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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. When our local Big C renovated their toilet, they obviously had a designer with a sadistic sense of humour. The new arrangement is palatial complete with potted palms, proper pedestals, regularly sanitised bowls, etc. But if you do have to use the toilet in a hurry, you would usually rush into the cubicle, drop the daks and let rip. Only then would you notice - no paper, and no spray. The paper is there, but located centrally, outside the toilet near the wash basin, so everyone (who knows) takes a supply BEFORE letting rip!

    Funny, there always seems to be an amused cleaner around

    This got me good at Fortune in bkk.

    Big emergency rush to drop a big watery one with my mind focused on getting to the bowl in time.

    Pushed pass the lady cleaner, ripped down my daks and released a big ol mess.

    Once the job was complete I discovered no paper available or water or anything.

    So off with the socks and tried to give myself the most economical coverage a pair of anklet sport socks could provide.

    Job done, now... what to do with a pair of used socks. Definately not flushable.

    So I tossed them in the empty waste paper basket... the way they landed nicely displaying all their glory.. and the smell...

    So, not wanting to hang around the scene of the crime I opened the door....and there was the cleaning lady, efficiently waiting, mop in hand, to service the cubicle.

    I hurriedly pushed past her as she entered the chamber of doom.

    Whilst washing my hands I could hear this gutteral dry reach vomit come from the where the cleaning lady had gone.

    Embarassed as hell I legged it out of there

  2. Those cheap helmets gotta be ok if your just cruising. If your on holiday why go fast?

    Must get to next beach immediately.

    Me and mrs rarely go above 40 cause we can't chit chat.

    Oh, you're the old farts always going slow, in the way, holding up traffic - because you're 'chit chatting'?!

    I'm old if your 25

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  3. Those cheap helmets gotta be ok if your just cruising. If your on holiday why go fast?

    Must get to next beach immediately.

    Me and mrs rarely go above 40 cause we can't chit chat.

    Speed has very little to do with it. The Fortuner/taxi/minibus that hit's you is doing 120 so your 40 is irrelevant.

    Actually, it's irrelevant because traumatic brain injury will occur from very slow impact speeds. People die from hitting their heads when they fall over from a standing position all the time. It's one of the top causes of death.

    Guess you never learned statistics or physics

  4. If you don't need a head. You don't need a helmet.

    Break an arm or a leg.. you body has a good chance to repair them. But damage your brain and your life might change significantly.

    Why chance it? I don't understand.

    I recently watched an episode of "na ti chook churn" (minute emergency) on channel 5.

    It was about a successful thai business woman. Caught a moto taxi and fell off the back hitting her head on the ground and sustained significant brain damage.

    The taxi driver offered her a helmet (unusual) but she declined saying that her destination was close.

    Consequently due to her brain injury she lost her business, requires expensive care and has lost quality of life.

    These days she lectures at schools about the dangers of riding without a helmet.

    Very interesting but sad episode.

  5. Oy likes Loy Kratong, does depend where you does spends it of course. Perhaps the Muslim South could be somewhat lacking in good cheer, fundamentalists aren't the best party people plus they have a different take on fireworks that includes more TNT and limbs. There again would make CM appealing again.

    One goes to the south for songkram not sonkran

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  6. There's a big problem with drugs in Thailand, so it's really quite understandable that people are stopped and searched, and it's definitely not just farangs that get picked on. However, any demand for money is out of order although I wonder if this really happens?

    I watched the cops in a thai area in bkk checking everyone on a moto. Empty pockets,

    Bag check, under the seat.

    Everyone complied and was quickly on their way.

    While being uncomfortable for foreigners, id say the chances of being planted with drugs, locked up and appearing on next seasons "banged up abroad" are pretty slim.

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