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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. Dual or to be more accurate Multiple citizenship as it is possible to hold more than 2 citizenships.

    Most countries which permit dual citizenship still may not recognise the other citizenship of its nationals within its own territory


    It may even be illegal to enter certain countries using the passport of another country when the user holds nationality for the country they are entering.

    Also countries will probably not provide consular services to it's citizens within the territory of another country for which it's citizen holds another citizenship.

    Best advice is always enter and leave any country you are a nationalized citizen using the passport of that country.

    None of this applies to dual citizens of Thailand and USA.

  2. Why would any Thai enter Thailand on a foreign passport? If she has both, she should only ever visit Thailand on her Thai passport and then obviously re-enter the US on her US passport. Simple. I am a dual citizen too (although not Thai) and it's not hard to figure out.

    Lighten up, Dude. The OP is only asking a question. The correct procedure can be confusing for someone who has not done it previously.

    POOKIKI: The information you have received is correct. Occasionally, she may be asked to show both passports at Immigration or airline counter, but it's no problem.

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  3. Like I said, it doesn't matter. As long as the merchant gets an authorization, nobody gets hurt. The banks are willing to waive fraudulent charges as long as you report the card missing at some point.

    Last week I used a USA Visa card for an online purchase from a Thai merchant. It was rejected. Shortly after, I got a call from the bank's fraud department asking if it was me trying to make the transaction. I confirmed, and they apologized for the rejection, saying the charge didn't fit my normal pattern of use and triggered an alarm. They said they would adjust my account, and that it wouldn't happen again. They also made a point of telling me that if it was a fraudulent charge, I would not be responsible for it. The banks are raking in so much money, they can absorb fraudulent charges without troubling their customers.

  4. Now this is really weird. My problem stopped yesterday (Saturday). I am having no problem getting into Yahoo mail from any browser. They still have their "important notice" posted, so you'll probably be back up soon.

  5. I'm sure my account is hosted in the USA by AT&T due to a merge they did about 5 years ago, although my address is @Yahoo.com. Latest info about the cut cable is that is affecting the Asia/Pacific region.

    Guess I just have to wait it out. Funny thing is my Apple mail client is able to retrieve my Yahoo mail, although very slowly. But I can not sign into the mailbox directly from any browser. I can sign into Yahoo, but when I click "mail", I just get bounced back to "sign in" even though it says I am signed in. I found a lot of people are having the same problem, but so far, I'm the only TV member. Just lucky, I guess.

  6. For the last 2 days, I have been unable to sign in to my Yahoo mail account. It just puts me into a "log in loop" that just returns me to the log in page over and over again. My user name and password are fine, and Yahoo's main page shows me as signed in, but when i attempt to go to mail, I just get the sign in page repeatedly. After navigating through their "help" pages, I found the following message:

    Important Notice: Damaged undersea cable may affect some Yahoo services - Yahoo services have been impacted by the cutting of an undersea cable operated by a third party. We have taken steps to mitigate the impact including re-routing traffic. However, it's possible that you may experience latency or login looping across our services. We apologize for the inconvenience .

    Are any other TV members having a problem? Does anybody have any further info on this, like when they expect to have it resolved?

    Please don't tell me how crappy Yahoo is, and that I should change to G-mail. I already know that.

  7. Your old SIM will not work after September. It is because the carriers are switching to the new 3G 2100 mghz system. I just went through the process today. I'm on AIS, who sent me new SIM card by mail, which I could supposedly activate online. However that would not work, so I went to Telewiz where they installed and activated the new SIM. There is no cost for any of it. You keep your old phone number and any pre-paid credit you have. The only difference is you have to register the new SIM, and provide ID. No more anonymity.

  8. If you expect good service your in the wrong country.I know how frustrating this can be but it will never change unless your waving a 1000 bht note.This universal language Thais do understand.

    Hmmm. I had a nail removed and tire repaired in 15 mins a week ago for 100 baht.

    Would that happen where you hail from?

    Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually...where I hail from (California) "America's Tire Company" repairs flats for free, even if you didn't buy the tires from them. Stores nation-wide.

    That said, I have always paid 100 baht in Thailand and consider it a bargain.

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  9. I think I have some idea. If you have read any of my recent posts about True Visions and their billing or alternatives to True Visions, you will understand.

    A few months ago, True Visions called me and told me they were changing to True Visions Group. They asked if I would voluntarily say 'okay'. If I did, they would give me 3 free months of Platinum. They said nothing would change, just the name. They stayed true to their word. They gave me 3 months of free platinum. However, when it came time to pay the bill, I suddenly found that the usual channels for bill payment didn't work, ATMs (UOB and Krungsri) and 7-11 both couldn't process payment. In fact, they are still having problems. I still can't pay by ATM. 7-11 still has problems. Their iService doesn't work for Credit Card payment. It is a mess.

    I would guess that it isn't "Pic". Rather, I think you are seeing "Plc" or "P L C" for Public Company Limited. I think they are trying to put all of True's services under one organization, True Visions Group.

    Thanks for straightening me out on the "Pic" actually being "Plc". Obviously you are correct, but how does True Visions make PLC stand for Public Company Limited? Shouldn't it be PCL? I swear, I think they try to confuse everyone on purpose. Looking at their "Promotion 2014" website, they say existing gold package customers will get 30 new stations for making the switch to the new package at no extra charge. But most of the new stations they list I already get, and the rest look like pure crap. More confusion. I guess there's nothing to lose by taking the "upgrade", and it appears that they will force it on you by September.

    The bill payment problem is almost humorous. Why in the world would they remove ATM and 7-11 options? So do you have to go to a True Visions Store to pay your bill?

  10. Does anyone know what this new message floating across the bottom of the screen is about? It says something about "True Visions Pic" ending soon, and offering subscribers to change to "True Visions Group" and receiving additional channels at no extra charge. What the heck is True Visions Pic? I subscribe to True Visions Gold Package. Does this message mean anything to me? Their website doesn't offer any clarity either.

  11. Yankee99, you are of course correct that one must be patient in Thailand, and tread softly. But it is also true that if you never change tactics, they will take advantage of your good nature and do absolutely nothing to right their wrongs. I have learned from experience that when you have been "screwed" on a product or service, starting off gently and with a smile is indeed the way to go. But when they start denying their obvious wrongdoing, a little Western firmness is necessary to change the direction. I have been sold defective items, and when I return them, have listened to the most laughable excuses I have ever heard. When I make it clear that I'm not going to put up with their BS, the whole scenario magically changes. I'm not saying to be an ass and make unreasonable demands, but stand up for your rights, and do not let them walk all over you. I see Thai customers doing this all the time, but Farangs are expected to bend over and take it. The OP appears to have given Istudio enough time and opportunity to make good on their bad deal. Trying to shift the blame to Apple or anyone else is ridiculous. They sold him a used item as new, plain and simple. They should be trying their best to compensate him instead of just stalling and hoping he will disappear.

  12. Istudio says they were not aware of the mistake. Fine...excrement happens. But it is still their responsibility to make good on the deal, and nobody else's. I would get firm with them on your next visit, demand to see a manager, and not leave the store without a new unit. It sounds like you have been very patient and understanding with them. But they are stalling around, and there comes a time when enough is enough.

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