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Everything posted by tgw

  1. obviously, this hotel deserves to be trolled mercilessly. BTW, don't hotel platforms that allow reviews include in their terms & conditions that hotels have to accept verified customer reviews made in good faith and that are not diffamatory or insulting ? Tripadvisor is pretty bad because it allows so many fake reviews, but they can only be praised for posting this information on the that Koh Chang hotel's profile.
  2. the naming of the database "... adverse event ..." is called into question
  3. wow... favipavir will be in great demand the fremen are here
  4. yes, correct, if you are not already vaccinated, you need 5 shots. in any case, the sooner you get the first shot, the better.
  5. you need 2. one today and one in 3 days. seeing a doctor is a good idea in any case. you might also need immediate injection of immunoglobulin don't act as if it's no big thing, by the time you will be able to tell you were wrong, it will be too late. https://www.thaitravelclinic.com/blog/travel-medicine-issue/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-bitten-by-a-dog.html
  6. the photo is misleading because neither tourists nor boats are allowed to go into Maya Bay's waters anymore.
  7. unacceptable. setup fast court hearings where the court preemptively seizes the required funds from the companies to pay for the insured persons.
  8. I don't know why there is a debate about what "science" is or what "engineering" is. These words have precise definitions that can be looked up in a dictionary. Of course there sometimes is some overlap. No, a majority of people voting in favor of an alternative definition of a word do not make that other meaning correct.
  9. https://www.planetizen.com/news/2020/01/108182-overcoming-high-carbon-debt-electric-vehicle-production https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/lifetime-carbon-emissions-electric-vehicles-vs-gasoline-cars-2021-06-29/ http://blogs.ulg.ac.be/damien-ernst/electric-697612-km-to-become-green-true-or-false/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/25/are-electric-vehicles-really-so-climate-friendly Thailand's energy production mix of 90% fossil-based must be taken into account when calculating the mileage for break even in emissions. (the Guardian)
  10. it's a matter of development strategy. infrastructure often creates its own market. I'd say building low-emissions infrastructures that take traffic off the streets is the way to go.
  11. If Thai Railroads were any good, there would be performant rail transport between the country's most important spots. Bangkok - Chonburi - Pattaya - Rayong Bangkok - Patchaburi - Hua Hin - Chumphon - Surat Thani Bangkok - Chiang Mai with some relevant stops and Bangkok - Korat - Khon Kaen - Udon - Vientiane should be no brainers and built for 200 Kph, with one train every hour at least. I would be so happy if there was a good commute between Pattaya railway station and Bangkok. They got that huge rail yard at Huai Kwang and it seems there is big construction work going on there... I wonder when the tracks in the provinces will also be worked on.
  12. it would be helpful to know what both ends of this cable connect to and to get a photo of the connectors too. then we could assess what this cable exactly is and how it needs to be replaced. but: an optic fibre cable normally has more "innards" than what is visible on this picture, so the pet might just have gnawed through the suspension cable. does your connection still work? if yes, you might just wrap it with duct tape and maybe order an armored cable as a replacement.
  13. I would have chosen a poll option that read "no, Thailand will adopt hydrogen-fueled vehicles as the better technological option" That is something all countries should do, except maybe for vehicles that run every day such as public buses. Concentrate on hydrogen technology and agree on a standard for standardized swappable hydrogen fuel-cells. Build safe, decentralized nuclear power plants to produce hydrogen and refill used fuel cells. It's an excellent use case for running nuclear plants at 100% capacity and maximum efficiency. People don't think enough about electric vehicles needing to run 50.000 miles before their emissions break even with petrol cars.
  14. Yes, no 1 is Burapha ... my mistake I'm pretty sure about No.4 being Pattavia though. The photo was taken on the then newly constructed ramp in front of the new club house
  15. I'll give it a try: 1- Plutaluang 2- Pattana 3- Greenwood 4- Pattavia 5- Pattaya CC 6- Siam CC (old course) 7- Phoenix
  16. from OP's second post, it appears that the hotel knew about the situation already in november: so not shutting down the email domain or redirecting it to another server in a timely manner is criminal negligence and the hotel should be liable.
  17. yeah, well, some people are gullible (many) and this is Thailand. the crook is criminally guilty, while the injured parties are minimally guilty of negligence.
  18. yes, that part of the story stands out. points to an inside job. I would report the case to the cybercriminality division of the police, along with the report from November. Either an inside job or criminal negligence. Also, the account should be easily traceable. I'd bet on inside job.
  19. well, that's no on both accounts, both properties are way higher than 10cm above sea level. anyone who watched "Magnum" (the original) would know that. maybe you aren't familiar with centimeters though - 10cm are a bit less than 4 inches. too bad you (allegedly) won't be seeing me calling out your BS.
  20. please make your evidence available for peer review: - list of transactions for coastal properties less than 20cm above sea level - name of buyers and sellers - a description of said persons' status within the group of "people that own/run the world" - copy of transaction records, along with beneficial owner documentation where necessary - copy of bank loans - copy of insurance policies.
  21. And there is your problem. On what basis do you deny it? Do you have proof that there is no change in the climate? I'm a climate change sceptic. But my scepticism towards man-induced climate change has been declining in the face of the increasing supporting data.
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