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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. Does thai share a company with amadeaus already called Thai-amadeaus? Maybe gone?

    While the airline world moves quickly to adopt direct bookings online-they go back to travel agents to manage/make bookings? Confused. (Not the first time)

    Amadeus is the travel company who specialize in ticketing. Partlt owned by Iberia, Lufthansa & Air France.... BA may also now be involved. Their relationship with Thai Airways dates back 16 years or more.

  2. My former gf (age 41) take 3 or 4 a month as prefer method of contraceptive.

    My current lady (age 34) don't know they exist until I tell her.

    So not just problem with young person.

    Like many problems in Thailand be it motorbike riding 'habits', poor driving etc. this is down to a lack of education.

    If the girls actually 'need' these pills then condoms are obviously not being used. A much bigger problem. Sex education in schools should be compulsory in a country where sexual activity is prolific. One hour per week sexual counseling at school for all teenagers would help. Teach the girls first - they have to carry the burden and are fare more likely to be responsible than your average Thai male.

  3. Selling heroin gets 5 years? Why is the guy on the streets-sad story.

    Thavichai stabbed the boy every time someone tried to get close to rescue him, so police retreated to form an alternate rescue plan.

    No head shot possible? :jap:

    Perhaps police were establishing which officer had the rifle this week. A head shot, sharpshooter --- too many television addicts on this forum. Hostage negotiator???

    Very tragic for the poor child and his family.

    As for the perpetrator --- death sentence surely??

  4. Obviously someone in government has a relative who owns a company which makes id cards. Eight million cards will provide a nice little profit.

    My son is 8 and loses his lunch box on a regular basis yet he is expected to be responsible for an id card?

    This is a country that cannot get motorcyclists (adults mostly) to wear helmets yet expect kids to carry id cards.

    As Forest sayd "Stoopid is a stoopid does".

  5. In a society where corruption is endemic does it really matter who governs? This is a society where anything can be 'bought' including votes it would appear.

    My singular aim is now to sell my house and get my wife and son out of Thailand.

    Seems that unless you are a corrupt Thai or corrupt farang then Thailand has nothing to offer. How can you expect honesty when Thaksin has proven that 'crime pays'.

    Last person out switch off the lights.

  6. so the 40 people who own 12% of Thailand's wealth want a bit more?

    i seem to remember something like this emerging from Phuket before - methinks some official has got a bit of a complex? (forgive the pun)

    I never saw 40 or 12% in the article. Are we reading the same article?

    The 40 represents the 40 Thai families whose wealth is equal to 86% of Thai GDP. But its a few farang owning a few houses, mostly with Thai partners that are the real problem.

    They govern the country the same way they ride motorcycles. Close your eyes, hope for the best and if it all goes tots up blame the falang B)

  7. Bit late I know. I bought a Diamond VC500 video capture card for 34USD. Small device size of a memory stick with 3 AV connectors. Just install the software connect your player and start recording all very easy.

  8. How do you die from acute diarrhea.. i've had it for years and it's never gone away. Those people are really weak or what?

    Lots of people appear to suffer from various forms of oral dysentery which tends not to kill. However acute diarrhea actually kills thousands of people worldwide on an annual basis. The moral in Thailand is watch where you eat ---- no matter how long you've been here -- hygiene does not appear a high prioroty in many markets/restaurants.

  9. is it just me or did it just get a little hotter in the kitchen ?

    = awesome

    Yep, and it's a kitchen that has way too many chefs.

    Why not gag the army and return all soldiers to barracks until elections are over. If the red shirts start up their nefarious ways again then let the police deal with them............. use the army only as a last resort.

    Also ban all assemblies sponsored by either Red or Yellow shirt camps.

    A peaceful election run-up, a fair and free election and election results accepted and respected by all........ Oh I forgot this is Thailand - nurse where's my medication???:bah:

  10. Time for a <deleted> reality check. Are the lady-bhoys of Thailand really that bad?

    Are they worse than the hookers in Prague who swarm you telling you how nice you are whilst picking your (or trying to pick your pockets).

    Are they worse than the drug sellers and pimps who accost tourists and pick their pockets in Amsterdam?

    Are females less safe in Thailand than traveling alone in India?

    Would you be safer in Brazil in the middle of a drug war?

    What about visiting South Africa where you cannot leave your hotel at night for fear of a knife (or gun ) assault.

    No my friends Thailand is not utopia --- neither is it the worst place on the planet even with the ubiquitous ladybhoys.:jap:

  11. I thought if you where born in Thailand you are Thai citizen and get nationality regardless if the mothers entered the Kingdom illegally

    And Issara said illegal surrogate mothers faced tougher punishment in Vietnam compared to Thailand.

    The beautiful and human Thailand (Land of Smiles) when you come for a 2 week holiday and use at least 300 000 baht

    I had a friend that has two children and was unable to get birth certificates for her children here. It is really sad because we allow them dual citizenship in our countries. Just another example of Thai greed.

    You don't say why your friend was unable to obtain birth certificates. Also how does denial of a birth certificate equate to 'Thai greed'? Curious.

  12. "diarrhea found in Thailand"?? Sounds like Bovine Scatology.

    With the remarkably unhygienic practices found around this country - especially in markets it will be hard to differentiate from the 'normal runs'.

    Thai health authorities love to scaremonger. Time to clean up their own filth first.

  13. Thailand is a political nightmare and the Thai people are becoming increasingly polarized. This in itself is not a bad thing.

    When politics turns to violence there are only 'losers' most often innocent victims.

    Northern Ireland 30 years of violence, 3,000 plus people dead. Were the terrorists objective achieved. NO

    Spain - similar story with ETA now in complete disarray.

    Columbia - FARC decades of killings - objective achieved - NO.

    Palestine -- similar story.

    Moral - violence does not solve political issues. So to all the hot-heads on both sides - CEASE with the bombs and grenades.

    Thailand need a leader who can unite the country - so far he has not 'turned up'.:jap:

  14. 1. Definition

    "Alien" means a naturalperson who is not of Thai nationality; " Work "means to engage in work by

    exerting energy or usingknowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits.

    This is the law - includes volunteer and online 'work' - and Tourist Police - did you read that? and Citylife could be fined 100,000 per musician for helping Japan? it's madness

    Thanks for that update which puts my mind at rest. Being an 'unnatural person' I guess I can do anything I please. :D

  15. This may sound arrogant,but show me a Thai musician, who can do a better job than me!!! very hard to find my friends, not only are we artists,we are specialized entertainers,making people feel great and that's the name of the game,people feel great in a place ,they come back!

    Obviously a horn-blower --- keep tooting. Most entertaining.

  16. Next, can we see some oversight by FDA for MSG and items using MSG? Though it's only toxic for a small % of the population, it's toxic nevertheless.

    MSG is a "natural" product made from seaweed so calling it "toxic" is a bit extreme. Some people may be allergic to it but that doesn't make it "toxic."

    MSG sellers argue that MSG is exactly like the glutamate in the human body, therefore it must always be "good". It is not so simple. There are contaminants in processed MSG.

    An anology that can be used is that there are right-handed amino acids and left handed ones. They are like mirror images of each other. Processed MSG contains not only the kind of amino acids the body is used to handling, but mirror image ones too. This may cause problems because it is like putting the wrong glove on your hand. It's not quite the same. We don't exactly know what problems this may cause. On the other hand (so to speak) the fact that glutamate the body is used to handling is also in MSG may present a problem because an excess of naturally occurring glutamate is well known by neuroscientists to be a problem in many disease states. Natural glutamate can cause problems we already know about.

  17. Thai racism at work again or just the Thai penchant for wanting something for nothing??

    Lets hit the farang musician / singer for getting up in a bar for a bit of a jam session. They have lots of money so we can exploit them.

    Meanwhile there are 'Flip' cover bands playing in bars over Thailand for money.

    By all means protect the local Thai music scene but not through more punitive legislation designed to punish tourists. Isnt the tourist industry in enough trouble??:unsure:

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