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Posts posted by clinique

  1. depends who you rent from, for what period, age of car, relaiablity, if ithas insurance )first class - ie nothing to pay)

    can get between 14k and 25 k per month dependingon the car..

  2. insullation of all types is available in CM. silver batts, foam batts, foam spray, differing prices obviously.

    speak to a home improvements company,, its not that expensive,,

    BUT note that even with this insullation, in summer (ie now) you will likely find you still need the additional aircon

  3. As far as I know, if you pay the whole price, no problem to get the car in your name.

    Trouble starts if you want to finance the car.

    Depending on the finance company or the bank they will give you a loan, but together with a Thai national.

    Or a Thai national guarantees the loan.

    Even so, the car can be in your name, or in two names.

    But the fianance company get the ownership papers.

    Best way, if you are able to do, pay the who;e sum, car in solely in your name, no need for guarantees from anyone.

    I did!

    I agree with this, I am doing it now,, with Nissan.

    I got a 'valid visa' certificate' from immigration.

    I have been banking with the same thai bank for 20 years..

    25% downpayment,

    No problem, Car is in my name.

    Financing from either Nissan or Thanachart bank,,

    No thai guarantor.

    No WP - not necessary anymore.

    ( weall need to remember thailand isvery beaurocratic - they like toa sk for copieds of all sorts of documents - even when they are NOT require dby law whether we are Thai or foreigners..) :)

  4. Can foreigner open a baht account in the major banks in bangkok? which one? what sort of documents are required?

    The Law say : "NO"

    Kaisakorn Bank and some Bangkok Banks say : "OK"

    Bring your passport and and address where you stay in the area of the bank. They need no proof of the address, just have an address handy, like the house or room you rent.

    Kaisakorns and Bangkok Bank card can be used overseas. I have used mine in Vietnam and Europe. They did not work in Laos.

    Only Kaisakorns Card can be used for online shopping as this card has the little numbers on the reveres side. Bangkok Bank card do not.

    You need an opening balance of some 10.000 Thb. Tell you need the account for some money transfer from you home country, they like that.

    uhh huh !!!! and what law would that be your quoting ??

    about 15-20 years ago, the bankof Thailand required foreigners who wanted to open bank accounts toh have a WP,, that is no longer the case and has not been for some years..

  5. there are too many variables for someone else to write your letter. only you know the full details of a)your booking and :) the checkin for which you were denied boarding..

    you need to provide much more detail if someone is going to help you, but it would still be difficult..

    As abusiness traveller of 30 years I think the reply from the airline is actually quite reasonable.

  6. CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

    If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

    Not the website. It was about 20 mins ago and I don't think they were referring to the arrest attempt. It was one of those headlines they flash across the bottom of the screen.

    you actually believe the cr*p reporting on that politically motivated 'news' channel....they have about as much research and depth as a tomato skin.. :)

  7. All Thai banks have to 'physically' download the overseas transfers to their system. This is becaue of FX rules imposed by bank of thailand. So transactions are not automatically posted.

    Hence if itsa holiday - you have to wait,

    - if the bank wants to hold onto funds for 'overhight intersst' - you have to wait'

    - if the staff are too lazy to look - you have to wait..

    Normally i wait 48 hours then start jumping up and screaming at the counter of my branch( used too..) they call Bkk and het presto - "your transfer just arrived " ??????????????????????????????

    Now the transfers goin no delay 24-48hours max. :)

  8. Currently all flights to China are via Bangkok. Also have heard rumor of a direct flight, but no confirmation.

    You can fly CNX to Korea, and onward to China,


    CNX to Singapore and onward to China.

    But one sector direct - nope !

    Coming soon - !! as many things at CNX airport.

    The government would be well served to allow MORE direct flights to and from CNX from/to overseas. :)

  9. Maintenance fees in Thailand are too low as it is- better to pay reasonably high fees so that there are actually funds available to keep the property well managed- that way the value of you property is increased and maintained for longer. I would be worried about investing in a property that had rock bottom fees.

    Of course, in return for higher fees, need to make sure the company actually uses and accounts for them.

    AND you need to make sure ALL the owners pay up their dues, - many (thais) do not, hence the poor maintenance of many buildings in Thailand. :)

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