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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. 'No doubt' Syria used chemical arms, says US Vice-President Joe Biden

    Yessss, no doubt! Look here Joe, there is no need to justify anything, no need to find and pay for expensive facts, no need to convince allies or the American public, no need for nothing at all. Save the money, save the time and just say how it is: You want to kill a bunch of people so you can have more of something. We know that already, no need to dress it up - go ahead nobody is stopping you

  2. She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

    just to clarify: it's faceless international overlord, anonymous globalist masters and hidden dictatorial overclass tongue.png

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  3. Seizures of illegal items include 102,495 Yabba Tablets, 1,100kgs of Crystal Methamphetamine, 1kg of Marijuana, 47 guns and a selection of pornographic materials and sex toys along with sex enhancement medication and copyright branded clothes and other items.

    Yep, that ALL there was on the streets.. Amen, sleep safe tonight!

    After one week, they'll turn around and sell it.

  4. Right now you can say:

    "I love the Royal Thai Police", and "Thaksin please come home, I miss you"

    You shouldn't' have any problems with posts like these.

    However, I just had an idea:

    What if posts come with warning labels and ratings? I mean: "This post is in no way intended...blah, blah, blah", or "Mature Audiences Only", just append some generic lawyerly phrase automatically and unobtrusively at the end of any post (like a "signature"), which puts the blame of breaking the law squarely on the reader not the poster!

  5. Why is Yingluck trying to reinvent the wheel?

    Oh dear, you don't start with the complicated stuff!

    First you have to learn how to make fire, then tools from flint stone and then the wheel! You learn stuff like that in school, sweetie.

    Well, I suppose you could always go and buy a wheel copy at Patpong, if it's really urgent.

  6. I do support the use of the death penalty but from the limited information cannot be 100% sure of her guilt. If she was duped into carrying the drugs unknowingly she did nothing wrong and I hope it can be proved in time.

    Unless it has changed very recently, they always ask if anyone else packed your bags or gave you anything to carry for them. Case closed.

    Yes, I packed my bag. But I have not seen it between check-in and arrival, so I don't know if anybody has messed with it.

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