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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. For some reason there is alot of pizza restaurants there. Cant remember the name of this wine bar / pizza restaurant owned by a foreigner.. wood fired oven.

    Had this dog called 'findus' a border collie. The waitress was very proud to tell us that findus was the smartest dog because he went to dog school in phuket.

    Findus would supervise the thai pizza chefs from a second storey vantage point.

    Sorry .. too much talking about a dog. Just finished night shift on the rigs

  2. Alot of people just find the industry isnt for them. Most field jobs are manual labour.. and hard at that.

    Either shift work or 24 hr on call.

    Stress when a rig is costing $1mil a day and your holding up the whole show cause your equipment is broken or someone farked up.

    If you feel sick, there is no 'taking the day off".

    Angry people, wierd people, nice people, back stabbers... your all living together for along time.

    If you didnt get paid it would be called prison.

    Going home today? Wife happy, your even happier.. waiting with your bags to get off.. sorry, your relief hasnt turned up, quit, or there isnt anyone available.. you gotta stay back another day or week.

    One person gets sick.. everyone gets sick.

    Turnover is high.. but entry is difficult.

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  3. Like mentioned earlier in this thread, look at third party contractor jobs in your local country. You can get your foot in the door and move about later.

    Its expensive to get a new hand trained up and certified just to get him/her offshore..

    Most companies wont take that chance on a greenie.

    Dont waste your time doing any "oil preparation ' courses. Just a scam.

    First aid is handy.

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