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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Thai politics has been the unwitting host of an unforgettable cast of characters

    this is a (not so) comprehensive list of memorable, extraordinary (Ex-) Thai Cabinet Members, each a mental giant and paragon of virtue, leaders by example who all should be declared National Treasures, feel free to comment, amend, disagree, or make your own...

    1) Chalerm Yubamrung: butt-grabber, earache medicine over-indulger, pink Bentley driver, doting father to murderous son, drunk lawyer and ex-police captain, 7-day problem solver. Health Minister, Interior Minister, Justice Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Labor Minister, a true over-achiever by self-proclamation - he is, and always will be number 1

    2) Plodprasop Suraswadi: "push the river with a thousand boats" (make sure they all face the same direction!), 'nuff said - 2nd place goes to this Minister of Science and Technology for his brilliance worthy a Nobel Prize in Physics

    3) Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul: maverick promoter of Destination Thailand, creator of such irresistible attractions as "find the Doraimon on your smart-phone and get killed by accident"and Durian KitKat yummy!, Pattaya face lifter, dexterous slinger of slogans and numbers, a trend-setter who made Botox unnecessary just by the sheer force of pulling her hair back. Minister for Tourism and Sports - a shared 2nd place with "The Plod" (may they meet and have offspring for the future of Thailand)

    4) Yingluck Shinawatra: naivite incorporate (she is actually a natural blonde), likes rice and mushrooms, shopper par excellence, cries a lot and thanks three times, Master's Degree in Administration from Kentucky State University with unrivaled English language skills. Prime Minister by cloning - she gets the Bronze medal (may it not weigh her down)

    5) Taksin Shinawatra: killer of drug addicts, billionaire, doctorate in cloning, resident of Dubai and citizen of Thailand/Nicaragua/Montengro/Uganda/Congo and Mars, fan of the Olympics, Ex-police Lt Col, unrivaled artist of twisting, bending, torquing, breaking a country's laws to benefit his bank accounts. Prime Minister by vote-buying - he is on 4th place because he is old news

    6) Suthep Thaugsuban: demagogue, used-car-salesman, monk. Deputy Prime Minister - 5th place and don't come back for more

    7) Abhisit Vejjajiva: lukewarm has-been pretty boy, bland, boring, predictable, weak. Prime Minister - also ran but did not place 

  2. Hunted? Again? Was the hunt postponed like this:

    Interrogation postponed of DSI officials in Jomsap case

    or did it stall like this:

    Cadet’s autopsy stalled

    or, maybe it just fizzled, back-fired, and just was a standard "ran-out-of-fuel" kind of a hunt?

    There just are no brake failures when it comes to the hunting techniques of the RTP.

  3. 45029fcb12cfe63c5bfe3c10f3917eb5.jpg

    4 hours ago, webfact said:

    “We designed her by ourselves. We didn’t hire any outsourcers to do this job.”

    Yup, that much is clear. You also applied her make up by yourselves.

    It's actually a good thing that you generals play with dolls, the more time you spend on that the less time you have for "governing". Keep it up, there are many more idiocies you can create that don't hurt the country as much as your policies.

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