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Posts posted by clinique

  1. Both my wife and I have had Proton Gen 2s for a year and a half.

    We shopped around , Ford, Nissan, Mazda et al before buying, test drives etc. Listened to all the poopooing of Proton as well.

    Anyway we bought the Gen 2's, 2 0f them.

    Result - nice car to drive, good mileage, never had a problem with service, infact never had a problem at all.

    So much for all the "bad" reports.

  2. Accidentally deleted first answer.

    Hypothetically , Since your passport is the property of your government, is your responsibility and is not supposed to leave your sight (theorhetically), giving to such parties (or anyone else for that matter) is technically a breach of the rules and regs covering the issue of said passport because it allows said others to use it for illegal activities - such as terrorism, fraud, etc. Dont think any Embassy would be too pleased.Hypothetically speaking.

  3. I spend half my time in Thailand and the other half in tropical north eastern Australia. My wife and I own a comfortable home in LOS and we work here in Australia. Cant afford to live there full time at the moment but very happy with the present situation. Easy lifestyle and affordability is what attracted me to Thailand also the country is not over governed as it is in the west... :D

    Very true.

    Agreed, nor is it a nanny state, and basically everybody minds there own business, and lives and let live.

  4. 1) Freedom from oppression by women

    2) Freedom from oppression by the state

    3) Nice climate


    I will take your 3 and raise you.

    No income tax, no western PC BS, no Euro land socialist policies bleeding me, not paying to support illegal wars or illegal immigrants.

    I second all of the above and plus the "Live and let live attitude".

  5. tend to agree with jingthing. and also agree that Thai perception of sex with other males is in no way similar to western perceptions / beleifs. I would also add that Thais who are 'working ' are unlikely to admit to you what their orientation or preference is, mainly in order to avoid the truth getting back to their friends/co-workers. As the majority of them are looking for money and not relationship you may never know the truth in most cases. On the other hand if youknow themover a long period of time you may eventually become enlightened if an dwhen they trust you enough. Of course the caveat here is as with manyother posters these comments are generalisations.

    More than once, I have met a boy in a 'host bar' who claims he is the only gay boy in the bar. For what it's worth (probably not very much)!

    That i beleive i would put down to a) a forward style and B) marketing. And as i understand some bars also have a 'rotation' to make sure everyone working gets the chance to go with customers.

  6. tend to agree with jingthing. and also agree that Thai perception of sex with other males is in no way similar to western perceptions / beleifs. I would also add that Thais who are 'working ' are unlikely to admit to you what their orientation or preference is, mainly in order to avoid the truth getting back to their friends/co-workers. As the majority of them are looking for money and not relationship you may never know the truth in most cases. On the other hand if youknow themover a long period of time you may eventually become enlightened if an dwhen they trust you enough. Of course the caveat here is as with manyother posters these comments are generalisations.

  7. Pib, I think that ascribes too much knowledge and initiative on the part of your average low-wage cashier, whether at Sizzler or elsewhere...

    My guess would be instead that at any given business, the manager or supervisors train the new and existing staff on how to do things... And someone has to explain to them the detail of how to handle credit/debit card transactions...

    And so at the places that try to do DCC, it's probably because the manager or supervisors at that particular place have instructed the staff that when they get a non-Thai card, they're supposed to process it in a particular way... And it may well be because those managers, but I think not the staff, know it will mean somewhat better profit on the transaction.

    In my experience, most of the time, the line level staff don't know the difference in what they're doing between DCC and charging in baht... They're just following whatever routine they've been given. I've been in a couple of places where the line staff didn't know how to do it any other way, and it took the manager coming to show them how to ring up a U.S. card in baht...

    I believe there is more too it than that. Whenever I use my overseas cards in another country, be it Thailand, Singapore, HK, Dubai, the cashier swipes the card then asks me do i want the charge done in local currency or home currency. So I beleive it is the card processing system that prompts the cashier to ask the customer which one they want. My read in Thailand would be that some stores simply see we are farangs and tell there staff to automatically process in home currency rather than give us the option by asking us first. It has happended to me inSizzler to - my overseas card is always charged at the home currency.

  8. Thank you,

    Anyone know how expensive it is to register 10 small apartments, room with bathroom and little kitchen, built as a horizontal condo as a condo that can be sold separately ? Compared to just registered as 1 building for 1 owner?

    I didn't reread that condo stuff but if I'm not mistaken you have to have a minimum 40 units and they need to be a minimum size.

    yes i believe thats correct, perhaps subject to a little 'negotiation' but basically thats it.

  9. ...That said, assuming he flies, he wants a standard 30 day visa exemption stamp - he's just coming here for a 2 week holiday...

    This means he has a return ticket with the return flight within 2 weeks from arrival in Thailand, doesn't it? If this is the case, he should email the airline and ask for confirmation that they will let him travel with his passport expiration date.

    maestro - very good point.

  10. Hi Clinique, Kui Buri is a long way out so would only be good if you like remote beach resort places.

    thanks, thats actually why we liked it. my querie was really whether anyone has been to these resorts or has experience with them in regards to either staying as aguest or as a Residence owner. cheers anyway.

  11. You must transfer the funds from Malaysia to your Thai bank account. This account must be in the same name as your passport. The transfer must state that the funds are for "Condominium Purchase". Your Thai bank will then issue you a Foreign Exchange Transfer Form to confirm the funds have indeed come from overseas. This form is required (ie: you must have this form) to transfer the title deed (chanote) into your name (as it appears in passport) at the land office.

    Do not transfer the funds directlyto the Developer.

    PM for more details if you wish.

  12. Hi

    I would then suggest possibly contacting MBMG International (google on this to get their web site). This company was first brought to my attention my TV member ''Churchill'' and I then met with them in relation to my book. They have been on the scene a while and I would think you would find them to be competent and professional.

    - CB

    Yes I have been using MBMG and they give good advice on a range of services .

    Hi Churchill and chiangmaibruce--you two seem to be the resident experts on MBMG. Someone showed me a graph on their website--wondering if you could explain it because I wasn't sure if I understood. It shows the performance graph of a fund they manage called "Osmium". It shows some stonking outperformance of this fund against MSCI the World and the S&P500, beginning in Feb 2000. Yet the finer print says "Actual performance shown in bold from 1 June 2009". What should I make of that? Unless I'm mistaken, in markets where regulation is enforced, this is called False Advertising.

    Remember that anyone can produce charts - or websites for that matter.

    Is the fund listed or unlisted? If listed then its performace will be public knowledge, if not then how can you check performance??

    Talk to Bernie Madoff perhaps.! He offered outstanding returns too!!

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