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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. Any assessed undeclared income is subject to a 200% penalty !! Thats how they do it.. Its your job to file, if you dont file and they determine you should have, its 200%.
  2. Yes Thailand accepts a marriage dependant and has increased tax bads for married people.
  3. are resident. I do cross border payolling and income tax for dual nationals as my career, what you just wrote is not not factual.. Once a Belgian leaves Belgium they are only liable for domestic source taxation, income that arises from a fixed assets in Belgium, things like rental returns, forestry income, etc are almst always taxed at source.. Income is broad but only income made from a specific belgian activity would even have a claim and then the claim would depend on residency tests etc.
  4. Absolutely, this group are literally signing a tax liability and providing the proof of the liability with a bow tied around the top !!
  5. You should not be paying UK tax once you stop being resident !! Once you leave the UK you should have filed a P85 which stops you being tax laible in the UK (where you are no longer resident) on all non 'domestic sourced' income.. Ordinary state and private pensions are then untaxed with only armed forces and some civil servants pensions being considered domestic source. Of course the downside of a P85 is that it freezes your UK pension from being index linked and denies you any emergency healthcare on return. However this is the way the system is supposed to work.
  6. Yeah actually been doing that.. Mixed results but yeh.. But I have some travel coming up and need some now.. Am down from chiang mai anyway doing the wifes 3 visas needed for our summer, and just would like a few fresh pairs.. So.. Tall guy shops ?? Surely a city the size of bangkok must have 38x34 casual fit jeans.
  7. I didnt think any actually believed that PR nonsense..
  8. Any suggestions for jeans shop for a tall westerner ?? Been too long since I was home and my western stuff getting raggedy, need a few pairs of casual fit / non skinny jeans, like a levi 550 / 560 in man sized (western fit 38W 34L). I am 192cm tall but thats hardly hardly a giant needing specialist 'big and tall' back home but its outside of 99% of what I can physically try in chiang mai. So need to do a big city shop and have zero idea of where to go other that pratunam / platinum ?? Hate shopping with a passion also, so desire park, walk in, get jeans, get out, with minimal browsing in a perfect world !! Online ordering has also been a gip, Thai sizing seems to run small and even if I can find 38 or 40 Thai sized, they just seem to make the waist fatter so the whole fit is wrong. Thighs tight and too short. Its the fit thats as much a thing as the size, skinny jeans are not middle aged guy fit 😂 No pre distressed, carpenter hooks, or dragons printed on the back pockets !! Anyone have suggestions for large selection of large sizes ?? Light casual fit jeans in 38-40w and 34L..
  9. Easy to open a non uk linked bank. All you need is someone to handle a mailing address in Thai Step 1 open and fund a nationwide account in uk.. Step 2 change the address to your desired Thai address (they accept this).. Step 3 open a bank account fully severed from the UK.. When they wish to do KYC use the nationwide bank statement for proof of address.. Lloyds Jersey do one with a 30k deposit.. Standard bank is inferior but does it for free with a 5k GBP deposit. Use Thai mobile and mailing address.. Maintain the Nationwide account funded for periodical KYC review.
  10. His protector is now out of active power games.. So without Big Tu's sphere of influence, maybe time is up for the Jokester..
  11. Yes but it would be even easier to park those GBP funds in a non UK linked account outside Thailand and ensure your Thai liability does not happen even if you were here >180 days. Also the secondary factor would be the UK would still have claim on any UK 'domestic source' income, and in fact the UK can lay claim to 'sufficient ties' to the UK (still owning a UK car, uk property, kids going to school) they can be very harsh as the famous Gaines-Cooper case showed. If you pay the liability elsewhere it becomes a tax credit issue but when you try to slip between the cracks, as many western earning Thai resident expats have done its still a lot riskier / harder and you really have to have your UK connections severed. EDIT Gaines-Cooper https://www.blevinsfranks.com/gainescooper-and-uk-tax-residency-the-courts-judgement/
  12. shocking revelations of industrial-level corruption within the Royal Thai Police Ahh yes... Shocking..
  13. Would help if there was a consistency to the rules.. That at least would be fair.. Eg a Thai on farang beating, multiple assailants, real harm and injury... 500b and a smirking wai.. Farang on Thai shout and a little tap of a kick.. Deportation, loss of millions in assets now needing to be sold, involvement of the national police chief, deputy PM, even addressed by the PM himself.. Their country thier rules.. What rules exactly ??
  14. Even his 'apology' is still petulant and 'this person constantly pestered people to use the machines when others use them' type justification.. Its not an apology really. The refusal of Thai media to report even the most obvious of situations against someone of even the mildest notoriety is just beyond comical..
  15. Currently its crazy strong again.. late 80s early 90s 120mg was 'good' now theres 300 350mg pills doing the rounds.. Cant imagine how messy someone whose never done it dropping one of those.
  16. Just had a check, none of my wifes UK visas issued over the last 2 decades are marked with BVIS which is apparently the British Irish Visa Scheme. Are you sure a 10 year UK visit visa is applicable, internet seems to indicate otherwise.
  17. Ireland isnt schengen.. An Irish tourist visa doesnt allow mainland EU travel or vice versa. Are you sure about UK visit visa allowing Irish access ?? Other obviously than northern ireland.
  18. Thais I know openly selling Liquid LSD on facebook. In fact FB is really quite crazy open about psychedelics in Thailand, whole groups of trading, mushrooms, etc etc
  19. Just submitted the online application for the 10 year UK visit visa, dont really anticipate problems wife had a 5 year in 2017 and we have travelled almost annually since 2009, including most years with Schenegen travel also. She has significant UK and global travel, we are married, no issues with funds, have a UK home as well as a Thai one, etc etc. The app itself should be smooth. Only thing I cant remember from our last 5 year visa app is if she needs the TB clearance test. Online guidance says its not needed if you don't intend to stay more than 6 months, which we don't, I am just concerned that the fact that its a 10 year visit visa means we need to have one. I cannot remember if we did one in 2017 or not. Application (with card fees and VFS) is well over a grand GBP these days so I dont want to get a rejection for a simple thing I should have included. We also have a fairly tight application schedule as I need a UK visa, a Schengen visa and a Irish Visa for our summer holidays this year, each one takes time.
  20. Once they lose 250 senators early next year things get a lot more fragile for the current installed coalition..
  21. This presumes you are paying tax in other countries.. The vast majority of truly long term expats I know do not.. They have signed out of home countries and no longer file or declare there.
  22. Said this from day 1.. This is a huge fundamental change to how taxable sources are calculated.. Thailand cannot manage to collect speeding tickets for a decade and they believe they are going to have a fully revised tax code in (checks calendar) 56 days ?? Not a chance.
  23. yes and used t shirts are always 30 usd EACH in value..
  24. 'Army owned' land.. There should be no 'army owned' land.. The army is a servant of the people, as represented by its elected officials. Get rid of all 'army owned' everything. The army can use resources that the people allocate to them, not the other way around !!
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