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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. I find them an amusing addition to the sport of pattaya people watching.

    I had one come up to me on the weekend and start speaking rapidfire ruski.

    Sh!t do I look russian.

    Maybe I should stop wearing the cowboy hat / adidas track wear combination

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  2. Having recently been burned by a lifetime membership at CaliWOW I'm really not qualified in the business runnings of a gym.

    I've only seen the gyms youve mentioned before watching workouts on youtube. Certainly looks nice but there's no way pattaya has the amount of gym users to make that establishment viable.

    Aircon at 22 degrees is a waste.. so is everytype of cardio device ala Californiawow style.

    Problem is that to draw on the casual gym goer you need this type of equipment cause that's what people think they need.

    For me I don't care too much. Just have heaps of fans going all the time

  3. Had a flat tyre on the rented motor bike in koh chang. Me and wife in the middle of no where. Thai middle aged couple comes past and take multiple trips moving us and bike to nearest tyre fix shop. I try to give small tip but they just wouldn't accept it..

    Another time in koh phangan by myself years ago. In the front of daihatsu songtao.. laughing with the driver at taxi infront with some hot thai girls..

    When we reached my destination I pulled out my wallet to pay him (which was pretty empty being the end of the night),

    He commented I didn't have enough money for beer and gave me 50 baht for beer

  4. .

    nobody remembers end of october 2008 when AUD 1 bought 21 Baht?

    I do

    I remember and I got raped equally as bad in Japan the same month.

    52 yen for 1 AU dollar.

    Dinner for 2 was costing me about 200 bucks..

    What I'm trying to say is that the graph everyone is quoting is when everything crashed.. not just thai specific..

    But it bounced back in a couple of months..


  5. Had a look at the annual report for large condo in Thonglor.

    The official figures of occupancy are

    100% sold

    58% occupied

    42% vacant

    Quite a few owners having several apartments.

    I do not have any official information on whether the vacant apartments are looking for renters but judging by the small amount of apartments for rent in the media I suspect they are not interested in renting them out, rather holding them only.

  6. The aussies are laughing as the currency is on a 10 yr high and we earn 4.90% on online savings accounts. -- living off that over here makes life very cheap indeed.

    OP does not have a crystal ball and probably knows very little about currency futures or IRD's (interest rate derivatives). Currencies fluctuate and are extremely volatile.

    If OP is correct then move to Equador as its very cheap to live on under usd1000 per month. Currently can earn 7% on your money in citibank

    Where can I get 7%????

    No ones giving that these days.. taking maybe... but giving.. no way

  7. Guess everyone should have bought a house or condo in thailand years ago

    Not really I rent by the sea for 12000 bhat amonth 3 bedroom single level big garden sea view could never live like this overseas for this money so why buy???

    You missed my point. The thread is about falling currency in western countries.

    Wouldn't a property purchased many years ago alleviate this situation and allow those currently on the skin of their ass to have a bit more security?

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