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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. my friend told me how warm the welcome party is in there.

    it's everywhere in the world.

    in some countries, like in the uk, they have special wards, for protection of those prisoners. They might not have long life on the general wards

    When I was in my teens in the UK I well remember the dumped naked body of a young boy found in woods near my home. Perpetrator was caught, tried and sentenced. Within months of his incarceration he had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs in a fatal 'accident'. :D

  2. Yeah I like Drummond a lot but "secret" is not the correct term. Covered up; hushed up more like.

    If the person died "secretly"how do we now they are actually dead? They could just be hibernating - it is winter :bah:

    I am sure the hotel deaths are being investigated with the usual Thai diligence and efficiency.

  3. Wow... I suggested no smoke without fire. Arrests in Australia and New Zealand but managing to flee at the 11th hour.

    Anyone considering the innocent until proven guilty mantra.... if he is innocent, why the forged passport?

    I reckon the relevant agencies in all the places where he is wanted will be conferring to see who gets the first hit.

    I hope wherever he ends up that he finds his cell m8 to be a large gentleman called Buba he becomes Bubba's new 'best friend'. :o

  4. I don't think I've seen a single piece of Armco or proper barrier set up anywhere in Thailand - basically if a vehicle leaves the road the only things to stop it are either concrete or trees - neither of which are of the remotes use to an out of control vehicle

    Surely its the responsibility of the driver to ensure the vehicle stays on the road. I just had one of these 'grey vans' run a red light this morning and almost take out my vehicle

  5. Judging by the scorn and vitriol constantly directed at the Reds by many expats I can only assume that they enjoy priviledged positions amongst the Bangkok elite.

    I feel really sorry for the poor sod who could not get into his luxury apartment because the road was blocked. To be deprived of his aircon, hot water, flush toilet, and satellite TV is criminal behaviour by these dastardly miscreants. Lock them up, throw the key away, better yet call in the army to exterminate them.:lol:

    And what about the poor sods trying to earn a living? They are the ones that are hurt most.

    Or the poor people burned to death when the thugs set fire to Central World. Protest if you like but keep it peaceful.

    A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.

  6. Just when things are looking a tiny bit settled. Tourist numbers are on the increase again. Thai economy is on an upswing even with a strong THB. Outside view is that Thailand is doing 'pretty well'.

    And suddenly out from under their rocks come the amoebas in red-shirts about to wreak havoc yet again.

    Morons the whole bloody lot and the yellow shirts are no better....... perhaps its time for Thais to stop wearing shirts :lol:

    What about giving them a big empty field somewhere remote. Let them hold their silly little protests on alternate days/weeks. We might even turn it into another tourist attraction. :P

  7. A good initiative and good luck to the minister for at least attempting a positive change. My biggest fear is the age of the target group 15 - 19 year olds. Most teens are sexually active by then. Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. I would suggest staring at a much earlier age - works well in the Netherlands.

    Either way lets stop with the negativity and try to be positive. Thankfully the Thais dont have a former member of the Hitler youth who now likes to wear dresses telling them that 'condoms are evil'!!! :rolleyes:

  8. This is beyond belief.

    I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

    And I know of one farang, with a six year old daughter, presently screwing anything with a skirt (he'd screw a snake if someone held its head) and who vanishes for days at a time -- how do you think his Thai wife feels?

    Scum are scum everywhere and are not restricted by nationality.

    Good luck to the two blokes but I fear they are phishing in the wind

  9. I think it would be cheaper and more benificial to Pattaya if they kept the mafia and got rid of the corrupt Police and Officials who are killing this country

    Wouldn't you have to get rid of the corrupt politicians first or is that who you mean by 'officials'?

    International gangsters are everywhere, nothing new. Why is Samui never mentioned when we talk about gangsters in Thailand. Report in the Observer had a higher ratio of 'bar girls' per head of pop. in Samui than in Pattaya (and more guns). A log of the dregs shifted from Phuket to Samui after the 'big wave' hit.

  10. Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

    All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.


    Sounds like another journalist suffering from oral dysentery - perhaps due to the cold weather. Vaccines available for measles (MMR) and for chickenpox (varicella). No reason for people to die. Both these vaccines should IMHO be given free of charge to all Thai children. No need for people to die from these diseases in 2011.

  11. Debate :

    1. a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints:

    2. a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

    3. deliberation; consideration.

    Obviously this is the type of Thai debate where the "pooyai" tells us what is going to happen.

    In the mean time the girls from the village have to go to Bangkok to have an abortion so they may return as if nothing was wrong.:ermm:

    Double posting - very sorry :jap:

  12. Debate :

    1. a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints:

    2. a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

    3. deliberation; consideration.

    Obviously this is the type of Thai debate where the "pooyai" tells us what is going to happen.

    In the mean time the girls from the village have to go to Bangkok to have an abortion so they may return as if nothing was wrong.:ermm:

    In the USofA this is one of the most polarizing topics in the public forum. People have died for a particular stance. Do not expect the debate to be quiet!!!

    My own 2 cents --- you will never stop the practice of abortion. Better then to provide a safe environment for the women concerned. This needs to be combined with education in schools that 'abortion' is NOT a form of contraception. Sex education - not ignorance - for all.

  13. Just wondering - as the number of Koreans in Thailand is on the increase, especially around manufacturing areas - such as Sri Racha.

    Has anyone heard if or used Korean acupuncturists?

    By all accounts the techniques are different from the Chinese treatments. Always ready to listen to opinions of others.

  14. It is more likely that a Thai would be "white" than a "foreigner". The white people go take the sun and are tanned right? It is the Thais that covet whiteness and cover up so as to not become dark. A white foreigner desperate to snatch would have been here for some time and most likely would have turned golden brown like the turd that is this article.

    Did the offender have a llama with him? Perhaps the story about one M. Jackson being alive and living in Pattaya is true after all.

  15. with all due respect to HM, I can't get behind F1 racing. I've been to a few races, years back (my uncle was a course official and took me to Brands Hatch and Silverstone a few times, waaay back in the 1960's). However, F1 racing is on the way out, and here's why:

    1. Burns a lot of fossil fuel

    2. Hyper commercial. All drivers and cars are plastered with decals over every square inch. That's what we'd like to see politician's do, though their clothes and vehicles don't have enough yardage to showcase all the companies that prop them up.

    3. Marginally athletic skills are needed. Much like golf, it fits with the premise that: the less amount of stamina, the higher the pay-outs for contestants. Look at sports which require a whole lot of stamina & athletic skills: Iron Man/Triathlons and Rock climbing and marathons. Then look at how much they pay out compared with low-stamina sports like golf and F1 racing.

    I think you'll find that F1 driving takes an incredible amount of stamina.

    Massive amounts of physical stamina involved. I remember a program in the UK many years back where sportsmen from different disciplines competed against each other in various sporting events. One F1 guy - don't remember whom kicked the ass of a few better known athletes.

    I'm not a huge F1 fan(prefer bikes) but I don't see a demise of the sport. Besides a lot of F1 safety technological advances find their way into the boxes we drive today --- hopefully that will continue.

  16. Of course, this being a male dominated society, there was no mention of the father of these babies taking any responsibility. Did these students get pregnant by themselves? I suppose putting the babies up for adoption is preferable to having the sperm donor being inconvenienced from knocking up his next victim. I use the word "victim" because as is the usual MO, he most likely told her that he loved her and would be with her to raise a family. Only to move on to his next conquest as soon as she showed the first signs of morning sickness. Why did Chinnaworn disagree with the law? Was is because he thought that the law should have made the sperm donor share some responsibility for the pregnancy, or that he thought if the girl was so stupid to believe the old line of BS that she wasn't deserving of an education? Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

    I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

    In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

    As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

    (this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

    The day any man elects to have unprotected sex with a partner married or not the he has entered into a contract of responsibility. It takes two to get pregnant, even at Christmas B) and the male should/must be held accountable. If you think otherwise perhaps your views are better suited to the Middle East or the Middle Ages.

  17. A man died and because he liked a beer, like a lot of westerners do, and because he wasn't as popular as the other residents (maybe even a case of the others ganging up on him and shutting him out).

    I detect from the first few posts that a lot of people seem to be rather happy that this guy is dead.

    Shocking response, and to call someone who has lost their life, a moron is quite frankly disgraceful behaiviour, and karma does work, even against those who speak ill of the dead.

    So quit it with the insensitive comments levelled towards an unfortunate individual. Whatever the TRUE background to the story, you should NEVER speak ill of the dead.

    Remember, this story came from the gutter press, as you can clearly tell by the style of writing.

    Not wishing to speak ill of the deceased - a reasonable point. I will generalize - you need to be some kind of mental midget to either wish to or attempt to keep poisonous reptiles, especially snakes, in an apartment. How did he plan to feed the animal is only one of many not very carefully thought out questions. Still he did not deserve to die for his stupidity - we all do dumb things on occassion. B)

  18. I saw a woman decapitated down Onnut way the other week, it was horrific. A body, still on the scooter lying on the road minus head... the head was just mangled bits of flesh and blood spread along the road where the tyre tracks had gone over it. Must've been something big like a bus or truck. Thailand should be ashamed of their country's attitude to road safety, for christ's sake, even Vietnam are making leaps and bounds in this area compared to LOS. It's glaringly obvious to me: the powers that be in this land don't give a <deleted> about their 'people', otherwise this issue would've been dealt with years ago. It makes my blood boil.

    Decapitated so basically the helmet would have been useless??

  19. By bringing to topic to the public forum perhaps just one Thai may start wearing a helmet and one life may be saved - so some success.

    This is all about education and changing bad habits not so different from the seat belt (buckle up) campaigns of many European countries.

    Unfortunately the standard of helmet worn by >70% of Thais is so poor that these devices may cause more damage to the head in the event of a traffic accident.

    Thailand, if serious, needs an education campaign:

    1. Restrict the number of people on motorcycles to two. A father carrying a 1 yr old baby whilst maneuvering a motorbike is MAD. Saw it two days ago.
    2. Make school kids take some form of 'rider education' program. Any clown can ride a bike fast from A-B but these bikes are often not under the control of the rider.
    3. Educate people how to ride in traffic - stop cutting up cars, trucks etc... 4-wheels generally wins over 2-wheels. You are not only putting your life in danger but those of your FOUR passengers.
    4. Take school kids to the ER of any hospital and make them observe the results of people injured or worse in accidents who were a) not wearing helmets or B) were wearing helmets made of cheap plastic.
    5. Education is the key ---- but typically Thai so many refuse to listen.

    Perhaps the Thai government could encourage Shoei or Arai to setup manufacturing in Thailand and in turn produce a reliable cost-effective helmet that meets international safety standards for the local market. Then we get back to the education.

    How many people are killed/injured from not wearing suitable protective head-gear versus killed on 'overloaded' motorcycles?

  20. For the love of all things good in this world, can you people please stop disgracing the memory of this girl. She was a kind girl. She was easy on the eyes, and she certainly had the Thai charm that many have forgotten in their time here. She was involved with some things that were over her head. That's it. Really. There isn't any need for endless banter about the girl. She is dead.

    The reality of the situation is that this a seriously sad event. The comments espoused by some members of this forum are quite shocking actually. With a blatant disregard for human life and respect for others, some of you tout a hard line that isn't easy for a person like me to swallow. Suicide is a selfish act. However, there are reasons for it. We have all had hard times. The initial feeling is one of guilt. If I had been a better friend, could I have prevented this? If I had just kept in touch ....

    For someone not wanting to 'dishonor the girls memory' you seem to want to keep talking on the subject. You sound like one f these people you meet in Pattaya ---"I was in the CIA/MOSSAD/MI5/KGB" (delete as appropriate) but I cant talk about it." . The girl is dead - she opted for the 'easy way out?' --- I feel really sorry for her family who will always be asking WHY? Could I have prevented this? All very sad.

    You are a perfect example of why I don't frequent this forum.

    A man of many contradictions??

  21. For the love of all things good in this world, can you people please stop disgracing the memory of this girl. She was a kind girl. She was easy on the eyes, and she certainly had the Thai charm that many have forgotten in their time here. She was involved with some things that were over her head. That's it. Really. There isn't any need for endless banter about the girl. She is dead.

    The reality of the situation is that this a seriously sad event. The comments espoused by some members of this forum are quite shocking actually. With a blatant disregard for human life and respect for others, some of you tout a hard line that isn't easy for a person like me to swallow. Suicide is a selfish act. However, there are reasons for it. We have all had hard times. The initial feeling is one of guilt. If I had been a better friend, could I have prevented this? If I had just kept in touch ....

    For someone not wanting to 'dishonor the girls memory' you seem to want to keep talking on the subject. You sound like one f these people you meet in Pattaya ---"I was in the CIA/MOSSAD/MI5/KGB" (delete as appropriate) but I cant talk about it." . The girl is dead - she opted for the 'easy way out?' --- I feel really sorry for her family who will always be asking WHY? Could I have prevented this? All very sad.

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