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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. It happens in many under-developed countries where police need to supplement their income.

    Would you rather pay a 'spot fine' or go to the hassle of a trip to the police station to pay a much larger fine?

    Some posters need to get off their collective high-horses. We who pay the spot-fines exacerbate the problem but the solution may be found in paying police a decent wage. I say 'may' bacause corruption is so endemic in Thai society that increased salaries may not fix the problem.

    Best to always keep a few 100 baht notes in front of the car.:jap:

  2. I guess making abortion illegal wasn't such a great idea after all.

    why would that matter in this case? [have you ever watched how an abortion is performed??? they literally rip the unborn childs limbs off and pull out whats left].

    whether she aborted at 9 months or would have gone to an abortion clinic before 9 months, it still murder!!!

    the answer is to act responsibly and use contraception when engaging in sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy in the first place. :unsure:

    Abortion is every womans own right. Don´t put your crappy religious beliefs on ev everyone else! Crazy fanatics!

    I find it highly amuzing and somewhat irritating that many of the same people who are against abortion are also against contraception. One case in particular saw nothing wrong with being a member of the Hitler Youth and now wears a 'wee dress'........hmmmm?

    In this day and age a woman is responsible for her own body which is a privledge.

    The 'thing' in the OP has abused that right ----- personally I would now tie her tubes!!!!

  3. i want to believe there is a special level of hell for her.


    Think twice before you choose one of this Thai angels.

    About all of them you can say every thing is possible. Never be surprised.

    Its not just Thais who dump on others. I know a Thai lady married to a farang for ten years. She works hard and looks after the wellbeing of the family doing her best to raise a well rounded child.

    Meanwhile the husband, a farang, is in and out of jail while she supports him. Now she finds he also has a girlfriend and family in Thailand. He denies ot but she found his other family on a social networking site. Scumbag of the highest order and certainly not Thai.

    Back to the OP. One report indicates she aborted her baby and dumped the remains. The other that she killed her newborn baby. Either the baby was born alive and murdered or aborted. Which is it??

  4. I am surprised that with the human rights abuses that that place in Thai jails, that any western country would extradite here.

    I would have thought that killing someone and chopping up her body would be considered a human rights abuse. While he is not guilty until proven in court, the Thai government would have to have established a compelling case in order to justify extradition ... of course the only court that really counts is the ThaiVisa fact-free forum.

    No offense to the victim or her family and friends but, wouldn't human rights abuse be if she was chopped up before she was killed?

    No death penalty for Karas! Let him serve out a life sentence with NO parole!

    If the death penalty had been on the table, Canada would not have allowed his extradition.

    LIFE in a Thai jail seems a much worse and more appropriate punishment. Assuming guilt is proven.

  5. Currently, the following countries have extradition treaties with Thailand: the US, the UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.

    Thailand therefore merely has to approach the CPS prior to the submission of a reques for extradition being heard.

    Unfortunately the process can be cumbersome and slow as witnessed in the still pending case of Assange's extradition to Sweden.

    Criminals hiding in Thailand have been extradited to the UK with Thai cooperation. This case should be no different given an undertaking that (unfortunately) the death penalty is off the table.

  6. Society especially Western society has changed over the years. When I was in my formative years I would have been mortified if my mother had found a condom in my wallet. Since the outbreak of hiv/aids in the 80's attitudes have changed. The last 10-15 years has many parents in the West urging the use of condoms.

    Even buying them used top be an 'ordeal........ Oh shit time for another haircut -- "anything for the weekend sir". OR going to the chemist to buy them.... oh that was fun :lol:

    Perhaps Thai parents are just catching up.

  7. The premise of the article is okay. The journalism however sux.

    Take one blue pill --- within 30 minutes you will have a good clue whether the pill is real or not.

    Still at least the Thai government is not stupid enough to pROvide the drug dealers with guns hoping to 'track' them later.

    No government would be that stupid OR WOULD THEY????:ph34r:

  8. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not recall any government anywhere in the world reducing a tax on gasoline in the whole of human (gasoline) history.

    This is insane at a time when all Thai towns and cities have polluted air from clogged roadways. Any responsible government should be increasing taxes to reduce dependence on vehicles, whether two- or four-wheeled. (Or three with some tuk-tuks.) With extra taxes you can begin the much-needed modernisation of the rail system.

    Reduced use of vehicles might also lead to better health. Btw, how often do you see a Thai person walking in the city. I am in Chiang Mai, and the only people I see walking are farangs like myself (breathing in the diesel fumes as I wait for traffic lights to change....)

    Well you asked ----- you are corrected you are wrong!!!

    Circa 1984 Saudi Arabia reduced the price of petrol aftera public outcry - FACT


  9. There are many types of antibiotics besides penicillin.

    Alternative to penicillin

    Erythromycin is an antibiotic. It is an active ingredient in many different prescription medications. Erythromycin comes in many different forms, such as tablets, capsules, injection, various skin products, and eye ointments. It is used to treat and/or prevent a variety of different infections.

    Or try antifungals which can treat a bacterial or yeast infection.

  10. I find it strange that Issan is both the 'chicken capital' as well as the 'missing pet dog capital' of Thailand.

    Is there a connection Kentucky Fried what????:D

    That's painting quite a broad brush of stereotypical [even mythical]

    And dont forget hyperbolic..............:D

  11. You do not eat dogs and cats.They are domestic animals.That's it plain and simple.

    Interesting logic ---- guinea pigs pets or livestock???

    In the West generally pets.

    In Peru they are a delicacy and they consume over two million per year.

    One mans dog is another man's chicken -- simple.:(

  12. I had...

    You appear to be a gourmet and if you stick with the Chinese culture that anything with legs is edible excluding tables and chairs... :unsure:

    toodle pip :rolleyes:

    edited for clarification:

    I have just driven 5 hours to take my own dog to the vet. I dont trust the ones in our area.

    I happen to like pet dogs. I passionately detest feral soi dogs and as many are rabid. These animals shuld be rounded up and euthenised. If some poor human in need of protein wants to eat them, well thats up to them.

    Perhaps you shuold be hoping that the soi dogs are infertile thereby reducing the menace to the human population.

    toodle pip again :ph34r:

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