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Posts posted by curtklay

  1. I won't accept a boxed item that looks like it may have been opened, or has visible damage to the box. I also ask about the store's return policy before buying. Even then, H_P doesn't seem to have a problem with opening the box, checking the contents, or even assembling it for me. I've never had a problem returning defective or incomplete products at any of the big chain stores.

    • Like 2
  2. Living in Thailand is a never ending learning process. Just when you think you've got it figured out, something unknown and illogical comes to light and trips you up. Even when you know all the facts, you can be at the mercy of some "authority" who can interpret things to suit his mood. To our Western minds, it is incomprehensible and frustrating. It is called "Amazing Thailand" for the wrong reasons.

    All we can do is plug away, and try our best to learn the process. I think we all learned something from this thread.

    • Like 2
  3. Maybe so in Issan, but all you have to do is look at some You Tube clips of what it's like in Chiang Mai. If that's your idea of fun, you can have it.

    Craig and Ajaan's explanations are right on the money.

    Back on topic: Viet Nam is also on my short list. Thanks, Ima_farang.

    Bang Saphan is looking very good.

  4. Thanks Guys,

    I guess I have more research to do.

    Craig: Those are some interesting places I haven't thought of. Will do some googling. Rachavadee looks really nice, and not too bad on the pricing. Thanks!

    Yermanee: Yes, the sandfleas on Koh Mak could be a real problem. Lots of complaints about that. Could be an issue for my wife who is allergic to almost everything. I'll look into Trat.

    BTW, I've been in love with your avatar girl since the first time I saw her. Where can I find a larger picture to copy?

  5. Hi Craig,

    You are a lucky guy. Up here in the North, it's pure pandemonium. What used to be a lovely gentle tradition has turned into mortal combat. I'm truly fearful to venture out. They load pick up trucks with barrels of water and water cannons, get drunk, and cruise the streets all day throwing buckets of water on everyone. When 2 trucks meet on the road, they stop and battle each other, creating a very dangerous road blockage. And it goes on for the entire week.

    I know how well traveled you are. Where would you suggest a weary old farang could go to get away from it, and have a nice island holiday?

    • Like 1
  6. It's almost that time again. This year, instead of spending a week barricaded at home, I would like to find a quiet beach locale to escape the madness without leaving the country. No karaoke, no drunken parties, no water and powder assaults. Does such a place exist? My short list thus far, is topped by Koh Mak. I've read several posts that say this is a small quiet island, where Songkran is minimized and only celebrated for one day. There is a resort called Ao Kao White Sands that looks quite nice. I'd love to hear any honest feedback, or other suggestions from fellow escapees.

  7. Their website is on this forum so it has been checked out?

    The answer is no.

    They are not a sponsor of the forum. Just a Google ad that comes up.

    Well, maybe so. But go to their website, and look at their map. They are located between The Blackbush Bar and The Pussycat Club. How can you get more legit than that?

    • Like 1
  8. MikeandDow is absolutely right. I also deal with the Nan Immigration Office, and they seem to march to their own drummer. Regardless of what the official national law is, they call the shots. At my last renewal, they said the money must be in the bank for 90 days when doing the combination method, even though the rule is no seasoning is required at all. They also require a medical certificate, when most or all other offices have done away with that requirement.

    Recently the rule regarding validity of the income affidavit from the US Consulate was officially changed to 6 months from 15 days. When I called Nan to confirm, they said it couldn't be more than 30 days old. When I told them about the new rule, and that I have it on paper in Thai language, they said to bring it with me. I will do that, but I'm not going to get into a fight insisting that I am right and they are wrong. You can wave the official national law in their face all day, and they'll just make it tougher on you. Remember, this is frigging Thailand. They are always right, even when they're wrong.

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  9. I am assuming that the Thai Passport Office at The Chiang Mai Provincial Center will be re-opening with regular hours on January 2nd, 2014. Has anyone heard anything different? Just want to be sure.

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