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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. In the arrest photo they're all pointing at the evidence as usual. I always wondered what the police say to make them pose like this. " OK, time to point " and everyone just does bit cause they have seen it on TV a million times already. But what about the foreigners who get arrested. What happens if you don't point. But nobody ever refuses.

  2. recon you can get two on that seat?

    and the red piping on the seat? can choose another colour?

    I posted a pic with me sitting on a similar seat earlier, it's not the largest in the world but could be made bigger. It would fit two skinny locals easy. But I'm not skinny. 555. Piping colour can be changed. The design of the seat itself can be different too. I'll

    post that picture again, though if I squeezed up front two could fit. Just wouldn't be the most comfortable. wink.pngattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1409895410.588379.jpg

    yeah, doesnt look like a good bike for two.. bugger, the wife just gonna have to miss out, besides im looking for a toy for me not for her.. :)

    • Like 2
  3. Great thread, now where is my tinfoil hat

    Great contribution! Most informative. Would that be the tinfoil hat in the shape of a dunces cap? It's probably in the corner where you left it.

    Ha ha, look at you. lashing out at someone who doesnt support your ill informed beliefs.

    im a supporter of immunizations. I work on a ship in South east asia teaming with people from all ends of the world, breathing, living, crapping in the same living spaces.. I want all the protection I can get. and I also want to protect those around me. Its not all about yourself.

    The problem is now that all the nasty diseases have gone away (for now) people are dropping their guard thinking its all over, the once successful programs have now lost their benefit and the populations defenses slip away, Diseases once thought to be not a problem will spring up again and the cycle will continue.

    I'm putting my support for science and statistics. i dont subscribe to conspiracy theories told by internet crack pots

  4. im just not taken on the antivirus for android thing, In my opinion its stemming from the whole windows virus fear.

    So when you download these antivirus apps for you phone your giving your data to these companies instead! but they are antivirus companies so they must be good! SO they will spread fear and generate reports to scare the public into signing up for their vested interests.

    but other than that, all your getting is something which is burning up your battery and slowing down your phone and an antivirus company compiling reports on its users data for who knows what.

    Not for me. Been using android since cupcake version 1.5 and never had a problem.

  5. From a PC. Use Google to search "google play". Log in with your google account. Go to devices ..and you should see your phone or tablet or what ever android devices listed. Select a device and you can see various actions you can perform remotely from your PC to your device

  6. Awesome work mate. Some are better than others. I went through 5 different builders before settling on the guy to make mine. Ive travelled all over and you're right there is some sub par work around, but not all are like that. We gotta remember that this is a country of 60 + million. Not everyone is the same. How long did each bike take you mate? :)

    When you get yours I hope you can report back to us about the quality of the rebuild. If I go down the same path as you and buy one from that guy, my motorbike nuts father in law is gonna give me a hell about why I didn't do it myself (and include him). Ha
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