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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. I'm not defending PTP policies. Just stating that if the opposing party was in control today it would also suppress freedoms and introduce stricter laws exactly like this. Voting for the others only gets you more of the same.

    PTP and Democrats only want power. Despite their names there is no political ideology behind these parties

    I am no Democrat supporter, but the Democrats didn't make any laws like this. As well that big Internet control/censor thing was done by Thaksin and only the military dictators reduced it.

    So Democrats didn't do something like that in the past. If they would do the same or not, no one can tell. I never heard them to agree but Abhisit was always for free press and free speech.

    I am not saying that you are wrong. You might be right and they would do the same. But they didn't so I can't blame them. PTP did so they are to blame.

    Adding to this discussion: It is also the job of the opposition party to oppose these kind of bills and to raise a public stink about it...

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