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  1. all talk ... the only thing that's bent is the orange koprostase 😉
  2. be safe ! heroyam slava !
  3. There's a DIV in the forum footer, called "publift-widget-sticky_footer-container", that covers floating forum buttons, notably multiquote when selecting several post to quote. I'd suggest adding the necessary space or adjusting the DIV's z-index to just below the forum's floating buttons.
  4. so which part of his speech did you want to comment on ?
  5. very well put by French Senator Claude Malhuret
  6. Breaking news in the "blast from the past" category.
  7. wait, wasn't one of the arguments of the Trumpists that Zelenskyi didn't even speak Ukrainian ?
  8. there's not much else to do for the rest of the world than to ignore Trump and his looneys and continue usual administrative relations with the USA and to wait it out. in the meanwhile, Europe shall take form its own defence initiative, support Ukraine and seize Russian assets.
  9. many details of the proposed "deal" are publicly available, for example here: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/fact-sheet-istanbul-protocol-draft-document-april-15-2022 and here https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/15/world/europe/ukraine-russia-ceasefire-deal.html (this link possibly has a paywall, but I already accessed it freely) you will see that the proposal was totally unacceptable.
  10. describe the "deal".
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