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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Just people practicing their religion...
  2. and the Bank of Thailand should be questioned about their account insurance policy limit of 1mio per bank, making multiple accounts in multiple banks a necessity for people with more than 1mio baht in deposits...
  3. The incident has raised concerns about the general state of mind of buses and an ad hoc panel suggested a psychiatric evaluation of the bus to determine the reason it lost control...
  4. So, now we all know how they did it. Thank you, Puntid Tantivangphaisal, you are a journalistic gem...
  5. That's a trope propagated by religious types and politicians.
  6. She is not working in the hospitality industry, but in the transportation industry. Land Transport Ministry officials should know that...
  7. That's just their pretense to make the obvious fee collecting scheme look more legit. TM30 station has their own separate collection counter and it's always busy. If there is ever a heist by a desperate farang pensioner, I suggest to just run out with a bulging drawer from that window under each arm, before getting on the get-away win-scooter. (Movie Idea)
  8. What is "Thia microseism"? A mini-earthquake?
  9. "Look Mom, one hand only!" "Look Mom, one hand and one foot!" "Look Mom, no hands!" "Look Mom, no hands and no feet!" "Look Mom, no teeth!"
  10. from the OP's article: "Spherical robot has the characteristics of a spherical shape" the article has the characteristics of a time-waster
  11. I can picture the scenario: "Hey girl, my name is Panthera." "What a cool name! Is that your tent...?"
  12. Does everybody qualify for these improved conditions or only Brits? Asking for a friend.
  13. "My turn to tee off, hold my neck brace, will ya?"
  14. Do another poll with this question: "Do you think politicians deserve to be honored?"
  15. Ah yes, I can see it now: Alec Baldwin and his wife are the real victims here!
  16. Well, you are in the system now.
  17. I have 3 security staff at my condo, they each get 300 baht on New Year, since before Covid.
  18. made murky by the authorities in charge, however, this article does not investigate those facts...
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