combo on the regular with great success and plan to implement the same here soon around the veggies.

  12. hey, just added another bungalow and huge soily yard to my plot here on the beach that i intend to turn into combination lawn/recreation area/veggie garden.

    i've just taken some photos two days ago of the "before" stage and will upload shortly. have already enlisted and received help from some friends to stake out my new white picket fence thanks to beer chang and a great cook.

    total yard size is roughly 4,500sq.ft. and approximately 2,000+sq.ft. of that area will be a dedicated veggie and melon garden experiment. pretty good soil in partial to full sun and roughly 300ft from the sea. already have success with pumpkin, papaya, chilis, basil etc. just from throwing seed out the back door haha.

    anyway, i'll get some photos up of the before stage soon, off to malaysia for a few days and will begin the compost bin and raised beds once i get back.

  13. i shop at tesco nathon a couple of times per week and have been looking forward to a "pizzeria" with some amount of effort behind it to open up anywhere on the island, much less near my home. it's been open now for a week or so and early friend reviews are the main reason i haven't tried it yet. perhaps one day when i don't feel like shopping with the group. there is a western style restaurant serving burgers etc. just a couple of blocks down the road and once was certainly enough...

  14. I don't know if it is connected but when i used 12Call i would recharge with 100 and get a credit of 80 on my phone. It is quite common from what i hear, Not a great deal of money but it all adds up But it was the <deleted> attitude of AIS that made me change to DTAC .

    Thanks guys but I have just returned from the AIS counter at Tesco/Lotus and they can see on their computer, I was billed for a "Promotion Buffet' at Baht 199. Gawd knows what that means or how it got there, but it meant everytime I inserted B100, it would be automatically deducted until the B199 was paid off. They have now removed me from this promotion and while I was there I told them to remove me from their annoying SMS promotion messages at 6am every morning. Perhaps in my sleep I pressed the wrong button. Apparently this is not uncommon, as my staff told me there was a big stink over it on Thai Channel 9. Beware !

    oops, looks like i was writing that out my response while you were posting. so much for data drain but at least you got it sorted. for now.

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