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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. Well back to lunch; a small restaurant with over priced food and I counted nine waiters, ( no need for gende)r and that does not include those cleaning up, apron, or those in the cooking department!

    Oh well!

    Probably farang owned and hes just trying to satisfy his rediculous [emoji1] WP requirements
  2. I've been in classes where someone asks the teacher to go through all the Mai's all the kao's and everyone has a good old chuckle when the teacher says "passa Thai gnai" (Thai language is easy). Fact of the matter is. You gotta put in the time and it starts to make sense. I've lost count of The amount of times I've wanted to through the table out the window and storm out. But I just try to keep the mindset that its just for fun and there's no pressure for me to be a 100% super natural Thai speaker in 3 months or I'm doomed to hell for all eternity.

    Every day, just a little bit. Always moving forward.

  3. just a quick comment your working from the accommodation I see all the kind posts offering advise about pots pans etc yet not one has asked if you have a work permit as with the situation here what with visa crack downs etc it also was noted both with online news re work permits they do apply to any person working online here in Thailand and point of fact also posted as a thread that a raid was made of a local internet club/cool place where over 20 were found to be conducting a business online ? you might be well advised to keep that gem to yourself or become a legal individual and get a work permit and join a select group of holders that are working on line from home that have the legal permits to do so maybe sooner than later a knock at the door and then no need to worry about food or cooking it as airline food comes free on all flights they are dealing now by handing out fines and giving X amount of days to be on a plane as this online working is also being targeted by the new government

    hope you sort out your basic cooking habits

    Congrats, you win the party pooper comment of the week!
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  4. littlebw, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:55, said:littlebw, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:55, said:

    laugh if 2 innocent people get punished?

    yea its a big laugh

    like to see you laughing if you were one of them

    eeeya, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:52, said:eeeya, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:52, said:

    I will laugh so hard if its a set up. I hope it isn't.

    Your comment is making me laugh, I believe you took eeeya's comment completely wrong, in fact I think your took it as being opposite to what he/she was meaning.
    Yep, can confirm most people miss understood my comment. But I'll leave it at that because its highly entertaining watching people get in a tizzle over it!

    Flame on!

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