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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. "Don't try to be on the same footing as me. I never think highly of you, never consider you important... and don't come and offer me apologies," Mr Chalerm said, referring to Mr Suranand.

    "You will never be in my league, I drive a pink Bentley!"

  2. Moreover, it would not hurt national security, as Thais and people in all neighbouring countries knew the military and its work record well, he said.

    And to top it all, nothing would hurt Thailand, as Thais and people in all neighbouring countries knew our police force and politicians and their work record well, he did not say.

  3. I take issue with two of Abhisit's statements:


    1.'My wife threatened to divorce me if I do a deal on amnesty bill'

    This shows a weak personality and weak political convictions. It can also be interpreted as: attempting to defuse some of the fallout due Abhisit, if Thaksin comes back in the future.

    2. However, the deaths of those 99 people during the 2010 political violence have returned to haunt him, and the case threatens to destroy his political future. "It depends on the people. If they find me guilty, I will have to take responsibility," he said.

    Abhisit is guilty if he actually gave the order to use live ammo, not if the people find him guilty.

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  4. And as I said yesterday, this is no time to be blaming the van driver. The school is ultimately responsible, whether or not the parents hired the van. The school gave it parking rights, and therefore must accept responsibility.


    So - the school is reponsible for the parents hiring a van with a driver without sufficient brains to secure the doors in his van full of 3-year old kids because at one point on the route it was parked on the school's premises? - A poorly thought out judgement, IMHO.

    What will be the natural cause of action for the school in the future to avoid a repeat? - They can't control how the parents arrange for bringin their kids back and forth, nor what kind of persons or vehicles are involved. What they can control is who is permitted to park on the premises. - So, the obvious solution for this and other schools is to ban vans or other private vehicles to park on their premises, so that the kids will have to walk to wherever the closest parking lot may be as to be onloaded in the midst of traffic.

    Have you ever seen the traffical chaos outside schools when the kids arrive or depart? - Great environment to have a group of 3-year kids moving around in, right?

    Ahem, the school provided parking for and supervision of the van as per the Ed Ministry's regulation...What those regulations entail...I don't know, but "supervision" in my mind implies responsibility to some degree.

  5. "Mr. Jatupon is not ready for it at the moment ... but in the future, when dire situation arises, Mr. Jatupon might step in and take the helm," Mr. Thida told the reporters.

    In other words: "If you don't behave, Yingluck, and give us what we want, then our Ueber-Bully Jatuporn will take the Red Army and will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, for (Quote): the Redshirts are "objects" that could easily be controlled."

  6. What on earth are they thinking??! Finding honest and ethical persons, empowering them to ferret out corruption? Putting them in well published locations at well published times???

    I think these brainiacs coming up with these schemes are just trying to kill off the last honest Thai in Thailand...

    Imho, the only way to get rid of corruption is to instill values in the children from an early age, and once they become adults, hopefully they can effect some change.

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  7. It is quite clear that this practice is only meant to putting the BIB in the best light, i.e. "look Thailand, your police is doing a great job of catching criminals and protecting you". Of course, its purpose is to deflect from other criminal police activities like extortion, entrapment etc...

    It's just that the police haven't thought of anything better to serve that purpose, and so it stays, crude and medieval, as it is.

  8. The whole purpose of the "Thai Education" system is to indoctrinate children from an early age, not educate them.

    Pre-school Thai kids are inquisitive, clever, active, and a bit cheeky. Give them a few years in a state school and they become bovine and passive, trapped by language and culture, not enabled by it.

    As it should be in a country with feudal, parochial traditions. The DNA of Thai "culture" is to respect, revere the elders. What they say goes, no matter how absurd or unfair. Education is understood that way by Thais: the means to preserve the status quo. Parents feel that it is not their job to educate their children; that is the reason schools exist. How many hours are devoted in the school curricula to indoctrinate students in ceremonial instruction and other subjects totally unrelated to what awaits them in real life? Obviously, that sort of "learning" does not contribute to make students apt for any managerial or enterprising positions in science or in industry. The entire country from humble households to the top of the pyramid of power is bent on not changing anything. They are unwilling to remove the blinders. They managed to trot at their own pace in only one direction so far... why would they want to fix something that has not broken yet? Thai way of understanding maintenance or progress.

    The system is designed to produce an acquiescent, uncritical populace, that can be directed any which way the rulers choose. Hats off, job well done.

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