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Everything posted by grumpyoldman

  1. According to certain posters, since he had no money he is not welcome in Phuket anyway.
  2. What makes you think I have no dough? Laughable and says a lot about you. "People who complain about what Phuket has become, clearly are ""skint"". What a load of rubbish. Just prefer to take my money and holiday elsewhere, nicer places, where people generally are not so arrogant about the money they have.
  3. Why have a date with Rosy Palm when there are all kinds of people to rub that out for you there? Ya, he has a disorder, mental disorder.
  4. Matey mate Bob, lets get you a broom handle with a stuffed rubber glove attached to the end. We can write "atta boy" on the handle and you can give yourself a nice pat on the back.
  5. Do the same in Kanchanaburi, lovely part of the country. Definitely beats living on a tropical island and spending your time in a mall. I don't get that at all.
  6. At 33thb to the US$, Thailand is no longer a budget destination.
  7. Spent last week in Puerto Galera, hugely enjoyable. I'd like to offer some tips. Depending on what you are going to do will be the deciding factor on where you stay. Unless like myself you are o.k with a scooter. Roads are good, lots of switchbacks though so be careful on the boozing and riding. i.e. after an AM dive in Sabang, took the road to Tamaraw Falls thinking 20 minutes, nooooooooooo, 40 minutes of switchbacks but the roads are very good. -going there to dive: stay in Sabang -going there for relax beach chill everyday: stay at White beach -solitude and beach: Talipanan Nicer resorts are in Sabang. White beach right now is a bit of a construction zone. I'm not necessarily a budget traveler but when looking at a beach bungalow in Talipanan for 20$ a night, why not? Great fun PG highly recommended.
  8. In the U.S. thats what black people call white people (racist slang). I saw that headline and had a good laugh.
  9. If BKK60 is basing his perception of the Philippines on Angeles City, he is waaaaayyyy off the mark. It's no wonder he calls it a filthy hole, as that does describe AC. Same with GypsyT and his take on how unsafe Manila is. All cities have unsafe sections, but here in Makati, in Ermita, I've never felt unsafe. If you all of a sudden get a gut feeling things aren't right, jump in a cab. All big cities have rough areas. Currently in Makati, having a great time.
  10. Was first in Phuket in 1993. I spent 11 years living there 2005-2016. Traffic was light, people were nice. My Russian friends were/are polite good people. After some 200,000 people decided to relocate there, traffic is no longer tolerable, you must have missed the story last week of the naked Russian going to 7, and as many places in the world, "Phuket ain't what it used to be". I will return to Thailand on holiday and as well as part-time residency in the future but it will be elsewhere. You can have what is now Phuket jamesphuket10, spicybah.
  11. On holiday and a big dude in a tube top and heels is chasing you, did you ever think of staying home Noam?
  12. Shirtless? You see the completely naked Ruskie going into 7 in Rawai last week? It's no wonder the Thai people are no longer nice there putting up with this s**t. No, all of the Russians have ruined Phuket. So sure, stay behind your gated walls in Kathu.
  13. Bunch of wai s all around, money to the daughter, whisk, whisk, under the rug. Lets move on everybody TIT.
  14. I was just joking, but thanks for the brawler clarification. Have to be a complete dumb^^^ss to be fighting bouncers in Patong.
  15. June 1994 was my first time to Nai Harn, the lagoon was not enclosed, natural flow made for an excellent sandbar by the rocks, surfed there by myself. Flash forward to 2024, I was there last year, place is overrun with Russians, roads completely congested, although I love volleyball there were no less than six courts all set up, total zoo. Only reason for me to ever go back to Phuket is to see good friends, otherwise it's on to different parts of Thailand for me.
  16. Did the security guard also take the guy's shirt?
  17. You must have just fallen off the coconut cart rolling into town if you haven't heard of P. Burgos St. All working girls there so if you say you don't pay for play you are wasting your time.
  18. Did business there extensively for 11 years. Ao Nang beachfront, Hat Napparat huge tourist zone, you wouldn't want to live just behind there, too busy. On the road to Khlong Muang and Tubkaek there are rentals you just have to drive around. Krabi Town with Ao Nang visits, I think would be a nice option too. Housing food everything most likely cheaper than tourist zone. Easier to get to big market shopping.
  19. Oui, oui, I am Jacques, I just fell off the cabbage truck in Doi Tao. Where is the beach? Where is my wallet? What a numpty.....🙃
  20. 1994ish I arrive BKK midnight, b-line it to Khao San Rd., book a bus to Samui leaving 6:00AM next morning. Paid 150thb for a room to ditch my stuff, go boozing and partying on KSR. Get on the bus and my seatmate (two seats each side of bus), is a very large Swiss gal, large mammaries, I proceed to pass out and used her as this giant pillow.
  21. Pretty sure she pulled up on me near Suk soi 11. Smelled like an elephant.
  22. "It just goes to somewhat prove the old adage here that "you don't lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn". " Funny enough, current good friend went to Thailand last year in July for the first time. Head over heels for a Phuket lady, came back talking marrying her. Was suppose to visit her in January, but lo and behold, somehow this years trip got shuffled to July again. Punter scheduling matter I'm sure. 😊
  23. If that Russian woman in a car Rawai can kill two Thais on a motorbike, and then be back working in her Phuket office a month later, there is no hope for any repercussions here.
  24. 1happycamper's end of the BKK rail line?
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