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Posts posted by klauskunkel


    On 1/14/2018 at 12:10 PM, sanemax said:

    The woman opposite me has a food stall , which is left in a place where rats roam free at night .

    Last week she was drying mean out on the balcony in the sun , someone upstairs threw some dirty water out, which went all over the meat .

       Flys regularly feed on the meat  , sometimes the whole tray of meant falls on the floor .

    As she was selling the food , a old guy who lives on the street , pisses and shits without washing his hands , came up and picked up the food , which was there without any wrappings


    "Meat a la Khlong":


    found on the foot path along khlong Saen Saep, every now and again one of those canal boats would shoot by, marinating the meat... notice the puddle under the tray.



  2. On 12/14/2014 at 3:27 AM, HeijoshinCool said:

    We were in Chiang Mai for a vacation. There was a guy air-brushing T-shirts on the sidewalk. He had lived in the States a long time, and spoke English well. My wife and I were hungry and looking for a place to eat. The artist was air-brushing a taco.

    At first glance, just an ordinary taco, like the ones I have fixed for my wife.

    But having lived in the States, on closer examination, this artist had included some, uh, embellishments.

    To break the ice, my wife told him he did beautiful work. He smiled. Then she said, "So, you probably know a good place to eat?"

    The poor guy almost fell off his stool.

    ...and from memory too, must have been an unforgettable taco. :wink:

    this story made me hungry

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