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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. Good job klauskunkel man.

    But if you really wanted to be cool you would have judo flipped him by the arm you were holding, leaped on his bike, lit a cigarette and wheelspinned in his face before sailing away.

    or maybe next time hard gay comes to the rescue.........


    Thanks for the offer old boy, but I really can't impose on you to appear in person...

  2. you should wait a few weeks before going out running again. if not, you should at least change your pattern of where you run. don't run that route and then return directly to where you live. when you run wear a baseball cap with a brim over your face with wrap around sunglasses. if you were wearing a bright color or logo or pattern at the time of the attack, i would avoid that those for a while. be hyper vigilant, and invest in pepper spray and have it ready. he will not forget about you and if he reacquires you he will attack when you least expect it.

    Thanks for the concern

  3. Why are people bashing the OP for this story? Seriously, sometimes it seems every poster on TV is here to tear other people down. I guess if you spend that much time on an internet forum your probably lacking much of a life outside it.

    And let the attacks (on me) begin....

    Because they think, the one's that can think, they're funny.

    Because they can get away with it, behind their screen.

    Because they would NEVER do it to your face.

    To the OP, glad you were not hurt.

    Thanks, just a sprained middle finger. I could show it to some posters, but then again, too much effort! laugh.png

  4. I was told not to wear jewelry in Asia and I've taken heed of the warning. I've never been mugged in Thailand but a druggy type in Canada tried to grab my handbag one time. It was not a wise decision on his behalf. I caught him with a left hook to his temple and then tripped him when he tried to run. I ended up kicking him a a few times in the groin for good measure. Don't mess with us redheads of Scottish and French descent. We've got mean tempers.

    oouch, wanna run together?

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  5. After seven uneventful years in Bangkok I am happy to report my first encounter with violence.

    I am a runner. I run everyday 5 miles, weather permitting, same place and same time. Two days ago past the halfway point, I was stopped by a guy on a motorbike, asking for directions. I turned my head to look at the crossroad behind me, and he accelerated and tried to snatch my gold necklace, speeding away. Boy, he was fast!! If I had been wearing Thai gold, he would have succeeded, since that clasp is designed to be yanked apart (I wonder why???), but I was wearing a farang designed clasp which would not give and therefore cost him some time. I managed to grab his hand with my left, and while he was fleeing, his silver ring stayed in my hand!

    "Aii Kwaii suebuue (you stupid buffalo)! I have your ring!!!", I yelled after him, holding up my trophy.

    Then I went to the police station to make a report. They kept the ring, lol (gotta pay the BIB)!

    This made me realise, that I went thru life quite unaware and trusting, i.e. during routine behaviour. Posting on ThaiVisa I normally show quite a sarcastic streak, but apparently in real life I am a rosy, helpful, nice kind of guy. My sarcasm on TV could have helped me in questioning this situation: Why did the Thai guy ask a Farang for directions? To Sukhumvit?!! Why did he stay seated on the bike? Why was he wearing a balaklava under the helmet? Why all these things together?!? (approach with caution...)

    Another thing, what if he had had a knife? More than one guy? That could have been serious, easily.

    Looking at the news I am well aware that violence had been on the rise in Thailand and around the world steadily, yet my own behaviour had not adapted. I am now resolved to still go running, same place, same time. But I will be much more perceptive and much better protected.

    (P.S. I also changed my signature...)

  6. To help, or not to help, that's the question...

    a) According to numerous forum topics, if you try to help a person during or after a fight, you are utterly stupid and deserve the beating that will descend upon you.

    According to many responses in this thread, if you don't help you are a disgrace to mankind at large and society as a whole.

    My opinion is, if you come across such a situation, try to assess it first before deciding on either a) or, and just follow your own conscience and common sense, and screw any other opinion, mine included.

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  7. Mr Thamrongsak was confident in successfully defending the manslaughter charges, which carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to 20,000 baht.

    repeat: a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to 20,000 baht. That's about $650 US maximum (per victim? or is there a group discount?). If I had lost a loved one there, I would go and visit Phuket.

    • Like 1
  8. This is being done on an entirely pro bono basis

    so his Tonyness is covering all his own flights, accomadation, and "other" considerations in Thailand out of the goodness of his heart ?....BS

    classic case of spin doctoring me thinks...there may be no "official fee" but he will be getting his pond of flesh in one way or another

    Yes, I heard they are paying him with rice!

  9. Surapong said in a statement.

    "As a medium-sized developing country, Thailand strongly supports a rule-based multilateral system, with full respect for sovereign equality among nations.

    In a world of such great political, economic and cultural diversity, Thailand firmly believes that constructive dialogue, based on mutual respect is essential to achieving common goals and universal values such as comprehensive security, sustainable development and human rights,"

    Hats off Surapong dude, your uncanny usage of big words, all in a row, one after another, structured and correctly placed, left me with an open mouth and flabbergasted. That's why you are THE FARANG MINISTER! Well done...

    ...or does the praise belong to a ghostwriter...?

  10. I sympathize with him. He's already very upset over his child custody problem and to deal with sociopathic government drones on top of that cannot be easy.

    The Australian Department of foreign Affairs (DFAT) have already announce that the are making cuts and scaling back assistance to Australians overseas. Aussies are being told that they are now virtually on their own when abroad.

    "Australians who get into trouble overseas in future should not expect the level of consular service offered now, Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr says"


    Maybe we should remind them of that little blue book we carry, called a passport, which entitles us to all the support our country can give us!

    Dang, I left it with the jet ski guys!

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