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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. I'm confused. Is the SAS a police force, trained and empowered to legally arrest people? Would they also have had the duty to read them their rights? In essence, if you wanna arrest people for a later trial, use the police. If you are not interested for these people to stand trial, use soldiers. But the wording that this was "unjustified" puts the blame on the soldiers, while it should be on the agencies who selected the soldiers for the task.
  2. Yes, they make the laws. One set for the public, another set for them. It's a job perk.
  3. Look for him at his Mom's house, he may be hiding there.
  4. I just awarded myself a prestigious award which will go on the shelf where I keep my other self-awarded awards. I want to thank myself for this award, thank I.
  5. Apparently the AoT has a brand new board member since January, who is also Chairman of Thailand's Tobacco Monopoly: Theeraj Athanavanich currently works at Tobacco Authority of Thailand, as Chairman from 2021, Government Savings Bank of Thailand, as Chairman from 2019, and Airports of Thailand Public Co. Ltd., as Director from 2025. https://www.marketscreener.com/insider/THEERAJ-ATHANAVANICH-A3JQML/ funny how this works out, isn't it...
  6. Well, he and the missus might move to Thailand...
  7. Looks like the "T"s are being dropped from the alphabet soup.
  8. she was 14-15, he was 15-17 years old in six years from now, their son could be ready to follow their blueprint... idiots! more proof of being idiots
  9. Bangkok's warning to residents: You will all die soon, or develop chronic respiratory illnesses, because of our decades long procrastinations. Btw, we discourage open burnings. Thanks
  10. I bought an iphone 15 last year, and I have to say I am quite impressed with it's lowlight picture quality:
  11. Hogwash No. 5, Eau de Toilette Anutin
  12. And then this info will inexplicably find its way to a scam call center...
  13. Somehow I missed that it is the year 2028 already, or does one "complete" a 4 year sentence within a couple of months in the UK?
  14. This is a three year old thread..., things change. I had to show my passport and a bank book for transfer, but I suggest you call them directly
  15. I see. She is a landscaper, mowing his emotional lawn.
  16. He must have handled a lot of baggage to be able to lose 3 mio bt
  17. I bet she used the word "jing" a lot.
  18. She should get a commendation from that company, having exposed their CFO as a major liability and unqualified for his position
  19. A few years ago I tried to improve my panning technique. So I sat down by my local 7-Eleven on Patthanakarn Road around 9am on a weekday and started shooting traffic. These are 2 examples of what I saw within 30 minutes, feel free to extrapolate for all of Bangkok and 24 hours...
  20. Ahh, you talking about them "meetings", don't ya..., yea, that's some "effort" all right.
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