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Posts posted by clinique

  1. the Lanna Cigar Store which was located next to gallery is closed, but I hear it will re-open soon a bit further along the road , near the Tourism office.. more expensive than Bkk but MUCH cheaper than the Hotels... The prices at Dhara Deviare ridiculous, no choice and 'stale' cigars...

  2. surely you all shop where it is convenient and up to your standards..!! We also need to rememebr there are 60+million Thais and only a few 100,000- of us.... in CM evenless..

    so stop your whinging and carry on,, the points systemis bcoz THAIS like it,,, no one cares ahoot about a few whinging farangs..!!!!

    The operators cater fro the "majoroty of the market" as they do anywhere else in the world,.

    Get a life....

  3. we are running a successful sales and marketing business in Thailand, 95% of our customers are English speaking and i am proud to say we have NO PROBLEM is getting Thai staff...

    OP can PM me if you want to discuss further..

    Can they speak UNDERSTANDABLE English?

    I don't think so :)

    yes they can,,, just need to know where to look.............

    the attitude of most posters on this site,,,,,,,,,,,, is why they cant succeed her ein thailand.. nuff said!

  4. timetraveller, could not agree more. As a professional investor thailand offers many opportunities. many investors come here and lack the skills to negotiate and resolve issues here (mainly language and cultural understanding).

    We ahve done very well here in property and services business. Currently own 2 7/11 stores and initial investment was returned in 18-24 months, both stores very profitable. Likewise property deals..(commercial deals) 200-300% profit is not uncommon..

    sharing is an issue here,, andneeds to be addressed upfront and in writing with "professional" witnesses.

    Also learn tocheckthings out by yourself, ie: go to the land department and talk to head of department in your area - he will tell you how to protect yourself AND help you do it.. all for free..

    still a place to invest currently looking a large investment in a hotel..

  5. we still feel that it would not be necessary to leave, unless theykicked us all out..

    agree with others a move to Vietnam be likely..

    if we had wanted to go 'home', would have done so by now.home is where the heart is, Thailand / SEA

    .no attraction to go back; ; hooligans, government debt, bad attitude, etc etc..

  6. After 4 interested parties, 2 cancelled, so I SMSed the one remainder to tell him we will see how we go for next week instead. As not enough interest due to short notice.

    As it was short notice- we may have better luck next week.

    The poster whom stated losing 1 mil bt not much- I lost over 1 mil aussie bucks in 2008 in the crash (35 mil bt). 70% of my savings at the lowest point yet making a come back since the lows of Jan-March 09. As the stock market worldwide has been doing much better in the last year.

    We still must watch out for the EU debt ridden countries, further financial instos issues, etc but anyone who invested in the last year has made good money. Or they are starting to get money back from the 2008 crash, like myself. It will still be a volitile ride IMO.

    Anyone still interested in forming this CMai group- how's next Sunday Lunch 1pm at Montri? Gives everyone plenty of notice.

    Let us see if we can get 10 odd interested- if more- good. Novice to experienced all welcome. No touting of fee services please.

    SMS to confirm for sure- not confirming on the thread. Cheers Jeremy 0817729320

    How many people are attending ??? we are very interested but;

    be nice to know before organising a day on a sunday and no one turns up..?


  7. it is only the transfer tax which is on a tax holiday at 0.10% of transaction. this will increase back to 2-3% after 31 maty

    as in other post,, is not related to dates on contactcs, if you tansfer on or before 31 may its at the reduced rate, if after 31 may its the new rate..

    the transfer fee is fixed flat - 600 baht

    the SBT has not been reduced..still 3.3% - this is the sellers responsibiltiy..

    only transfer fee and transfer tax are buyers responsibility or 50/50 if you have negotiatedthat with buyer..

  8. seemsyou already opened an SCB account,

    but just word of warning,, my experience, their overseas transfers are always slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,

    their computer system is NOT compatible with all other banks and amny retail outlets willnot accept their debit cards..

    and using their cars to buy at swipe machines can bea night mare..

    their technology systems are wayyyyyyyyy behind the others,,,

    bangkok Bank or kasikorn are the best andmost efficient

  9. try bank of Ayyutha

    if you have no current mortgage they will give you 80% loan

    BUT a company borrowing is NOT considered a 'home loan' by Thai banks - it is a businesloan ie higher interest appx 8%pa and max term is 7-10 years.

    or try these guys - helped us;;; www.secondhomechiangmai.com

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