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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Protests against the Shinawatras for abusing the justice system are gaining momentum and long overdue. Thaksin seems to test the patience of the toothless regulators on a daily basis.
  2. You must be joking... Thr rice pledging scheme cost the country billions. The rice is still rotting in expensive storage. Several people where jailed for corruption. Yingluck fled the country to escape prison just like her brother
  3. During 2024 36,816 illegal immigrants predominantly muslim males entered the UK. Lower than 2022 when 45,756 illegals entered the country. Seems like open door to me.
  4. gooming gangs are predominantly males of muslim faith with Pakistani dual nationality. Wikipedia
  5. Liz Truss should 'let sleeping dogs lie' and not engage in debate bringing more attention to her dismal display of ineptness at the helm of UK politcs.
  6. What do British police and politicians fear about an inquiry into immigrant grooming gangs raping UK children. This problem has been allowed to fester fuelled by an open door immigration policy and a failure to investigate complaints by the police. Rare arrests result in few prison sentences and no deportations. Immigrants with dual nationality holding British pasport should be deported to their original country of origin.
  7. Pita is forced to obay his ban from politics. Thaksin flounts the same laws with impunity
  8. Muslim immigration is a threat to Countries worldwide. Efforts to intergrate immigrants into society has failed. Radical clerics with dual nationallities preaching hatred should be deported.
  9. The tourism open door free visa policy has backfired. Many reports of Chineese being assaulted, robbed, extorted and blackmailed by their own countrymen. The situation will get worse with the approval of online betting and casinos in Thailand.
  10. Notice how celebrites, heads of companies and fellow politicians are all befriending Trump after he won the popular peoples vote. Shamless U turns in many cases the way they cursed Trump and applauded the many court actions against him pre election.
  11. Good move. Anyone that rids the world of terrorists as well as he does should be given a medal not arrested on the orders of a toothless organisation.
  12. Tip of the iceberg. Open door immigration allows foreign immigrants to commit crimes and sexually molest our young people. Due to inadequate immigration policy and poor policing very few offenders are jailed or deported. mainly due to local muslim councillors, woke do gooders and unwanted interference from the European court of Human Rights.
  13. Casinos are coming and the Thaksin family will be a the front of the queue gaining money making concessions.
  14. There does seem to be evidence of a miscarriage of jusice here. Lots of credible people seeking further investigation and a retrial. However most people who attended her trial are convinced of her guilt.
  15. Labour's fiscal policy combined with that nutter Millibands 'green zero policies. The Pound falling like a stone together with Starmer looking like a deer in the headlights. Oh dear this after six months of Labour where will it all end????
  16. These Chineese gansters seem to thankfully prey on their own people. Says a lot about the lack of Thai police enforcement so many take a chance to ply their evil trade here and not China.
  17. There are not two prime ministers in Thailand. Thaksin is the prime minister his daughter is a front.
  18. I agree. Also several reports of deported sex offenders sneeking back into the country. Deportation is no longer a threat because of free legal aid woke doogooders and police appathy
  19. You have really intergrated into the Thai way of life since your transision from Trump land. Good look buying tender chicken and bulk superior pork with your Amex card.
  20. The problem nationwide is that Thai vendors take up illegal space for their business. You can see it on wongamat Beach Pattaya where restaurants have taken over the sidewalk. Many buisness operators reserve parking in front of their shops as if they owned the road. Crackdowns are rare but welcome when they occur.
  21. if you look for official suppliers on Lazada or shopee you can buy official genuine products cheaper than most retailers. If you are not happy with the product you can return it at no charge collected from your location.
  22. I do have sympathy for farmers in general. However Jeremy Clarkson did admit to the Times newspaper he bought his farm initially to avoid inhertance tax as did other wealthy people.
  23. The cover up of Muslim sexual offenders in the UK is a major problem that the police and politicians do not take Seriously enough.
  24. Another Muslim accused of sex offences not prosecuted by the UK police despite numerous accusations against him.
  25. A full refund from the restaurant owner.
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